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Inclusivity is a very serious problem of our century; it helps people feel included in our society despite their handicap or specificities and makes them not feel left over. Among the activities we enjoy everyday, we often ignore the difficulties of handicapped people over our own good instead of thinking of the way they can also enjoy sport match like soccer and baseball. 



Based on a study, 87% of visually impaired people think sport matches are not easily accessible for them. It can be challenging for them to fully enjoy sports on tv as audio description can be quite slow to get at all the actions at the same time or yet the comments too visual-valid person oriented.



From the idea of its CEO Arthur Chazelle (21yo) the company Touch2see got rewarded by various prices in France like “Pépite Occitanie 2022” or even “Eventech Orange”for their invention, a touch pad that would allow visually impaired persons to fully enjoy sport matches in stadium. Arthur assures it would be fit for soccer, rugby or even tennis! To do so, a magnet moving at the same time than the ball on the pad representing the sport court, this is made possible thanks to the 5G network that would broadcast the information at the speed of 150 milliseconds! On top of that an audio description describing what kind of action, done by who, etc... allowing the user to have a full experience of the match. People who tried it said they were very moved to finally be able to live this kind of experience. The comity of Olympic and Paralympic games plan to officially equip stadiums for 2024’s edition.

What do you think of this kind of inventions? What could be the future of progress and accessibility?







Touch2see社は、CEOのArthur Chazelle(21歳)のアイデアから、視覚障害者がスタジアムでスポーツを楽しむためのタッチパッドを発明し、「Pépite Occitanie 2022」や「Eventech Orange」など、フランスのさまざまな賞を受賞しました。サッカーやラグビー、テニスなどにも使えると、アーサーは断言しています!そのため、5Gネットワークのおかげでスポーツコートの情報をパッド上のボールが磁石によって動き、その情報を0.15秒のスピードで放送することが可能になったのです!さらに、どのような動作が、誰が、どのように行ったのかを音声で説明することで、ユーザーは試合をリアルタイムに体験することができます。体験した人たちは、「こんな体験ができるなんて、感動した」と話していました。オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会では、2024年の開催に向けて、競技場に正式に装備する予定です。

