Hi again, it’s Kevin! 



Enough of the food topic! This time, I’m inspired by a recent conversation I had with someone I met recently. They asked me about the castles in England and that’s what they wanted to go see in England. It is true that England is full of old buildings, be it the full building or the leftover ruins. When I was younger, the park near my school had the ruins of an old church and what my friends and I used to do was play hide and seek!


There are many castles to visit in England, but I will talk about Windsor Castle in this blog entry! Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. Many Queens and Kings of England have been residents of the castle, such as Henry VIII and Queen Victoria. Windsor Castle has plenty of attractions and things to see and do, like historical rooms adorned with paintings and Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House Within Windsor Castle’s grounds is also St. George’s Chapel, if you are interested in architecture, it is a fine example of gothic architecture in England.


I think one of the most interesting things is mentioned above, the Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House. The dollhouse was made to a scale of 1:12, and contains models of products well-known companies of the time. The detail of the dollhouse is impeccable, even including running water and flushable toilets, and original works from authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sangorski & Sutcliffe. There is also a wine cellar, filled with bottles that were filled with the appropriate wines and spirits. I think that’s a really amazing piece of artwork! It is said that if there was a photo taken of the inside, you can’t even tell it’s a dollhouse.











