京の碑めぐり:閑院址 | 紫野瀨﨑家



閑院(かんいん)は、平安京左京三条二坊(現在の京都市中京区押小路通小川通付近)にあった邸宅。 平安時代初期に藤原冬嗣が建てた邸宅が起源となっており、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代中期にかけて里内裏が置かれた。 二条大路の南、西洞院大路の西に所在し、面積は方1町。

The Kan-in was a residence located in the Sanjo district, Second Block (currently near Kawabata-dori and Oshikoji-dori in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto). Its origins trace back to the residence built by Fujiwara Fuyutsugu in the early Heian period, and it served as the sato-dairi from the late Heian period to the middle of the Kamakura period. Situated south of Nijo-dori and west of Nish-no-toin-dori, it covered an area of approximately one cho square.