実践ビジネス英語(5) | stl52のブログ





Curiosity Killed the Cat? (5)



Salmans says focusing on bad experiences is the result of human revolution, a practice that helps people anticipate danger and react quickly in crisis. However constant negativity can increase stress and harm our health. The group talks about the benefits of curiosity including strengthening people's relationships and improving health care.




Chuck Salmans: It's an evolutionary adaptation that makes us better able to anticipate danger and react quickly in crisis situations. The problem is that constant negativity can raise our stress level dangerously, prevent us from leading a happy, fulfilled life and have long-term negative effects on our health.


Ueda Shota: I read somewhere that three-quarters of our worries never happen ― I'd settle for half, actually.


Chuck Salmans: You know, one of the best antidotes to worrying is curiosity. Albert Einstein placed a high value on it. He said important thing is not to stop questioning. Never lose a holy curiosity. That's a trait he shared with other geniuses. People like Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin never lost their childlike sense of wonder and curiosity.


Lidia Grace: It's also a proven fact that curiosity strengthens relationships. Showing curiosity toward someone is a good way to become close to them. It's good to be curious about people outside our usual social circle. We become better able to understand folks with lives, experiences and world views that may be very different from ours.


Ueda Shota: I read an article that claims curiosity improves health care. When doctors are genuinely curious about their patients, both parties make better decisions and that leads to more effective treatment.




evolutionary adaptation 進化的適応

Here with evolutionary Salmans is talking about the development of the spices; to become stronger, better able to survive in its environment. Evolutionary scientist would study that process over the years. And evolution and evolve can also refer to the growth or development of a company or a person. You could say "The Company evolved a typewriter manufacture to making computers".


anticipate danger 危険を察知する


constant negativity 絶えず否定的であること

Always thinking negative thoughts, having a negative outlook on the world. We also have the opposite term "positivity". Like "We need more positivity n this office: maybe some incentives to meet our quota".


negativity 否定的な側面/否定的要素


negative Ned/negative Nancy いつもいつもすべてに対して否定的に考えている人


Or I've heard for a person who's always nervous, a "Nervous Nelly".


settle for ~でよしとする/~に甘んじる

When we settle, we accept less than we wanted or what was best; we compromise, basically. So Ueda could accept the situation where only half of his worries actually happened. You could also say "The union wanted the 5%-raise. But it's settled for 3%. So it was willing to agree to that deal".


antidote 対抗手段/対処法/解毒剤

Salmans says, "You know, one of the best antidotes to worrying is curiosity".


place a high value on ~を重んじる/~を高く評価する

Place a high value; that means value something highly, attach great importance to it. I place a high value on an honesty, you know, I hate lying and I hate being lied too. Or "He places a high value on independence. You know, he doesn't wanna work for other people. He wants his own business".


genius 天才/非凡な才能

Poole that have extremely high intelligence or ability. You could say "He's genius at engineering". Or "She's a genius marketer".


You don't have genius to figure that out.



proven fact 証明された事実/所定の事実

This fact has been verified, has been confirmed to be true. It's a proven fact the world is round. Likewise it's a proven fact that human beings evolved from apes.


world view 世界観

The way we see the world, the perspective we have for seeing and interpreting the world. You could have a xenophobic world view or you could have a liberal world view. And obviously this is shaped by things like where we live, what we read, how much money we make ― lots of different factors.


xenophobic 外国人嫌いの

liberal 進歩的な


genuinely 純粋に/心から/本音で

Down at the bottom, Ueda says "When doctors are genuinely curious about their patients, both parties make better decisions" where they are honestly curious, sincerely curious. You could say "I wasn't trying to flatter him. I genuinely think its good idea". Likewise the adjective genuine is something real not faked. A genuine designer's watch, for example, not a knockoff, not a counterfeit.


read somewhere どこかで読んだことがある

Ueda says "I read somewhere that three-quarters of our worries never happen". We often say this when we can't remember where we read some information or we just don't bother bringing that up. So you could say things like "I read somewhere that the voluntourism is popular lately". Or similarly, "I heard somewhere that's good restaurant".


voluntourism ボランティアを目的とした旅行







ゴガクルの解説より:「child 形容詞の1つで、好ましい特徴・様子をいう。反対に childish は「幼稚な」「子供じみた」といった好ましくないネガティブな特徴・様子について使う。infantilechildish より強い非難、軽蔑の意味を持つ。」http://gogakuru.com/english/phrase/103369





This vignette uses anticipate to mean foresee, predict. As in "He anticipated the interview questions and prepared answers in advance".





An antidote relieves or counter acts a bad thing. For example, "Exercise is a good antidote for stress".



A defying characteristic is a trait. Such as "Her honesty is one of her best traits".




Justice is a temporary thing that must at last come to an end; but the conscience is eternal and will never die. - Martin Luther (German friar, priest and professor)


正義は一時的なものであり、結局は終わりが来るはずだ。だが良心は永遠なるものであり、決して滅びることはない - マルチン・ルター (ドイツの修道士、聖職者で教授)




