40.00 個性化、反対のものとのペアリング....
49.20-どのようにして反対のものが個々に影響を与えるのか。確かに、最も重要で恐ろしい異質な善と悪のペアである。自我の生存は、自我がこの問題にどのように関係しているかにかかっている。生き残るためには、自我は悪いよりも良いように自分自身を経験しなければなりません。これは、私たちが影と呼ぶものの創造を説明しています...若い自我は、士気の低下に屈することなく、自分自身の悪さの経験を非常にわずかに許容することができます。これは、私たちが私たちの周りのすべてを参照してください普遍的な現象、私たちは悪を見つけるために義務づけられている現象を説明します。何か悪いことが起こるたびに、その原因や責任の所在を突き止めなければならない場合、誰かがその悪の重荷を背負わなければなりません。今では個性化のプロセスと自我の成熟に伴い、これは多少変化します。個々の人は、自分自身の生存のために自分自身の外にそれを見つけなければならないのではなく、悪のキャリアであることのタスクを自分自身に引き受けることが少しできるようになります。別の言い方をすれば、彼は反対のものを運ぶことができるようになり、反対のものを運ぶことが できる程度に、彼はそれによって共同体を促進し、集合的な精神が懸念される限りそれを促進しているのである。

~カール・ユング、第8巻第425段落 CW

57.25-まあ、もう一歩踏み込んでみましょう。(上記のユングの引用よりも) 人はどのようにして異性を意識するようになるのでしょうか?反対のものはどこにあるのでしょうか?私は非常に明確な提案をすることができます。あなたが愛するか憎むものは何でも慎重に調べることによって反対を見つけるでしょう。ソクラテスはずっと前に言った、"検査されていない人生は生きている価値がない" そして、それはインディヴィジュアションのための非常に適切なモットーです。
エドワード・エジンガー - 個性化。現代人のための神話

0:33 -- 今夜、私が言わなければならないことは、前回のテーマ[4年前の『ヨブ記』について]の論理的な続きです。基本的には同じテーマです。
そのような場合には、1つは非常にユング心理学の彼の意識的な知識のために感謝しています。彼は、この経験が上から彼に落ちるときに彼が彼のベアリングを得るのに役立ちます、いわばロードマップを持っています。彼はその後、ジョブと言うことができます、 "以前は私は私の耳の聴覚によってあなたのことを聞いたが、今私の目はあなたを見ている"
今夜は「自己」について話しましょう それは何ですか?言ったように、それは精神の第二の中心で、自我が第一の中心です。もう少し詳しく言うと、主観的な中心ではなく、客観的な中心だと言えます。それは、超個人的な中心です。それは意識的なものと無意識的なものの両方を含む全体の中心であり、コネクターです。それは理論ではなく、事実です。事実を説明するためには言葉を使わなければなりませんが、私たちが話していることは、分析の後に多くの人々の経験によって検証された事実であることを保証します。

そして、錬金術師の哲学者の石のように、エゴには多くの異なる同義語があり、その複雑な現実のさまざまな側面を説明しています。ユングが提唱した同義語の一つに「大いなる人格」があります それが今晩お話しする「大いなる人格」です。ユングは『C.G.ユング著作集』第9巻第1号のエッセイ「再生について」の中で、「大いなる人格」という言葉を紹介しています。その中で彼は、「別の存在へと生まれ変わるという長い時間をかけたプロセスとしての個別化」について語っています。そして、その別の存在について、彼は次のように書いています。

一人は死すべき者であり もう一人は不死身である "常に一緒にいても 完全に一つになることはありません
"変容の過程では互いに近づけようと 努力しますが-" "私たちの意識は抵抗を感じます" "相手が奇妙で気味が悪いように見えるからです 私たちは常に『私』であり、他の何者でもないことを好むべきである。"
"しかし、内なる大いなる者は、自分の魂の長い間期待されていた友人である不死の者が、今、本当に捕虜になって跳躍しに来たことを知っています。"不死身の者が囚われの身となっていた 彼を捕らえようとしているのだ "囚われの身となっていた彼の命をより大きな命、つまり最も危険な瞬間へと導くために。"
1. 1. 自我と大いなる人格の間に出会いがあり、神、天使、または何らかの種類の優れた存在として表される。
2. 2. この出会いの結果として、自我の傷や苦しみがある。
3. 痛みにもかかわらず、自我はその試練を耐え忍び、その意味を求めて経験を精査し続けます。


4. その忍耐の結果として、神の啓示があり、それによって自我はトランスパーソナル・サイケへの洞察によって報われます。




エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸
(FIG 1,2,3参照)
エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸


