ユングは良心と直感についてどう考えていますか? 違いは何ですか? また、なぜ両方が必要なのですか?

What's Jung's take on Conscience and Intuition? What are the differences and why do we need both?



「人間は知らず知らずのうちに常に神に関心を持っています。一部の人が本能や直感と呼ぶものは神に他なりません。神とは、私たちに何をすべきか、何をすべきでないかを告げる私たちの内なる声です。言い換えれば、私たちの良心です。」(~カール・ユング、C.G. ユングのスピーチ、249 ページ*)-*




「自律的なダイナミズム、人間のデーモン、天才、守護天使、より良い自己、心、内なる声、内なる高次の人間などと適切に呼ばれる。これらのすぐ隣、肯定的で「正しい」良心の横には、悪魔、誘惑者、誘惑者、悪霊などと呼ばれる否定的で「偽りの」良心がある…」 - [119] CW 10 ¶843。 ________ (1970)、「移行期の文明」、CW 10。プリンストン:プリンストン大学出版局。


したがって、良心の概念と現象は、心理学的な観点から見ると、2 つの異なる要素を含んでいます。一方は慣習の想起と慣習による訓戒であり、他方は義務の衝突と、第三の立場の創出によるその解決です。前者は良心の道徳的側面であり、後者は倫理的側面です。」(良心の心理学的見解、CW10、パラグラフ 855–857)



「直感には奇妙なところがあります... 中間リンクを見つけることで、それがどのように機能するかを実際に知ることができる場合があります。それは中間リンクによる知覚であり、連想から得られる連鎖全体の結果のみが得られます。時には見つけ出すことに成功しますが、ほとんどの場合は見つけられません...原始的な状況で生活していると、予測できないことがたくさん起こる可能性があります。そこでは直感が必要です。なぜなら、感覚知覚で何が起こるかを知ることは不可能だからです。」



What's Jung's take on Conscience (which I see as the judging) and intuition (what I see as the intelligence of the heart / collective unconscious )? What are the differences and why do we need both?

"Without knowing it man is always concerned with God. What some people call instinct or intuition is nothing other than God. God is that voice inside us which tells us what to do and what not to do. In other words, our conscience." (~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking, Page 249*)-*

Here it seems to say they are the same things??

"But if the voice of conscience is the voice of God, this voice must possess an incomparable higher authority than traditional morality. Anyone, therefore, who allows conscience this status should, for better or worse, put his trust in divine guidance and follow his conscience rather than give heed to conventional morality."

Here he says that conscience is divine.

“an autonomous dynamism, fittingly called man’s daemon, genius, guardian angel, better self, heart, inner voice, the inner and higher man, and so forth. Close beside these, beside the positive, ‘right’ conscience, there stands the negative, ‘false’ conscience called the devil, seducer, tempter, evil spirit, etc….” - [119] CW 10 ¶843. ________ (1970), “Civilization in Transition,” CW 10. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Here he says conscience is sort of like a teacher that helps us learn, grow, and evolve. It is similar to his talk about how the shadow can teach us and help us grow greater consciousness. and similar to the shamanic view of positive and negative, each having a role in helping us learn and grow.

"“Conscience is a psychic reaction which one can call moral because it always appears when the conscious mind leaves the path 'of custom, of the mores) or suddenly recollects it. Hence in the great majority of cases conscience signifies primarily the reaction to a real or supposed deviation from the moral code... The deciding factor appears to be something else: it proceeds not from the traditional moral code but from the unconscious foundation of the personality. The decision is drawn from dark and deep waters. It is true that these conflicts of duty are solved very often and very conveniently by a decision in accordance with custom, that is, by suppressing one of the opposites. But this is not always so. If one is sufficiently conscientious the conflict is endured to the end, and a creative solution emerges which is produced by the constellated archetype and possesses that compelling authority not unjustly characterized as the voice of God. The nature of the solution is in accord with the deepest foundations of the personality as well as with its wholeness; it embraces conscious and unconscious and therefore transcends the ego.
The concept and phenomenon of conscience thus contains, when seen in a psychological light, two different factors: on the one hand a recollection of, and admonition by, the mores; on the other, a conflict of duty and its solution through the creation of a third standpoint. The first is the moral, and the second the ethical, aspect of conscience." (A Psychological View of Conscience, CW10, para. 855–857)

Here he says it's god like when you follow it to the end with the morality fighting our personal ethics to work to some resolution.

