Aaron Lee Tasjan の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Aaron Lee Tasjan
Stellar Evolution




PopMatters 80点相当

Spectrum Culture 77点相当






No physicist has ever witnessed a complete stellar evolution because the process takes too long, millions of years. However, scientists theorize it exists based on observations of different stars in various states of development. The experts postulate based on available evidence. The dozen tracks on Aaron Lee Tasjan‘s Stellar Evolution function in an analogous way. The songs musically depict elements of modern American life to suggest where we have been and where we are headed.

Tasjan is not a neutral observer. He has a purpose, or perhaps purposes would be more accurate. First, he aims to entertain. The songs are hook-laden and filled with clever instrumental touches and wordplay. There’s something Beatlesque about the whole thing, especially if one hears the Fab Four’s oeuvre as one long playlist. A person can hear echoes of everything from “I Want to Hold Your Hand” to Revolver and Rubber Soul to the White Album and Abbey Road in Tasjan’s compositions. The singer-songwriter shares John’s sense of humor, Paul’s pop sensibility, George’s spirituality, and Ringo’s emphasis on the beat.






アーロン・リー・タスジャンはシンガーソングライター、ギタリスト、そしてレコードプロデューサーです。 1986 年 8 月 24 日に米国デラウェア州ウィルミントンで生まれた彼は、フォーク ロックとアメリカーナ ミュージックを独自にブレンドした音楽で名を馳せました。
