He whose face gives no light, shall never become a stsr.
William Blake









"天職を持つ "の本来の意味は、声によって呼びかけられるということです。天職を持つ者は、内なる人間の声を聞く。





"天職を持つ "の本来の意味は、"声がかかる "ということである。その最も明確な例は、旧約聖書の預言者たちの宣言に見出すことができます。また、ゲーテやナポレオンなど、歴史上の有名人も天職を告白しており、単なる古風な話し方ではないことがわかる。~C. ユング著作集17「人格の発達」。

"夢を見つけよう。夢を追い求めることが、あなたを癒すのです。" ~ビリー・ミルズ(オグララ・ラコタ族


~Hermann Hesse.


“The original meaning of “to have a vocation” is to be addressed by a voice. Anyone with a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: he is called.

The smaller the personality, the dimmer and more unconscious the voice becomes, until finally it merges indistinguishably with the surrounding society. In the place of the inner voice there is the voice of the group with its conventions and vocation is replaced by collective necessities.” ~CG Jung, CW17, 300-302

What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist? Not necessity, for necessity comes to many, and they all take refuge in convention. Not moral decision, for nine times out of ten we decide for convention likewise.

What is it, then, that inexorably tips the scales in favour of the extra-ordinary? It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths. True personality is always a vocation and puts its trust in it as God, despite its being, as the ordinary man would say, only a personal feeling. But vocation acts like a law of God from which there is no escape.

The fact that many a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing to one who has a vocation. He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths. Anyone with a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: he is called….

The original meaning of “to have a vocation” is “to be addressed by a voice.” The clearest examples of this are to be found in the avowals of the Old Testament prophets. That it is not just a quaint old-fashioned way of speaking is proved by the confessions of historical personalities such as Goethe and Napolean, to mention only two familiar examples, who made no secret of their feeling of vocation. ~C. Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality.

"Find your dream. It's the pursuit of the dream that heals you." ~Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota

Until you’ve found the fire inside yourself you won’t reach the spring of life. ~Rumi

“Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself....
His task was to discover his own destiny - not an arbitrary one - and to live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one's own inwardness.”
~Hermann Hesse.








"死者を目覚めさせるために苦心せよ。死者に届くように、深い鉱山を掘り、犠牲的な贈り物を投げ入れなさい。悪を善き心で反省すること、これが上昇への道である。しかし、上昇の前には、すべてが夜であり、地獄である。" ~カール・ユング『リベル・ノヴス』244ページ




私たち一人ひとりの中に、私たちの知らないもう一人の自分がいる。(彼は夢の中で私たちに語りかけ、私たちが自分自身を見ているのと、彼が私たちを見ているのとが、いかに違うかを教えてくれる。それゆえ、私たちが解決策のない困難な状況に陥ったとき、彼は私たちの態度を根本的に変える光を灯すことがある。~C. G.ユング著作集第10巻、par. 325




原始的な精神の無責任で無邪気な眠りから人類を目覚めさせ、意識的な責任の状態へと導く、これ以上ない効果的な手段である。~CGユング「心理学的類型論」(1936年)。CW6:心理的類型』所収。P. 964.

そして、まだ歌が残っている状態で墓場に行くのだ。~ヘンリー・デイヴィッド・ソロー(Henry David Thoreau)


The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them. ~Carl Jung; The Red Book; Appendix C; Page 370

The lamentations of the dead filled the air at the time, and their misery became so loud that even the living were saddened, and became tired and sick of life and yearned to die to this world already in their living bodies. And thus you too lead the dead to their completion with your work of salvation. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 278, Footnote 188.

But if you know what the dead demand, temptation will become the wellspring of your best work, indeed of the work of salvation. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 278, Footnote 188.


"Death is a drawing together of two worlds, not an end. We are the bridge."
 ~Carl Jung, J.E.T., Page 95 

"Take pains to waken the dead. Dig deep mines and throw in sacrificial gifts, so that they reach the dead. Reflect in good heart upon evil, this is the way to the ascent. But before the ascent, everything is night and Hell." ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 244

“He who cannot attain his own visible field and vineyard is held fast by the dead, who demand the work of atonement from him. And until he has fulfilled this, he cannot get to his outer work, since the dead do not let him.

He shall have to search his soul and act in stillness at their behest and complete the mystery; so that the dead will not let him. Do not look forward so much, but back and into yourself, so that you will not fail to hear the dead. ~Carl Jung, Red Book, Pages 298.

“There are plenty of people who are not yet born.
They all seem to be here, they walk about—but as a matter of fact, they are not yet born, because they are behind a glass wall, they are in the womb.” ~Carl Jung, Kundalini Seminar, Page 28

In each of us there is another whom we do not know. (S)he speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently (s)he sees us from the way we see ourselves. When, therefore, we find ourselves in a difficult situation to which there is no solution, (s)he can sometimes kindle a light that radically alters our attitude – the very attitude that led us into the difficult situation. ~C. G. Jung, Collected Works, vol. 10, par. 325

I had to accept that what I had previously called my soul was not at all my soul, but a dead system that I had contrived. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book Page 232.

It is death to the soul to become unconscious.
People die before there is death of the body, because there is death in the soul. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 90.

It is the mourning of the dead in me, which precedes burial and rebirth. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 242.

Nothing is so apt to challenge our self-awareness and alertness as being at war with oneself. One can hardly think of any other or more effective means of waking humanity out of the irresponsible 
and innocent half-sleep of the primitive mentality and bringing it to a state of conscious responsibility. ~CG Jung, "Psychological Typology" (1936). In CW 6: Psychological Types. P. 964.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, 
and go to the grave w/the song still in them.” ~Henry David Thoreau


"自分の星を追う "ということは、孤立を意味し、どこへ行けばいいのかわからず、誰もが通る道を行くのではなく、自分自身で全く新しい道を見つけなければならない。




"私たちは、人に合わせるためでも、バランスがとれているためでも、模範を示すためでもない。私たちがここにいるのは、エキセントリックであるため、異なるため、おそらく奇妙であるため、おそらく単に、存在という偉大なモザイクに自分の小さなピース、小さな不格好な自分、がっしりした自分を加えるためです。神々が意図したように、私たちはますます自分らしくなるためにここにいるのです。" ~ジェームス・ホリス



"Following your own star means isolation, not knowing where to go, having to find out a completely new way for yourself instead of just going on the trodden path everybody else runs along.

That's why there's always been a tendency in humans to project the uniqueness and the greatness of their own inner self onto outer personalities and become the servants, the devoted servants, admirers, and imitators of outer personalities.

It is much easier to admire a great personality and become a pupil or follower of a guru or a religious prophet, or an admirer of a big, official personality - a President of the U.S. - or live your life for some military general whom you admire. That is much easier than following your own star."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, The Way of the Dream (p. 71)


“We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.” ~James Hollis.

“If one does not become the eccentric, unique, one-of-a-kind person he or she was meant to be, then a violation of some large purpose of the cosmos has occurred. Individuation is not self-absorption, narcissism or self-interest. On the contrary, individuation is a humbling task to serve what our deepest nature asks of us. For some it will be a path which brings public recognition, for others suffering and public calumny, for others still, private epiphanies never seen by anyone else. Any relationship which prevents or inhibits such a vocation is harmful and regressive.” ~James Hollis