“I say that intuition is a sort of perception that does not go exactly by the senses, but it goes via the unconscious, and at that I leave it and say I don't know how it works.”

"It is something funny about intuition...sometimes you can really find out how it works by finding the intermediate links. it is a perception by intermediate links, and you only get the result of the whole chain from associations. sometimes you succeed in finding out, but most often you don't...when you live under primitive conditions, a lot of unpredictable things are likely to happen. there you need your intuitions because you cannot possibly tell by your sense perceptions what is going to happen."

Here intuition appears to be like a fallible sixth sense, similar to limitless movie (guy is guessing everything based on things in the back of his mind, things glanced at or heart, distant memories, etc .

Conscience seems to have a grand scale of moving mankind and intuition is much more limited. Conscience he seems to believe is leading us somewhere and intuition is just helping us make better decisions. Reading these quotes then, one might ask, how could we ever tell the difference between divine Conscience coming from God and fallible Intuition of man coming from experience???





よろしければ、これをさらに深く掘り下げることができる関連引用を投稿できます... 寝た後にですが。


シェアしてください :) 少し理解できたと思います。良心という言葉は、羅針盤として機能する私たちの信念体系を意味するために使われます。ユングは、羅針盤は常に混乱している (私たちの個人的な羅針盤が、私たちが受け継いだ、または社会の羅針盤と衝突し、私たちは迷子になったように感じる) ので、方向を伝えるのが上手になり、より大きな目的 (おそらく意識の拡大、愛、調和) に合わせることができると言っています。

私たちの羅針盤をより大きな羅針盤に合わせるには、私たちの信念 (意識 / 心) を浄化 / 洗練し、直感 (無意識 / 心) を調整して、心と心がバランスのとれた、より大きな良心を育む必要があります。成長を助けるフィードバック ループのようなものです。


Absolutely amazing, this is the kind of stuff I love. The content people cry for, but never interact with. Your understanding of it is solid. As you read more, you'd be able to make more associations like I have with the same ideas!

Anyways, for me intuition is the building blocks towards establishing a worldview that isn't presently available to the world around me. I let my feelings guide and build up the material and constantly tinker and feed it while watching it grow as my being develops alongside it.

As for conscience, it is that inner voice that is also picked up by Ralph Waldo Emerson (along with German Idealism) and further in Carl Jung's essay, "The Development of Personality." It is that unfolding journey, the way the psyche interacts with our consciousness to carve out more depth and awareness. It requires our own individual determination and faith in a process that we simply follow along. Intuition helps this process, tapping into latent psychic realities outside of everyday life.

I can dump related quotes that can break this into higher levels of depth, if you'd like... After I sleep that is.


please share :) I think I understand a bit more. people use the word conscience to mean our belief system that acts as a compass. jung is saying that compass is being messed with constantly (our individual compass comes into conflict with the compass we inherited or of society and we feel lost), so we can get better at telling direction and thus align with a greater purpose (perhaps expanding consciousness love and harmony).

alignment of our compass to a greater compass comes by purifying / refining our beliefs (conscious / mind) and atuning our intution (unconcious / heart) to develop a greater conscience, which includes the two, where the mind and heart are in balance. like a feedback loop that helps us grow.



自分の道を他のあらゆる方法よりも優先するという決断によって、彼はすでに救済者としての天職の大部分を果たしている。彼は他のあらゆる方法を無効にし、自分の法則を慣習よりも高く評価し、こうして大きな危険を防ぐことができなかっただけでなく、実際に危険を加速させたものすべてを一掃した。慣習はそれ自体が魂のないメカニズムであり、単なる生活のルーチン以上のものを理解することは決してできない。創造的な生活は常に慣習の外にある。だからこそ、単なる生活のルーチンが慣習や伝統の形で支配的になると、創造的エネルギーが破壊的に爆発するに違いない...慣習のメカニズムは人々を無意識のままにする。なぜなら、その状態では、意識的な決断を必要とせずに、盲目の獣のように慣れた道をたどることができるからだ。」 - カール・ユング、人格の発達。

「しかし、夢以外にもここで議論できないことがたくさんある。精神のより深いレベルを調査すると、表面的には夢でしか見られない多くのことが明らかになる。したがって、人間のあらゆる精神的活動の中で最も強力で最も独創的な活動、つまり宗教活動が、夢から発見されることもあるのも不思議ではない。これは、性欲や社会適応以上に、現代人において妨げられている活動である。自分の中の不思議な力との遭遇があまりにも圧倒的な経験であったため、それを「神」と呼んだ人々を私は知っている。経験上、「神」も文字通りの意味で「理論」であり、世界を見る方法であり、人間の限られた心が計り知れない、言い表せない経験を表現するために作り出すイメージです。経験だけが現実であり、議論の余地はありません。しかし、イメージは汚されたり、粉々に砕け散ったりすることがあります。」 - カール・ユング、今日の心理療法の現状。

