アート |チホミロフ・レオニード・ペトロヴィチ(ロシア、1925年)「アナスタシア・ステパノヴナ」1969年

The heaviest burden for a child is the unlived lives of its parents.
~Carl Jung
art | Тихомиров Леонид Петрович (Россия, 1925) «Анастаcия Степановна» 1969




「スイスの精神科医カール・ユングは、「子どもが背負わなければならない最大の重荷は、親の生きられなかった人生である」と書いています。つまり、私たちの世話人がどこでどのように成長の過程で行き詰まったかが、私たち自身も行き詰まる内なるパラダイムになるということです。私たちはしばしば、親の未解決の問題に対処しなければならないことがあります。時には、私たちは先祖のパターンを真似るかもしれませんし、反抗して反対のことをしようとするかもしれません。興味深いことに、親の影響に対する敵意は、従順と同じくらい強く私たちを縛ります。どちらにしても、先祖は私たちを拘束し、制限します。おそらくこの事実が、人の罪は「子孫に、3 代、4 代まで」訪れるという古代の聖書の警告の背後にあるのでしょう。

生きられなかった人生を生きる: 実現できなかった夢に対処し、人生の後半で目的を達成する。
~ロバート A. ジョンソン、ジェリー ルール博士。先祖の影響。

~カール ユング、C.G. ユングの人生と夢についての考察、13-14 ページ



“The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote that “the greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of the parents,” by which he meant that where and how our caretakers were stuck in their development becomes an internal paradigm for us also to be stuck. Frequently we find ourselves dealing with a parent’s unresolved issues. At times we may replicate the patterns of our ancestors, or we may rebel and attempt to do the opposite. Interestingly, antagonism to the influences of parents binds just as tightly as compliance. Either way, antecedents confine and limit us. Perhaps this fact is behind the ancient biblical admonition that the sins of a man shall be visiting “upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”

“As long as we unconsciously serve a parent’s ambitions, agendas or limitations we are prisoners of the past.”
Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life.
~Robert A. Johnson, Jerry Ruhl, PhD. The Influence of the Ancestors.

A decisive factor for me in choosing this path was the knowledge that if l did not respond fully to my life's purpose and challenges, then they would be inherited by my children, who would have to bear the burden of my unlived life in addition to their own difficulties.
~Carl Jung, Reflections on the Life and Dreams of C.G. Jung, Page 13-14

This explanation helps somewhat.
I’ve been trying to see how my unlived life affects my son, who will go to college this fall. I feel like it affects him only in that I see how having regrets has led me to say to him that I just want him to find his purpose and go for it. Live life fully! That doesn’t seem like a negative thing, but I’m still wondering how this might also affect him negatively.