1. シャドウが一体化している。
2. アニマとアニムスが解決/制御される。
3. __________?
~Anja van Kralingen.


1. Shadow is  integrated.
2. Anima and Animus  is resolved/controlled.
3. __________?
“In Jungian psychology, the first step to individuation is integrating your shadow. After that follows the integration of the Anima or Animus.”
~Anja van Kralingen.







女性は男性的な要素によって補われ、したがって彼女の無意識はいわば男性的な刷り込みを持っている。このため、男性と女性では心理的にかなりの違いが生じます。そこで、私は女性の投影を行う要素を、心や精神を意味するアニムスと呼ぶことにしました。アニムスは、アニマが母性のエロスに対応するように、父性のロゴスに対応する[The Syzygy: Anima and Animus," CW 9ii, pars.]

アニムスは,いわば女性の男性に対する先祖代々の経験の預かり物であり,それだけでなく,男性的な創造性という意味ではなく,我々が精霊の言葉と呼ぶべきものを生み出すという意味で,創造的かつ子孫繁栄の存在でもある[「アニマとアニムス」CW7,pars. 336].


~マリオン・ウッドマン 『Coming Home to Myself』より

影は、表現することを許されなかったすべての生命を体現している。それは、否定され、感傷の中で突破された、失われたすべての感受性を体現している。それは私たちの創造性を表し、それは放棄され、私たちを倦怠と神経衰弱に閉じ込める。それは、私たちの自発性を具現化するものです。それは、私たちの意識的な人格がまだ利用していないより大きな生命力を表し、そのブロックは、活力の低下につながる。~ジェームス・ホリス THE MIDDLE PASSAGE 惨めさから中年の意味へ

影とは、非常に回避的なものである。私は自分のことを知らない。周りの人の反応を見て勉強しています。私たちは、側近の鏡の反射に依存している。それがよくないときは、自己批判をする。~C. G. ユング、エマ・ユング、トニ・ウォルフ-想起集;51-70ページ。

"影は、神の声から最も効果的に私たちを切り離すブロックである" ~CG ユング、書簡集第II巻、544-546ページ。




1. シャドウ
2. アニマ/アニムス
3. 全体性

 好きである 理にかなっている。そのどれかに当てはめることができると思います。ただ、一部の人たちの行動があまりにもひどいので、より公平な競争の場に戻すことが必要かもしれない、と思っています。Donald Kaschedはこのことについて少し話しています。そして、私が最近手に入れた新しい本の紹介をします。キャンベル派に近い本ですが、トラウマの全体的な影響について指摘しています。



I do not know Jung's works. I have been reading Andrew Beals explanations. I cannot say I understand much.
Sir, could you please tell us in simple words , what is Anima/Animus and what is shadow.


Anima. The inner feminine side of a man. (See also animus, Eros, Logos and soul-image.)

The anima is both a personal complex and an archetypal image of woman in the male psyche. It is an unconscious factor incarnated anew in every male child, and is responsible for the mechanism of projection. Initially identified with the personal mother, the anima is later experienced not only in other women but as a pervasive influence in a man's life.
The anima is the archetype of life itself.["Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9i, par. 66.]

Animus. The inner masculine side of a woman. (See also anima, Eros, Logos and soul-image.)
Like the anima in a man, the animus is both a personal complex and an archetypal image.

Woman is compensated by a masculine element and therefore her unconscious has, so to speak, a masculine imprint. This results in a considerable psychological difference between men and women, and accordingly I have called the projection-making factor in women the animus, which means mind or spirit. The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros.[The Syzygy: Anima and Animus," CW 9ii, pars. 28f.]

