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DIALOGUE (10): Is It Hot Enough for You? (7月25日がかき氷の日になることを説明する)




Nick: Well, with me, it's not the heat, it's the humidity!


Jun: Same with me. Want to try shaved ice?


Nick: Kakigori? Yes! We call it "shave ice" in Hawaii. It's Pidgin. Let me buy you one. Which flavor?


Jun: Strawberry! (Pause.)


ニック: イチゴ二つください。


店主: はいよ。


ニック・ジュン: どうも。


Nick and Jun: Ahhhh!


Jun: Brain freeze!!!


Nick: Brain freeze!!! Here, it says, "July 25 is Kakigori Day". Why?


Jun: Kakigori is also called natsugori. Now 7 is "nana". 2 is "tsuu". 5 is "go". That makes "nana-tsu-gori".


Nick: What about "ri"?


Jun: Never mind that.


Nick: More brain freeze....




暑さ、このぐらいでいいですか? Is it hot enough for you?


寒さ、このぐらいでいいですか? Is it cold enough for you?


私にとっては with me


問題は暑さではなく湿度です it's not the heat, it's the humidity.


私も同じです Same with me.


かき氷 shaved ice


ピジン語 Pidgin


ひとつ、あなたにおごらせてください Let me buy you one.


味、風味 flavor


頭がキーンとすること brain freeze


それを合わせて~になります that makes


それは気にしないで never mind that






ニック: 僕にとって、問題は暑さでなく湿度なんだ!


ジュン: 私もよ。かき氷食べない?


ニック: かき氷?いいね!ハワイではshave iceと言うんだ。ピジン語だよ。ひとつおごるよ。どの味がいい?


ジュン: ストロベリー!


( 間 )


ニック: イチゴふたつください。


店主: はいよ。


ニック・ジュン: どうも。


ニック・ジュン: あああ


ジュン: 頭がキーンとする!


ニック: 頭がキーンとする!ここに「7月25日はかき氷の日」と書いてあるね。なんで?


ジュン: かき氷は夏ごおりとも言うの。つまり、7は「なな」。2は「ツウ」。5が「ご」。それを合わせて「なつごおり」になるわけ。


ニック: 「り」は?


ジュン: それは気にしないで。


ニック: よけい頭がキーンとするな…。







It's not the heat, it's the humidity.


It's not A, Bのパターンです。itは原因を表しますね。示唆します。ここでのAこれはthe heatまあtheがつきます。「この暑さ」でもよろしいでしょう。Bは「この湿度」ということです。日本の夏を語る、生きる際によく使われる表現。






the end(終わり)とthe beginning of the end(終わりの始まり)にしましょう

It's not the end, it's the beginning of the end.


where you come from(出身地)とwhere you are going(目的地)に

It's not where you come from, it's where you are going.


what you know(知識)とwho you know(面識)に

It's not what you know, it's who you know.


元に戻ってthe heatとthe humidity

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.


You're on fire!








Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!


brain freezeは口をうっと少し突き出してですね。そして始めると楽ですね。演技も入っていますので難しいですが、brain freezeとはっきり言わずにbrain freezeでも結構です。一息5回。経験のある方は英語で挑戦です。


Ken: Jeff!


Jeff: I'm having a brain freeze just thinking about it. Okay, let's try it.


Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!

Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!

Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!

Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!

Ahhhh, brain freeze!!!


That was so cool!




日本語: ニックとジュンは祭りに来ています。二人はかき氷を食べ頭がキーンとなります。それからジュンは、ニックになぜ7月25日がかき氷の日であるかを伝え、それでニックはさらに頭がキーンとなります。




are at a festival


Jeff: Well, we're going to use the be-verb, meaning that they are there at a festival. So, the sentence will be something like, "Nick and Jun are at a festival.




have shaved ice


Ken: フローレンスさん、これはeatでいいでしょうかね?


Florence: Um... yes. We could say "eat" but I think it's more natural to use "have". So, we would say "have shaved ice".




, which gives Nick more brain freeze




Jeff: Right. So, this is something that you can use after any sentence if you want to add something to it. You would use the word "which". And you would say something like, "which gives Nick more brain freeze".


解答例: Nick and Jun are at a festival. They have a shaved ice and get brain freeze. Then Jun tells Nick why July 25 is Kakigori Day, which gives Nick more brain freeze.




Jeff: I'm sure they did. They always do.




Jeff: Well done!


Florence: Well, Very good, very good.!




How did Kakigori begin? かき氷の始まりは?




~にさかのぼる date back to


氷室、氷室 ice house


~に言及する rifer to


貴族 aristocracy


人々の間で人気となる become popular among people


少し例を挙げるだけでも just to cite a few




Let's hear it.


Jeff: Kakigori dates way back to the Heian period. They had ice houses then, and ice was available. Sei Shonagon, a famous essayist from the period, referred to it in Makura No Soshi or The Pillow Book. They had it with sweet syrup on it. The delicacy was, however, only for aristocracy.





Florence: Well, the book was written over 1,000 years ago, and it took more than 800 years for kakigori to become popular among people. The first kakigori shop is said to have opened in Yokohama in 1869. That's pretty much at the start of the Meiji era.


pretty much 〈話〉ほとんど、ほぼ、大体、大方、大筋では(英辞郎)





Jeff: And you have more information, Ken?


Ken: I think I do. There are many popular flavors like, just to cite a few: strawberry, lemon, grape, green tea, and so on. And renyu or condensed milk is poured on top to sweeten kakigori. Woo! Yummy, yummy.


そうですね。いちご味、レモン味、ぶどう味、抹茶味などなど、少し例を挙げるだけでも人気の味はたくさんあります。 そして、かき氷を甘くするためにれん乳をかける。うー!おいしい、おいしい。


Florence: Yum...


Jeff: Yum...


Florence: Well, how about one more kakigrari, Jeff?


Jeff: Ahhhh, I still have brain freeze.


Ken: Oh, no. Well, that wraps it up then. But...


Jeff: Keep listening.


Florence: Keep practicing.


Ken: Keep on smiling.