Savak の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Flavors Of Paradise


Spectrum Culture 79点相当


ところどころ、REM の Monster 的な雰囲気があり





The members of SAVAK are post-punk lifers, having made angular, thorny music in some fashion or another for decades in different bands and guises. Since their formation in 2016, their work has leaned toward the confrontational; it gripped you and commanded your attention, with pop enjoyment as a secondary consideration. There’s an ever-present tension in their music, not least because of the two distinct styles of principal songwriters Michael Jaworski and Sohrab Habibion. In that context, Flavors of Paradise represents a significant tonal shift for the band; the abrasive elements of their sound are still there, but the album as a whole represents a more approachable SAVAK, an iteration of the band that has grown more welcoming to newcomers.






202403推し 準推し