C.G. ユング著『赤の書』


The Red Book by C.G. Jung

And I believe that it is better in our time if belief is weak. We have outgrown that childhood where mere belief was the most suitable means to bring men to what is good and reasonable. Therefore if we wanted to have a strong belief again today, we would thus return to that earlier childhood. But we have so much knowledge and such a thirst for knowledge in us that we need knowledge more than belief. But the strength of belief would hinder us from attaining knowledge. Belief certainly may be something strong, but it is empty, and too little of the whole man can be involved, if our life with God is grounded only on belief. Should we simply believe first and foremost? That seems too cheap to me. Men who have understanding should not just believe, but should wrestle for knowledge to the best of their ability. Belief is not everything, but neither is knowledge. Belief does not give us the security and the wealth of knowing. Desiring knowledge sometimes takes away too much belief. Both must strike a balance. But it is also dangerous to believe too much, because today everyone has to find his own way and encounters in himself a beyond full of strange and mighty things. He could easily take everything literally with too much belief and would be nothing but a lunatic. The childishness of belief breaks down in the face of our present necessities. We need differentiating knowledge to clear up the confusion which the discovery of the soul has brought in. Therefore it is perhaps much better to await better knowledge before one accepts things all too believingly.





明確な宗教的信念を持つ人の心理には、超越的機能の痕跡は見当たりません。「超越的機能」という言葉が指し示すのは、実際には、ある状態から別の状態への移行です。人は宗教的概念にとらわれたとき、それを離れることはありません。自分の宗教的信念にとどまり、さらに言えば、そうすべきなのです。何らかの葛藤が生じた場合、それは明確な宗教的考えによって直ちに抑制されるか、解決されます。そのため、超越的機能は、もはや本来の宗教的信念を持たない、または一度も持ったことのない人、そしてその結果として自分の無意識と直接向き合うことになる人にのみ観察されます。これはキリストの場合に当てはまりました。キリストは、当時の伝統的な宗教と人々の宗教に反対した宗教改革者でした。したがって、キリストは教会外の者であり、救いのない状態でした。だからこそ、彼は超越的機能を体験したのだが、キリスト教の聖人はそれを体験することは決してできなかった。なぜなら、彼にとっては根本的かつ全面的な態度の変化は伴わないからである。~カール・ユング、書簡集第 1 巻、268 ページ

You find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions. What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. When a man is caught by a religious concept, he does not leave it; he stays with his religious conviction, and, furthermore, that is what he should do. If any conflict appears, it is immediately repressed or resolved by a definite religious idea. That is why the transcendent function can be observed only in people who no longer have their original religious conviction, or never had any, and who, in consequence, find themselves directly faced with their unconscious. This was the case with Christ. He was a religious innovator who opposed the traditional religion of his time and his people. Thus he was extra ecclesiam [outside the church]and in a state of nulla salus [no salvation]. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 268