
This is Corentin爆  笑

Today, I'm going to talk about "Silver geek in France"



Humans live longer and longer, it’s without saying than the population of most countries is getting older and older. A few problems come along this increase of human longevity.

People in retirement home often end up isolated and lacking of activities, this often makes them unwilling to do activities and cause progressively the loss of motricity.

To deal with a few of them, focusing on socialization, sustainability of motor skills and entertainment of senior people in nursing home, the charity association Silver geek and their volunteers equipped some nursing homes with Wii and organize activities multiple times a month. It gathers retirement house patients, preventing loneliness, keep them entertained and, as they have to stand to play the Wii on some games like Bowling on Wii Sports, make them do some exercise.


On top of that, they organize competitions all around France to select the best Wii Bowling players. Then they compete against each other at the “Gamers Assembly”, the hugest LAN-party (local area network) event in France, to decide the winner of the senior cup finale! It’s a real event there, players are on stage playing in front of many spectators supporting them and going crazy whenever a player scores a strike. This very day, the competitors are in the spotlight, treated like celebrities. If you doubt it, watch a few seconds of this video, you’ll quickly understand what I mean.






Watching this feels good event was heartwarming to me. What do you think of it?



-Silver geek-




そこで、フランスでは老人ホームに入居している高齢者の社会化、運動能力の維持、娯楽に焦点を当て、慈善団体シルバーギークとそのボランティアは、いくつかの老人ホームにWiiを設置し、月に何度もアクティビティを開催しています。この活動により、老人ホームの患者を集める事で、孤独を防ぎ、楽しませる事が可能です。また、Wii Sportsのボウリングなどは立っていなければならないので、運動も行うことが出来るのです!






