ラジオ英会話2023年10月13日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey, everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Welcome to Friday's review. Let's get started.


David: And I'm David Evans. It's time for the review, review, review…


Rosa: Let's go, let's go, let's go…



Lesson 130 REVIEW





Question: Why did Dr. Stein create the girl and Franky?


Choices are:

A. Because he loves robots.

B. To have a family.

C. Because it is his job.


Jeannie : Dr. Stein, why did you create me and Frankie?


Dr. Stein: Wow, what a question! And out of the blue.


Jeannie: Is it such a difficult question?


Dr. Stein: What I meant was, I wasn't expecting you to ask such a thing.


Jeannie : Why not?


Dr. Stein: Because it's so… human.


Jeannie: Didn't you want Frankie and me to be like humans?


Dr. Stein: I suppose you have a point there.


Jeannie: So, what is the answer?


Dr. Stein: Why? Maybe because I wanted a family.


Jeannie: I see. Thank you, Dr. Stein.



The answer is B. To have a family.




Question: What is Jonas's problem?


Choices are:

A. He attended the wrong workshop.

B. He often complains about his co-workers.

C. He talks too much.



Yayoi: Jonas, I'm afraid you have not achieved all your work goals.


Jonas: Which goals?


Yayoi: You were supposed to attend some educational workshops, but you haven't.


Jonas: That's true.


Yayoi: And there have been some complaints about your chatting in the office.


Jonas: Chatting? I don't chat so much.


Yayoi: You do, Jonas.


Jonas: I completely disagree. That's not how I see it. I am building connections with coworkers.


Yayoi: People are busy and need to concentrate.


Jonas: I see. I'll dial it back then.



The answer is C. He talks too much.




Question: Will Akira fly to the moon?


Choices are:

A. Yes, he needs to stay there for a while.

B. Yes, because it is his dream.

C. No, he will go back to earth.



Akira: Commander, why do I have to fly to the moon? Are you serious?


Megan: Actually, I'm not. It was a joke.


Akira: A joke?


Megan: Yes. You seemed a bit down, Akira. I wanted to make you smile.


Akira: Oh, I didn't understand the joke. So, let me get this straight. I can fly directly back to Earth?


Megan: Yes, Akira.


Akira: You're serious this time.


Megan: Yes, I am.


Akira: What a relief! I'm finally leaving Mars! Thank goodness! Woohoo!



The answer is C. No, he will go back to earth.




Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Aki wants to go back to her hometown.

B. The man doesn't think they need a kotatsu.

C. he weather there is poor.



Peacock: It's a lovely day.


Aki: Yes, I love this kind of weather.


Peacock: Aki, do you feel at home here?


Aki: Not yet. It's going to take time.


Peacock: Is there anything you need?


Aki: Um, I'd like to put a kotatsu in the living room.


Peacock: A kotatsu? Those low tables with a heater?


Aki: Yes, it's needed for the colder months.


Peacock: I hate to disagree, but it's not really necessary.


Aki: But my legs will get cold.


Peacock: Don't worry. We have central heating.



The answer is C. he weather there is poor.




Situation 1:

引っ越しを控えた友人が、飼っている魚をどうするか悩んでいるようです。「命は大切だし、川に放そうかな」 と言っています。反論してください。









[ヒント]外来種 non-native species / 生態系 ecosystem



A: I think I'll release him. Life is precious, right?


B: Are you serious? The fish you have is a non-native species. If you release it into a river, the ecosystem may be destroyed. Never do that. I can take care of it if you want me to.




Are you serious? The fish you have is a non-native species. If you release it into a river, the ecosystem may be destroyed.


Are you serious?は強い不同意を表す表現。 The fish you haveは、関係代名詞節による修飾。 haveの目的語位置に空所があり、それが先行詞 the fishと組み合わされ、「あなたが飼っている魚」となります。



Never do that. I can take care of it if you want me to.


never ~は強い禁止を表す命令文です。take care of ~は「~の世話をする」。



Situation 2:





おいおい! 何を言っているんだい?言葉を習得するには長い時間がかかります。 たとえその学習が思ったよりゆっくりに思えても、そのプロセスは間違いなくあなたの中で進んでいます。根気よく続けてね。




[ヒント](プロセスなどが)進・起こる take place / 根気よく・あきらめず続ける keep at it



A: Maybe learning English is not for me.


B: Oh, come on! What are you talking about? Learning a language takes a lot of time. Even if the learning seems slower than you expected, the process is definitely taking place inside you. Keep at it.



Oh, come on! What are you talking about? Learning a language takes a lot of time.


come on!What are you talking about?は既に学習済みですね。強い不同意を表しますが、日常よく使われます。 Learning a language takes a lot of time.takeは「時間がかかる」「手に取って使う」ということ。



Even if the learning seems slower than you expected, the process is definitely taking place inside you. Keep at it.


even ifは「たとえ~でも」。if節の中身はseem(見える・思える)を用いた説明型オーバーラッピングの形。




大西: うーん。身近な外来種ですか。アメリカザリガニというのが思い浮かんだんですけれども、ちょっと2人に聞いてみましょうか。


Onishi: Hey, guys. Have you eaten craw fish?


David: Oh, yeah. Actually, my hometown in America has a craw fish festival every summer.


Rosa: Hmm.


David: How about you, Rosa?


Rosa: Oh, well. I'm actually allergic. So I've never eaten craw fish.


David: That's too bad!



大西: うーん。身近な外来種ですか。アメリカザリガニというのが思い浮かんだんですけれども、ちょっと2人に聞いてみましょうか。


大西: ねえ、二人とも。ザリガニって食べたことある?


デビッド: ああ、あるよ。実はアメリカの僕の故郷では、毎年夏にザリガニ祭りがあるんだ。


ろーざ: ふむ。


デビッド: ろーざはどう?


ろーざ: ああ、ほら。実は私アレルギーだから、ザリガニは食べたことはないわ。


デビッド: それは残念。