The animus is the deposit, as it were, of all woman's ancestral experiences of man-and not only that, he is also a creative and procreative being, not in the sense of masculine creativity, but in the sense that he brings forth something we might call . . . the spermatic word.["Anima and Animus," CW 7, par. 336.]
The Jung Lexicon by Jungian analyst, Daryl Sharp, Toronto


The shadow is anything we are sure we are not; it is part of us we do not know, sometimes do not want to know, most times do not want to know. We can hardly bear to look. Look. It may carry the best of the life we have not lived.
~Marion Woodman, Coming Home to Myself

The shadow embodies all the life which has not been allowed expression. It embodies all lost sensitivity, which denied, breaks through in sentimentality. It represents our creativity, which abandoned, locks us into ennui and enervation. It embodies our spontaneity, which suppressed, routinizes and stultifies our lives. It represents a life force greater than our conscious personality has yet utilized, and its blocking leads to diminished vitality. ~James Hollis : THE MIDDLE PASSAGE From Misery to Meaning in Midlife

The shadow is something very evasive. I don't know mine. I study it by the reaction of those around me. We depend on the reflection of the mirror of our entourage. When it is not good, self-criticism is in order. ~C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff - A Collection of Remembrances; Pages 51-70.

"The shadow is the block which separates us most effectively from the divine voice." ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 544-546.

Very kind of you sir. Thank you.

Does taking care of trauma responses have a place here? And where? Just asking.


I’d suggest that by doing our inner work honestly and intelligently and our shadow integration, much of our trauma responses will be favorably affected in the process.
Just to be clear, there’s no bypassing suggested in this general overview…
Every aspect of Jung’s work comes under one category or another.
1. Shadow
2. Anima/Animus
3. Wholeness
Roughly speaking...

 I like it. Makes sense. I guess you could fit it in one of those. I just think that some maybe so severely in their behavior that it may require to bring them back to a more level playing field. Donald Kasched talks about this a bit. And I’ll share a blurb of a new book I recently got. It’s more in the Campbell camp, but it’s points out to the overall effect of trauma.

“The Monster’s Journey: From Trauma to Connection” by Mark Forman, PhD.
The Monsters Journey revisions “The Hero’s Journey”, the monomyth as discovered by the mythologist Joseph Campbell, from the point of view of someone undergoing the Hero’s journey but starting from a place of trauma. In the Hero’s journey the subject starts in a state of peace and serene environment . What if the person began in a broken home, a state of injury, or a fractured sense of self? Forman outlines many therapeutic methods for person working with trauma to integrate as they move towards a deeper authentic sense of self. Having been an integral therapist and focusing on his own healing for decades, Forman brings clarity and empathy to working with trauma.
He writes:














 チャド 👑






yup このページでした。















“A child, torn from the innocent state by traumatic experience, remains painfully surrounded by the world of the normal. There he confronts a profound sense of alienation and disfigurement; he has been altered and feels himself to be different, a monster. He hides and pretends to fit in, but he cannot make the pain or it’s outward signs fully subside. He is bereft of hope. But one day, there is an unanticipated encounter with the love and understanding of another human being. Buoyed by connection, the monster begins, however slowly, to live in the normal world, to see his true self, and to use the gifts bestowed by his trauma in order to serve others. Through his insight and service, his suffering is redeemed and a horizon of forgiveness appears. A positive connection with the world and with others can be generated and maintained.”


Speaking of trauma… could we say that falls more into the category of Clinical Psychology than Depth Psychology?

And BTW, from what I’ve observed of Kasched in a few interviews he’s quite good in the clinical psychology but not so much in Jung’s Depth Psychology. If you compare some of the Jung quotes I shared to the Coniunctio/Opposites responses to this OP you ought to notice what I refer to as Neo-Jungians, or those who cherry pick Jung according to their Mass-man status.

 good point! I am new to all this so all the groups I read sometimes meld into one big thing. So yea, not strictly “Jungian” ideas, which I am clearly not. But I still enjoy what I learn here. It has served me well!

This is not a quote of wisdom. It is not unique. All of us involved in the process know this sequence.


Can you elaborate on your claim that the OP quote is not ‘wisdom’… and how it is important to understand that uniqueness is important to your perception of the message being conveyed in the OP?


Is this your animus possession speaking or is this concern coming from your heart… and if so please elaborate so that we may find the wisdom in your actual concern here.


Otherwise I'll accept it as an unconscious projection on your part.


 Chad 👑

I got blocked by a lady for saying this exact thing to her I believe on this page about 20 minutes ago.


Can you point to where it happened or is it just as you said; "I believe"... a belief that it happened?


I was blocked

yup it was this page.

her name was Diana


What exactly did you say to her?


I found the post you’re talking about but you didn’t say the same thing as this OP is saying and certainly not the exact same thing – just to clarify...


