〜Carl Jung、Visions Seminar、123ページ

We must look at these things from the standpoint of consciousness, and this woman's consciousness would assume that spirit was above, and that there was no spirit in matter.
Here for the first time she becomes aware of the fact that spirit can also come from the earth, and it is the same Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is by no means only an air bird, he is also a water bird. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 123


3:5 イエスはお答えになった。「はっきり言っておく。だれでも水と霊とによって生まれなければ、神の国に入ることはできない。

3:5 "I am telling you the truth," replied Jesus, "that no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.


【新共同訳】旧約聖書ヨナ書 (下記に文脈あり)
 2:7 わたしは山々の基まで、地の底まで沈み/地はわたしの上に永久に扉を閉ざす。しかし、わが神、主よ/あなたは命を/滅びの穴から引き上げてくださった。
 2:8 息絶えようとするとき/わたしは主の御名を唱えた。わたしの祈りがあなたに届き/聖なる神殿に達した。

 2:6 I went down to the very roots of the mountains, /into the land whose gates lock shut forever. /But you, O Lord my God, /brought me back from the depths alive.
  2:7 When I felt my life slipping away, /then, O Lord, I prayed to you, /and in your holy Temple you heard me.





私がまだ学校に行く前の、かなり幼い頃の話をしよう。毎週日曜日には、壁に美しい彫刻が施された古風な部屋を持つ年老いた叔母のもとで、午前中を過ごすことができた。私はいつも、これらの絵に強い興味を抱いて見ていた。そのうちの一枚は、田舎の牧師館の絵で、牧師が日曜礼拝に行くためにローブを着て出てきて、ちょうどドアを閉めて階段を下りて通りに出ようとするところだった。あまりに面白い老人だったので、私は彼をよく見ていたが、彼が階段を下り始めたのを発見した。私は叔母に呼びかけました。"歩いてる!"と 叔母はあり得ないと言ったが "確かに歩いてる "とね それから毎週日曜日は 牧師が階段を下りるまで じっと見つめるのが 私の楽しみだった 絵は長く見ていると 動くものだ そうでなければ、それは自分のミスであり、自分がその中に入っていないのだ。それこそ、古代の人々が、神の姿に答えがあると、あるいは、神の姿に肖像があると、確信した理由である。


the Indian and the Chinaman fill it with life through their contempla- tion. Then something happens in the center, the water becomes ani- mated by a certain thought, the swan, the white bird again. The white bird was ground underfoot, crushed into the earth, and it disappeared. It was dead. But by this magic rite up it comes again, this time trans- formed, no longer a bird of the air but a bird of the water. And behind the swan comes up a hand. Well, that is dark, our material does not allow a safe interpretation of the hand. Later on that symbolism occurs again, with the idea of either pulling something down or creating something with the hand. The Indian and the swan obviously do not recognize each other at once; therefore they gaze at each other as if they had seen one another in a former life—until the swan begins to talk. That is again a very important point: the fact that often, when a vision has a tendency to remain static, if you concentrate upon it, it begins to move or to talk. It might remain quite silent and mute, but if you concentrate sufficiently, the picture begins to talk. The more you concentrate upon that creative energy, the image, the more you animate it with actual life. Of course, the more you fill the image with life, the more you lose your own con- sciousness, and therefore the dhyana condition, the trance, has the ef- fect of a contraction of the field of vision, a sort of abaissement du niveau mental, or a rétrécissement de la conscience. There is a loss of realization of yourself while you realize the life of the object all the more. So through that gazing at each other, the life from the Indian goes over into the swan and makes the swan talk. That is almost a technical procedure; if a person feels that a figure is not living, he should concentrate upon it in order to bring it to life.
I will tell you a story about an experience of my own when I was quite a little boy, before I went to school. Every Sunday I was allowed to spend the morning with an old aunt who had a quaint old room with beautiful engravings on the wall. I always looked at these with intense interest. One was a picture of a vicarage in the country, and the parson was com- ing out in his robes to go to the Sunday service; he was just shutting the door and about to go down the steps to the street. I looked at him very hard because he was such an interesting old chap, and once I discovered that he began to walk down the stairs. I called to my aunt: "He is walk- ing!" Of course, she said it was impossible. “But I have seen him, sure enough he is walking down the stairs!" And every Sunday thereafter, that was my great pleasure-to stare at the old parson till he walked down the steps. If you look at a picture long enough it will move. If not, it is your mistake, you do not put yourself into it. That is the reason why the ancients were quite convinced that the figure of the god answered or


デモス教授 :人は黄泉の国に入ることで霊的になる。それは一種の対極の結合である。
ユング博士: この女性の意識は、精神が上にあり、物質の中に精神は存在しないと考えていました。ここで彼女は初めて、霊は地上からも来ることができ、それは同じ聖霊であるという事実を認識するのです。聖霊は決して空の鳥だけでなく、水の鳥でもあるのです。
ユング博士: 下からの復活のシンボル、今回は空ではなく、地の霊です。



27 NOVEMBER 1930
moved his head, although the idol was of stone. People paid high fees to be allowed to climb up a ladder and whisper in the ear of the god, for then they were sure he would hear and reply, or at least nod his head. There were innumerable cases where the picture or the idol responded to the worshipper.
The swan now uses a strange, rather biblical phraseology: “Lo, I have come to you.” That is, of course, the Holy Ghost—it is impossible to kill the Holy Ghost. But here we see that spiritual element appearing from below, out of the blackness of the waters of Hades. What does that mean? It is of tremendous psychological importance in this case.
Prof. Demos: One becomes spiritual through entering into Hades; it is a kind of union of opposites.
Dr. Jung: We must look at these things from the standpoint of con- sciousness, and this woman's consciousness would assume that spirit was above, and that there was no spirit in matter. Here for the first time she becomes aware of the fact that spirit can also come from the earth, and it is the same Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is by no means only an air bird, he is also a water bird.
Dr. Baynes: It is a resurrection symbol.
Dr. Jung: A resurrection symbol from below, the spirit of the earth this time, not of the air.