すべてが失われたと思われるときの完全な心理的な服従(未知への)は、キエルケガードが "恐怖 "と呼ぶ実存的な瞬間のようなものです。それはまた、"魂の暗闇の夜 "のようなものでもある。


39.00—and we can now realize that what happened to Jung is typical, mainly that the discovery of the new myth or the revitalization of the old one requires that the individual have a direct experience of the collective unconscious. That’s what will do the job. However there is a hitch (問題)because such an experience is dangerous. It can destroy as well as heal, because it opens up the opposites and the individual can be torn apart by the opposites unless the imagery emerges which unites them, the images of the Self… and it’s the discovery of those images that you unite the opposites which constitutes the process of Individuation. Another way of putting it is, individuation is the process whereby the ego encounters the self, the inner god-image and establishes a living relationship to it… and when that happens the lost god-image is rediscovered within. The word Jung uses for the inner god-image is the word Self, with a capital S.
40.00 individuation, pairing the opposites….
43.48—see, the obvious danger of this operation is that the ego will identify with the Self and succumb to an atheistical inflation. In fact that’s a very grave danger of modern man. The contrary danger is that of alienation, a state of disconnection from the self causing despair… and that’s really just the side of the coil from the inflation. They’re really two sides of the same phenomenon. But between this Scylla and Charybdis lies the possibility of Individuation in which the ego consciously connects with the Self but does not identify with it. Now this is easier said than done.
44.50--…leads immediately to the problem of the opposites which exposes one to severe inner conflict. If one can endure the conflict of these activated opposites, usually the unconscious will generate symbols of what we call conjunction, namely symbols of reconciliation, symbols of marriage between the opposites.
48.00— coniunctio poses the terrible question… How can the one who is individuating not become torn apart by the pairing of the opposites?
49.20—how the opposites impinge upon the individual. Certainly the most crucial and terrifying pair of opposites Good and Evil. The very survival of the ego depends on how it relates to this matter. In order to survive the ego must experience itself as more good than bad. This explains the creation of what we call the shadow… the young ego can tolerate very little experience of its own badness without succumbing to demoralization. This accounts for the universal phenomenon we see all around us, the phenomenon that obliges us to locate evil. Whenever something evil happens its cause or blame for responsibility for it if at all possible must be located, somebody must carry the burden of that evil. Now with maturation of the ego with the process of individuation this changes somewhat. The individual become a little bit able to take on himself the task of being the carrier of evil rather than having to locate it outside himself for his own survival. Or another way of putting it, he becomes capable of carrying the opposites and to the extent he is capable of carrying the opposites he is thereby promoting the coniunctio, promoting it as far as the collective psyche is concerned.
52.10—in an early phase of this capacity of the recognition of the opposites we have what we might call the pendulum phase. During this phase the individual is cast back and forth between differing moods, between…
54.30—an understanding of the opposites is the key to the psyche.
Jung puts it this way: ~Carl Jung, paragraph 425 of vol 8 CW

56.13—"If the subjective consciousness prefers the ideas and opinions of collective unconsciousness and identifies with them, then the contents of the collective unconscious are repressed…The more highly charged the collective consciousness, the more the ego forfeits its practical importance. It is, as it were, absorbed by the opinions and tendencies of collective consciousness, and the results of that is the Mass Man, the ever-ready victim of some wretched 'ism.' The ego keeps its integrity only if it does not identify with one of the opposites, and if it understands how to hold the balance between them. This is possible only if it remains conscious of both at once.”
~Carl Jung, paragraph 425 of vol 8 CW

57.25—well, let’s carry it a step further. (than Jung’s quote above) How can one become conscious of the opposites? Where are the opposites to be found? Well, I can make a very explicit suggestion. You will find the opposites by examining carefully whatever you love or hate. Socrates said long ago, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” And that’s a very apt motto for Individuation.
Edward Edinger - Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man
Edward Edinger - Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man
Edward Edinger - Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man