Repeat. These things require maintenance.


Okay, but the question is, what comes next?

 seems the path is "Integration". One next step in integration of the inner and the outer.

Number three being individuation sound so basic, so simple of an answer. But I was flooded with thoughts and conceptions about that. I read many comments and many replies. So as it is there are multiple ways of individuation, all of them unique to each individual. I understand it is each one persons individual work that will guide them. I am stuck with the contemplation of differentiation. What are some guidelines or particulars of learning how to differentiate the voices of ones unconscious.? Shadow versus negative inflation, how are they different? Anima in a man, versus mother complex, versus mother Archetype ? Fool archetype, becomes hero. Golden Child becomes messiah archetype? How are they differentiated for shadow, personal unconsciousnes, & collective unconsciousness? It seems sorting all that out is part of an individual's work. To sort that out takes a great deal of time. To let go or pause in ones own individual work becomes a neglect of responsibility it is said. Can it be to take respite from the work of strivining can also be the work of soul fullfillment ? I do not want to error on the side of theosophy or spiritual bypassing. Nor do I want to find myself spouting opinion. I am merely trying to understand partially what I dont understand. Im also trying to assimilate what I do understand. Thank-you A ., for this post and your comments. My apologies for not getting through all the comments and responses. My thoughts and questions may have already been addressed here.


Just to clarify, number three is not “Individuation”… it’s not clear how you arrived at your conclusion. Yesterday I commented here that 3. is wholeness, but you must have missed that? You found the time to type out a long comment but couldn’t find time to read the comments?









シャドーの最大の側面のひとつは、マス・マン問題だと思います。ユングは、個性化とは「個人」になることであり、私たちの行動や振る舞いが完全に集団的であれば、その重要なステップを達成することはできないと明確に述べています...ですから、私たちがその立場を正当化して、自分がいかに全体であるかを主張したがるほど、私たちは自分を騙しているだけなのです。だから、シャドーを統合する最初の部分は、できるだけ多くの群れの社会集団から抜け出すことであり、その一つの達成は、残りのシャドーワークとアニマ/アニムスのワークのほとんどに良い影響を与えるというのは理にかなっています - さもなければ、我々はそれを行うのは難しいことになるでしょう。


All three points here fall under the category of Individuation.
The three points are just a general way of looking at the things Jung explains such as that ‘before’ dealing with the anima/animus we need to integrate the shadow… and ‘before’ approaching Wholeness we need to deal with the anima/animus.
This isn’t about a “path”… it’s simply explaining the natural order of things, such as how we can’t get to the Above without first going through the Below.

 thank you. I stand corrected then. I did read several comments and several replies and I thought I had made a accurate conclusion and I see that I did not. I've had a couple of hours I think about your reply to me. And there was some kind of a wounding. I'm not clear on whether it was to my ego. That perhaps was inflated when I made my comment. I'm not sure if it's a negative inflation that I've been processing. I'm not sure that it is a shadow voice that I'm integrating. Recently I took a Briggs Myers personality test. If I was honest in my answers I was indicated to be infp. If that is accurate then my orientation tends to be as an intuitive and my processing, perceiving, perception, is my inferior function. As Jung has pointed out intuitives are a interesting classification of people. They get accurate conclusions only half the time. They are hard to understand. They are somewhat of a minority and they gather information,or get an orientation quite differently from the general populace. I thought for sure I read one of the comments indicating individuation was number three. And I thought you had replied affirmatively to that. I read through the several comments and replies very rapidly. I will go back and read through your post and comments and replies much slower today. Thank-you again.


 In a way of speaking, part 3 is a part of Individuation – the same as in how part 1 & 2 also are a part of Individuation. It’s all Individuation… but this is to show how there’s a natural order to how things play out, because if we don’t realize this order we can get confused and disoriented. Also to understand that we shouldn’t try to jump ahead of ourselves such as trying to work with the unconscious if we’re in a mass-man possession of whatever situation, or trying to do anima/animus work if we have yet to integrate the shadow. All of this is important to understand especially in self analysis when we don’t have an analyst to guide us.
As far as the wounding thing goes, keep Edinger’s advice in mind:

"Now here's another crucial insight about the nature of psychology. What he (Jung) is telling us is that the experience of weakness or defeat is a sine qua non for consciousness. You cannot be a conscious being unless you can experience weakness and defeat. I talk about that whole matter in Ego and Archetype, where I used a diagram to illustrate the psychic life cycle.