「私の義務は、できる限り理解を深め、知識を獲得することですが、それは純粋に義務の範囲を広げるという意図からです。私は、私に要求されるほど多くを得ようと望みます。私の義務は、あらゆる方向で自分の力と才能を発揮することですが、それは単に、私が行うよう求められている仕事のために、より便利でより適格な道具になるためです。なぜなら、私の心にある神の法則が実際に満たされるまで、私は良心に対して責任を負うからです。私の義務は、できる限り、最も完全で完璧な人間性を私の人格の中に表すことです。義務そのもののためではなく、人間性という形で美徳の最高の完成が表現されるためです。私は自分自身と私の中のすべてを、義務を果たすための手段と見なし、できる限り義務を果たせるようにすること以外には心配しません。しかし、最も純粋な意図を意識して良心の法則に一度毅然と従ったとき、この法則が実践で明らかにされたとき、私はそれ以上の心配はありません。なぜなら、一度世界で事実となったとき、それは永遠の摂理の手に委ねられたからです。この問題に関するさらなる心配や心配は、無駄な自己苦痛に過ぎず、その無限の力に対する信仰と信頼の欠如を示すことになります。私は、神に代わって世界を統治すること、良心にある神の声の代わりに自分の限られた理解の声に耳を傾けること、そして神の広大で包括的な計画の代わりに、視野の狭い個人の計画を採用することを夢見ません。そうしようとすることは、精神世界の秩序を乱すことになることを私は知っている。」 - ヨハン・ゴットリープ・フィヒテ『人間の使命』


"It is not for nothing that our age calls for the redeemer personality, for the one who can emancipate himself from the inescapable grip of the collective and save at least his own soul, who lights a beacon of hope for others, proclaiming that here is at least one man who has succeeded in extricating himself from the fatal identity with the group psyche. For the group, because of its unconsciousness, has no freedom of choice, and so psychic activity runs on in it like an uncontrolled law of nature

...The only thing that distinguishes him from all the others is his vocation. He has been called by that all-powerful, all-tyrannizing psychic necessity that is his own and his people's affliction. If he hearkens to the voice, he is at once set apart and isolated,, as he has resolved to obey the law that commands him from within. "His own law!" everybody will cry. But he knows better: it is the law, the vocation for which he is destined, no more "his own" than the lion that fells him, although it is undoubtedly this particular lion that kills him and not any other lion. Only in this sense is he entitled to speak of "his" vocation, "his" law.

With the decision to put his way above all other possible ways he has already fulfilled the greater part of his vocation as a redeemer. He has invalidated all other ways for himself, exalting his law above convention and thus making a clean sweep of all those things that not only failed to prevent the great danger but actually accelerated it. For conventions in themselves are soulless mechanisms that can never understand more than the mere routine of life. Creative life always stands outside convention. That is why, when the mere routine of life predominates in the form of convention and tradition, there is bound to be a destructive outbreak of creative energy... The mechanism of convention keeps people unconscious, for in that state they can follow their accustomed tracks like blind brutes, without the need for conscious decision." - Carl Jung, The Development of Personality.

"But there are many things besides dreams which I cannot discuss here. The investigation of the deeper levels of the psyche brings to light much that we, on the surface, can at most dream about. No wonder, then, that sometimes the strongest and most original of all man’s spiritual activities—the religious activity—is also discovered from our dreams. This is the activity which, more even than sexuality or social adaptation, is thwarted in modern man. I know people for whom the encounter with the strange power within themselves was such an overwhelming experience that they called it “God.” So experienced, “God” too is a “theory” in the most literal sense, a way of looking at the world, an image which the limited human mind creates in order to express an unfathomable and ineffable experience. The experience alone is real, not to be disputed; but the image can be soiled or broken to pieces." - Carl Jung, The State of Psychotherapy Today.