0:33 -- What I have to say tonight is a logical continuation of my previous subject [4 years earlier about the Book of Job]. It’s the same theme basically, namely:
The Ego’s Encounter with the Self
This is the one basic feature of Jungian Psychology, the Ego and how it relates to the reality of the Self. Jungian Psychology is the only psychological standpoint, which operates out of an awareness that there are two centers in the Psyche. Some other psychologies and analytic approaches, have an awareness that there are two entities in the Psyche, but no other psychological standpoint operates out of the awareness that there are two centers. That is unique to Jungian Psychology.
Since there are two centers, if that comes into conscious realization, then those two centers must collide; they must have an encounter with one another. That’s what happens when the Ego, which is the little center, has an encounter with the Self, which is the big center.
All analysis is no more than a prelude to this experience, the Encounter with the Self. Here’s how Jung put it in his 1925 seminar. “Analysis should release an experience that rips us or falls upon us as from above, an experience that has substance and body, such as those experiences, which happened to the ancients. If I were going to symbolize it, I would choose The Annunciation.”
Now it might very well happen that although this crucial experience, although it is prepared for by analysis, does not take place during the period of analysis at all. It may take place many years after termination of the analysis.
In such a case, one is very grateful for his conscious knowledge of Jungian Psychology. He has a roadmap, so to speak, which helps him get his bearings when this experience falls on him from above. He can say with Job then, “Previously I heard of Thee by the hearing of my ears, but now my eye sees Thee.”
That’s what happens when this experience falls on one. It can also occur without benefit of any analysis at all. It can happen without any particular preoccupation with the Unconscious. For these reasons I consider it vitally important to talk about the Self in public. Because one can never know whether he is speaking to an individual who has had or is going to have the experience I’m talking about. And such an individual may recall what has been spoken about, and find it immensely helpful in his time of need. I know that for a fact that such things do happen.
So, we’re going to be talking the Self tonight. But what is it? As I said, it’s the second center of the Psyche, the Ego being the first. To say a little more about it, one could say that it is the objective center rather than the subjective center. It is the trans-personal center. It’s the center and connector with the totality, which includes both conscious and unconscious. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact. One has to use words to describe a fact, but I assure you what we’re talking about is a fact that is verified by the experience of many people subsequent to analysis.

But the Self is exceedingly difficult to describe. This is because it is a Transcendent entity that is larger than the Ego. That means it cannot be grasped, it cannot be totally embraced by the Ego, and therefore it cannot be defined. What can be defined has to be smaller than the Ego doing the defining. It’s contradictory and paradoxical so far as the Ego’s categories of understanding are concerned.
And, like the philosopher’s stone of the alchemists, it has many different synonyms, which describe different facets of its complex reality. And one of those synonyms, which Jung has proposed, is the Greater Personality. That’s the particular entity I’m going to be talking about tonight. He introduces this term, “Greater Personality,” in his essay “Concerning Rebirth,” in Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9i. In that place he speaks of Individuation “as a long drawn out process of rebirth into another being.” And concerning that other being he writes:
“This other being is the other person within ourselves--that larger and Greater Personality maturing within us. It is the inner friend of the Soul. That’s why we take comfort whenever we find that inner friend depicted in a ritual. For example, the friendship between Mithras and the Sun god.
”It’s the representation of a friendship between two men, which is simply the outer reflection of an inner fact. It reveals our relationship to that inner friend of the Soul into whom Nature herself would like to change us. That other person, who we also are, and yet can never attain to completely. We are that pair of 

, one of whom is mortal, and the other immortal. And who, though always together, can never be made completely one.
“The transformation process strives to approximate them to one another, but our consciousness is aware of resistances, because the other person seems strange and uncanny, and because we cannot get accustomed to the idea that we are not absolute master in our own house. We should always prefer to be ‘I’ and nothing else.”
“But we are confronted with that inner friend or foe, and whether he is our friend or foe depends on our Selves.”
[…] That’s where he first introduces the term “Greater Personality.” But in that same essay he describes the Ego’s encounter with the Greater Personality in these very important words. This is an especially important quotation, in my opinion.
“When the summit of life is reached; when the bud unfolds and from the lesser the greater emerges, then as Nietzsche says, ‘One becomes two.’ And the Greater figure, which one always was, but remained invisible, appears to the lesser personality with the force of a revelation. He who is truly and hopelessly little, will always drag the revelation of his Greater down to the level of his littleness, and will never understand that the Day of Judgment for his littleness has dawned.
“But the one who is inwardly Great knows that the long expected friend of his Soul, the immortal one, has now really come to leap captivity captive. That is, to seek hold of him, by who this immortal had always been confined. Held prisoner; and to make his life flow into that Greater life—the moment of deadliest peril.”
This final phrase comes as a shock after hearing this beautiful description of the Ego’s Encounter with the Greater Personality. We learn only at the very end that the encounter is dangerous, deadly dangerous.
This danger refers to the wounding effect that the Self has on the Ego on first encounter. At the worst, the meeting of Ego and Self can set off an overt psychosis, even at best the Ego’s first decisive meeting with the Self can bring on a painful humiliation and a demoralizing sense of defeat. As Jung puts it in another place, “The experience of the Self is always a defeat for the Ego.”
This experience of wound or defeat is part of what I have spoken of as the Job Archetype. I use that because the story of Job is a particularly apt example of the pattern. The chief features of this pattern are four, and this is going to be the subject of my talk tonight, to give you examples of this pattern, so get these four features:
1. There is an Encounter between the Ego and the Greater Personality, represented as god, angel or superior being of some kind;
2. There is a wound or a suffering of the Ego as a result of this encounter;
3. In spite of the pain, the Ego perseveres and endures the ordeal, and persists in scrutinizing the experience in search of its meaning; and