ユング博士: かすかな関係がありますね。
ユング博士 :つまり、あなたはこの事実を、中国人がインド人の代わりになって、池の中に彼を消してしまうという、一種の代用品として理解しているわけですね。別の視点はないのですか。
ユング博士 :それは実質的に同じことでしょう。シグ女史は、文化的な心、あるいは文化的な意見体系が自然な心の代わりをしていると言っています。しかし、もう1つ可能性のある解釈があります。ミス・サージ インディアンは無意識に押し込まれている
ユング博士: そうです あの黒い水は 無意識の深層にあるのです アニマが無意識になりすますように、人間の場合はアニマが無意識になりすますのです。それらの姿は、あたかも海面の上にあるかのようです。アニマは、貝殻に包まれた海の泡から生じるアフロディーテのように、水面から現れる女性であると言えるかもしれない。そしてアニムスもまた、ある意味では、黒い水の上に漂う精霊であり

3 December 1930
Dr. Jung:
We stopped last time at the apparition of the swan, and we saw that our interpretation of the swan as a substitute for the white bird symboliz- ing the Holy Ghost was confirmed by the biblical language of the swan. Then the Chinaman pushed the Indian into the pond, where he disap- peared. The Chinaman is a sort of duplicate. He is also an animus but of a different kind; he is more a cultural animus, acquired by her study of Chinese philosophy, while the Indian is the natural primitive mind. That the Indian is now pushed into the water seems like a hostile act on the part of the Chinaman, as if he were murdering the Indian. Is this mur- der? What does it mean when the natural mind is pushed into the black water?
Mrs. Sigg: He is replaced by a man who has some relationship to him in race; the Indian and the Chinaman are related.
Dr. Jung: There is a faint relationship there.
Mrs. Sigg: The more cultural replaces the less cultural.
Dr. Jung: So you understand the fact as a sort of substitution, that the Chinaman is going to substitute the Indian and so makes him disappear in the pond. Is there another point of view?
Prof. Eaton: Is it not an attempt of the artificial to suppress the natural mind?
Dr. Jung: That would amount to practically the same thing. Mrs. Sigg says that the cultural mind, or the cultural system of opinions, is substi- tuting the natural mind. But there is another possible interpretation. Miss Sergeant: The Indian is pushed into the unconscious.
Dr. Jung: Yes, those black waters would be the deeper layers of the unconscious. The animus impersonates the unconscious, as the anima impersonates it in a man's case. Those figures are as if on the surface of the sea. One could say the anima was the woman who emerges from the water, like Aphrodite arising from the foam of the sea in a shell. And the animus is also in a way a spirit that hovers over the black waters and is



 2:1 さて、主は巨大な魚に命じて、ヨナを呑み込ませられた。ヨナは三日三晩魚の腹の中にいた。
 2:2 ヨナは魚の腹の中から自分の神、主に祈りをささげて、
 2:3 言った。苦難の中で、わたしが叫ぶと/主は答えてくださった。陰府の底から、助けを求めると/わたしの声を聞いてくださった。
 2:4 あなたは、わたしを深い海に投げ込まれた。潮の流れがわたしを巻き込み/波また波がわたしの上を越えて行く。
 2:5 わたしは思った/あなたの御前から追放されたのだと。生きて再び聖なる神殿を見ることがあろうかと。
 2:6 大水がわたしを襲って喉に達する。深淵に呑み込まれ、水草が頭に絡みつく。
 2:7 わたしは山々の基まで、地の底まで沈み/地はわたしの上に永久に扉を閉ざす。しかし、わが神、主よ/あなたは命を/滅びの穴から引き上げてくださった。
 2:8 息絶えようとするとき/わたしは主の御名を唱えた。わたしの祈りがあなたに届き/聖なる神殿に達した。

 2:1 Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fish's belly.
 2:2 And he said:"I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction,And He answered me."Out of the belly of Sheol I cried,And You heard my voice.
 2:3 For You cast me into the deep,Into the heart of the seas,And the floods surrounded me;All Your billows and Your waves passed over me.
 2:4 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of Your sight;Yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.'
 2:5 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul;The deep closed around me;Weeds were wrapped around my head.
 2:6 I went down to the moorings of the mountains;The earth with its bars closed behind me forever;Yet You have brought up my life from the pit,O Lord, my God.
 2:7 "When my soul fainted within me,I remembered the Lord;And my prayer went up to You,Into Your holy temple.
 2:8 "Those who regard worthless idolsForsake their own Mercy.
 2:9 But I will sacrifice to YouWith the voice of thanksgiving;I will pay what I have vowed.Salvation is of the Lord."
 2:10 So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.


Jean-François Millet "Gleaning"ジャン=フランソワ・ミレー『落穂拾い』

It is based on the book of Ruth in the Old Testament.



12:24 はっきり言っておく。一粒の麦は、地に落ちて死ななければ、一粒のままである。だが、死ねば、多くの実を結ぶ。

 12:24 I am telling you the truth: a grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. If it does die, then it produces many grains.