Food habits


Amongst the cultural differences between France and other countries I’ve noticed while traveling and talking with people from all around the globe, there’s a very big difference I have noticed that’s not really found in other countries. The French mindset organizes meals with order inside the meals.ニコニコ

Lunch and breakfast are organized in this way:

◇Starters: It’s usually a light dish like a vegetables salad, soup, or avocado. Or even just a few slices of bread with butter and radish.

◇Main dish: It’s salty most of the time and can be anything: lasagna, gratin, pot au feu, roasted chicken, etc. We try to not mix carbs, and always have vegetables if we didn’t eat them as starters.

◇Cheese: Cheese with bread, lettuce, etc.

◇Dessert: The finale of the meal, the sweet touch. Fruits, yogurts most of the time, cakes sometimes.

It goes in this order and don’t really get mixed so much. Moreover, the most interesting part is breakfast and the 4 o’clock snack. It’s very uncommon, close to impossible for some French people, to imagine eating salty food at those meals. French aren’t the eggs and bacon type of morning people. Breakfast and 4 o’clock snack are both sweets time in France. Biscuits, toasts, etc. One of the most common ones might be jam and bread. (Some like to put the jam on a “butter bed”). Croissants, chocolate bread, fruits etc. Anything can do as long it’s sweet!ラブ

While most French people might look startled if you were to ask them if they want eggs and bacon for their breakfast, whenever I talk about food habits with non-French people it always leads to very funny reactions and conversations!

Are there food habits you heard or read about that startled you? Are some of your habits surprising for other people you have talked with?よだれ








◇チーズ: チーズをパンやレタスなどと一緒に食べます。

◇デザート: 食事のフィナーレを飾る甘いものでフルーツやヨーグルトなどを食べることが多く、時にはケーキを食べることもあります。乙女のトキメキ