There is a fourfold description of the ego and its relation to the Self that Edward Edinger. a student of Jung's, articulates:
"When the ego separates too far from the Self, a sense of alienation develops. Therefore, 'some contact between ego and Self must be re-established' This suggests a need for the ego to find a suitable ordering parameter.
Edinger views the developmental process as fourfold:
(1) inflation (the awakening ego is too close to the Self);
(2) alienation (the ego has separated too far from the Self);
(3) restitution (the ego returns and re-connects to the Self);
and (4) individuation (the ego and Self in a mutually harmonious relationship).
Individuation is the ideal symbiotic relationship in which the ego is directly related to the Self without being identified with it."
"Now here's another crucial insight about the nature of psychology. What he (Jung) is telling us is that the experience of weakness or defeat is a sine qua non for consciousness. You cannot be a conscious being unless you can experience weakness and defeat. I talk about that whole matter in Ego and Archetype, where I used a diagram to illustrate the psychic life cycle.
What it pictures is the way consciousness is progressively developed out of the original condition of ego/Self identity. The original condition is inflation. The infantile psyche is in a state of identification with the Self and it is in a state of inflation. It is identified with the Deity. Very progressively, if life provides the right lessons through rejections and defeats and experiences of weakness, it gradually becomes conscious. And you go through that cycle again and again and each time it goes around there's a little increase in consciousness.
The psychology of the spoiled child short-circuits this cycle. The child's ego/Self identity goes uncorrected. It acts out the inflation and instead of being punished or defeated, it is allowed to get away with it so that the cycle does not complete itself. This cycle pictures the transformations that take place as ego/Self identity is subjected to recurrent experiences of defeat, failure and weakness. That composite entity of ego and Self undergoes transformation. This means that as consciousness grows, both the ego and the Self undergo transformation.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, pages 45-47.


Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis
In what follows we shall be using three terms repeatedly to describe different forms of relatedness between ego and self. These terms should perhaps be introduced at the outset. They are: ego-self identity, ego-self separation, and ego-self axis. The meaning of these terms is indicated by the following figures representing progressive stages in the relationship between ego and self.
(see FIG 1,2, and 3)
These diagrams represent progressive stages of ego-self separation appearing in the course of psychological development. The shaded ego areas designate the residual ego-self identity. The dotted line connecting ego-centre with self-centre represents the ego-self axis—the vital connecting link between ego and self that ensures the integrity of the ego....
Clinical observation leads one to the conclusion that the integrity and stability of the ego depend in all stages of development on a living connection with the self....
Damage to the ego-self axis leads to ego-self alienation. In this condition the ego loses, to a greater or lesser extent, its vital contact with the self—the ego's origin and source of energy and stability. Although ego-self alienation and ego-self separation often occur together, I think it is important to make a clear distinction between them. Ego-self separation ideally leads to a progressive reduction of ego-self identity without damage to the ego-self axis and eventually to consciousness of that axis. Ego-self alienation, however, damages the ego-self axis and causes an arrest or hindrance of growth....
Although for descriptive purposes it is helpful to distinguish ego-self separation from ego-self alienation, in practice they always occur together in some measure. This may be due to the fact that in early phases of development the ego-self axis is completely unconscious and therefore cannot be distinguished from the area of ego-self identity. Thus, any disturbing confrontation with reality that alters the latter is likely to affect the former. On the other hand, in psychotherapy, when the ego-self axis is undergoing repair, this simultaneously activates the remaining ego-self identity.....
I have attempted to differentiate two aspects of the relationship between ego and self. One aspect, strictly speaking, is not relationship at all but rather primitive inflated identity of ego and self deriving from the original infantile state of wholeness. The other aspect has been called, after Neumann, the ego-self axis and refers to the vital connecting link between self and ego which maintains the latter's functional autonomy. The process of psychotherapy and psychic development in general seems to alternate between (i) manifestations of ego-self identity, which require reductive criticism, and (ii) the need for enhancing or repairing the ego-self axis, which calls for a synthetic supporting approach.....Since ego cannot exist without the support of the self and the self apparently needs the ego to realize it, psychic development can be considered a continuous process of dialectic between ego and self leading paradoxically to both greater separation and greater intimacy.
Edward Edinger (1960). The Ego-Self Paradox. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol. 5, pp. 3-18
Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis