Joywave の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Permanent Pleasure



AllMusic 70点相当







Less conceptually restrictive and more creatively freeform than they've been in years, Joywave merge their usual tongue-in-cheek wit and wildly inventive songwriting with the addition of some orchestral backing for their fifth studio album, Permanent Pleasure. It's unlike anything listeners have heard from them before. Take the cinematic opener, "Graffiti Planet," which incorporates samples from a former mayor of their hometown of Rochester, New York (Thomas Ryan), an orchestra (playing 1984's The Rochester Sesquicentennial, released the year frontman Daniel Armbruster was born), and stabbing synth discord to shake the brain loose before plunging into more-traditional Joywave cuts. Those include "Scared," a showcase for '90s-styled guitar noise and existential dread, and the pulsing earworm "Brain Damage," which describes what it takes to survive in the world today. Meanwhile, the horn-backed disco-funk of the scathing "He's Back!" rides an elastic groove while offering some of the album's sharpest and funniest lyrics, about the second coming. Listeners in search of straightforward indie rock blasts can jump straight to "Swimming in the Glow" and "Hate to Be a Bother," the latter of which features the best sing-along chorus on Permanent Pleasure ("I hate to be a bother/But could you leave me the f*ck alone?").