"It is my duty to cultivate my understanding and to acquire knowledge, as much as I can, but purely with the intention of enlarging my sphere of duty; I shall desire to gain much, that much may be required of me. It is my duty to exercise my powers and talents in every direction, but merely in order to render myself a more convenient and better qualified instrument for the work I am called to do; for until the law of God in my heart shall have been fulfilled in practice, I am answerable for it to my conscience. It is my duty to represent in my person, as far as I am able, the most compete and perfect humanity; not for its own sake, but in order that in the form of humanity may be represented the highest perfection of virtue. I shall regard myself, and all that in me is, merely as the means to the fulfillment of duty; and shall have no other anxiety than that i may be able, as far as possible, to fulfill it. When, however, I shall have once resolutely obeyed the law of conscience, conscious of the purest intentions in doing so; when this law shall have been made manifest in practice, I have no further anxiety; for having once become a fact in the world, it has been placed in the hands of an eternal Providence. Further care or anxiety concerning the issue were but idle self-torment; would exhibit a want of faith and trust in that Infinite Power. I shall not dream of governing the world in His place; of listening to the voice of my own limited understanding, instead of His voice in my conscience, and substituting for His vast and comprehensive plans, those of a narrow and short-sighted individual. I know that to seek to do so, would be to seek to disturb the order of the spiritual world." - Johann Gottlieb Fichte, The Vocation of Man



では、非凡なものに容赦なく有利に傾くものは何でしょうか。それは、一般に天職と呼ばれるものです。つまり、人間が群れから、そしてそのよく通った道から自らを解放するよう運命づける非合理的な要因です。真の個性は常に天職であり、普通の人が言うように、それは単なる個人的な感情であるにもかかわらず、神に対するのと同じように天職に信頼を置きます。しかし、天職は逃れることのできない神の法則のように機能します。自分の道を進む多くの人が破滅に終わるという事実は、天職を持つ者にとっては何の意味もありません。彼は、あたかもそれが新しくて素晴らしいことをささやく悪魔であるかのように、自分の法則に従わなければなりません。道は無限です。使命を持つ人は誰でも内なる人間の声を聞きます。彼は呼ばれているのです。伝説によれば、その人は助言を与え、その命令に従わなければならない個人的なデーモンを所有していると言われています」 - カール・ユング、人格の発達。


...しかし、結局のところ、英雄、リーダー、救世主とは、より確実なものへの新しい道を発見した人です。新しい道が発見されることを要求しなければ、そしてそれが最終的に発見されるまで、エジプトのすべての災難で人類を襲わなければ、すべてはそのままにしておくことができました。私たちの中にある未発見の鉱脈は、精神の生きた部分です。中国の古典哲学では、この内なる道を「タオ」と名付け、それを目標に向かって抗いがたい勢いで進む水の流れに例えています。タオに安住することは、達成、完全性、目的地への到達、使命の達成を意味します。すべてのものに内在する存在の意味の始まり、終わり、そして完全な実現です。人格はタオです。」 - カール・ユング、人格の発達

直感については、引用があまりない彼の第 6 巻に多く記載されています。

"What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist? Not necessity, for necessity comes to many, and they all take refuge in convention. Not moral decision, for nine times out of ten we decide for convention likewise.

What is it, then, that inexorably tips the scales in favour of the extra-ordinary? It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and from its wellworn paths. True personality is always a vocation and puts its trust in it as in God, despite its being, as the ordinary man would say, only a personal feeling. But vocation acts like a law of God from which there is no escape. The fact that many a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing to the one who has a vocation. He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths. Anyone with a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: he is called. That is why the legends say that he possesses a private daemon who counsels him and whose mandates he must obey" - Carl Jung, The Development of Personality.

"In the place of the inner voice there is the voice of the group with its conventions, and vocation is replaced by collective necessities. But even in this unconscious social condition there are not a few who are called awake by the summons of the voice, whereupon they are at once set apart from the others, feeling themselves confronted with a problem about which the others know nothing. In most cases it is impossible to explain to the others what has happened, for any understanding is walled off by impenetrable prejudices. 'You are no different from anybody else,' they will chorus, or, 'there's no such thing,' and even if there is such a thing, it is immediately branded as 'morbid' and 'most unseemly'.

...But, in the end, the hero, the leader, the saviour, is one who discovers a new way to greater certainty. Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered. The undiscovered vein within us is a living part of the psyche; classical Chinese philosophy names this interior way "Tao," and likens it to a flow of water that moves irresistibly towards its goal. To rest in Tao means fulfillment, wholeness, one's destination reached, one's mission done; the beginning, end, and perfect realization of the meaning of existence innate in all things. Personality is Tao." - Carl Jung, The Development of Personality

As for intuition, that would be more found in his volume 6 which I don't have as many quotes.