What it pictures is the way consciousness is progressively developed out of the original condition of ego/Self identity. The original condition is inflation. The infantile psyche is in a state of identification with the Self and it is in a state of inflation. It is identified with the Deity. Very progressively, if life provides the right lessons through rejections and defeats and experiences of weakness, it gradually becomes conscious. And you go through that cycle again and again and each time it goes around there's a little increase in consciousness.

The psychology of the spoiled child short-circuits this cycle. The child's ego/Self identity goes uncorrected. It acts out the inflation and instead of being punished or defeated, it is allowed to get away with it so that the cycle does not complete itself. This cycle pictures the transformations that take place as ego/Self identity is subjected to recurrent experiences of defeat, failure and weakness. That composite entity of ego and Self undergoes transformation. This means that as consciousness grows, both the ego and the Self undergo transformation.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, pages 45-47.

I would suggest that one of our largest aspects of the shadow is the Mass-man issue… the ego’s penchant for remaining a part of the Herd and participating in divisive social group narratives. Jung made it very clear that Individuation is to become an “Individual” and we can’t achieve that all important step if we’re entirely Collective in our actions and behavior… so as much as we want to justify that position and to make claims about how Whole we are – we’re only fooling ourselves. So it makes sense that the first part of integrating the shadow would be to exit as many of the herd social groups as possible and that one accomplishment will have a positive affect on most of our remaining shadow work and anima/animus work – otherwise we’re going to have a tough go of it.







🙂 Aさんはどうお考えですか?


自己="何 "であるか
自我や小さな "s "の自分="誰"
何- 誰 ではない。
「自己のこの主観的な知識は、[何を意味するのか]。「自分が誰なのかではなく、何なのか、何に依存しているのか、誰のものなのか(あるいは誰に、何に属しているのか)、何のために作られたのかを知らなければ、誰も自分を知ることはできない」。この区別は......極めて重要である。. . . 精神の主観的な自我意識ではなく、依然として調査されなければならない未知の、偏見のない対象としての精神そのものを意味しているのである。「自我は一方ではそれに因果的に「依存」し、他方では目標に向かっているのだから、「何」とは中立的な自己、全体性の客観的事実を指す。
~カール・ユング;CW 9ii, par. 252.

~ゲルハルト・ドーン 1530-1584



 thank you for your additional comments. I believe I am getting things out of order. The last two hours I was trying to decipher whether or not some of my sensitivity to perceived criticism is in fact related to my anima. I listened for the second time over the last 2 days Edward edinger's ego encounter with the greater personality. Although I find it very enriching and thought-provoking I suppose that is me jumping ahead again of the order of things. The mass man complex which I have read warnings about on this Facebook group site on, most often presented by yourself. I strive to avoid that. I am not a member of any groups, I avoid conversations that involve divisiveness. I'm a member of my family of origin, my family that includes my wife and three children who are grown now. I'm a member of a labor force group at the factory where I work at. I'm a member of a musical group that now consists of six people. We don't discuss a lot of issues, we don't even practice regularly or play that often anymore. I don't watch television, I don't listen to the talk show radio programs or even NPR anymore. I pick up only on news information through conversation with my wife or family members or people that I work with, etc.. I have a lot of work to do. My lunch break is over and I still need to go back and read through this post and the previous comments, like I told you I would do. Thank you for your comments to me, it means a lot to me. Have a good Labor Day weekend.


Todd Holmberg Looking forward to and accepting constructive criticism (when it is applied consciously from others) is one way we can test/confirm our level of Honesty with ourselves and with others. If we get triggered and reject the times, for instance, when someone shows us our shadow, then we’ve got more honesty issues to deal with. This is where the Mass-man herd mentality aspect comes into play. If we’re in a herd-narrative social group (families and band groups do not apply) then we cannot be honest with ourselves or with others because we’re operating unconsciously according to the narrative. This is why it’s so crucial to leave the Herd and become an Individual.

Basically, the only ones who talk about the mass-man issue is those who have successfully left the Herd and that’s a small number of Individuals. Those who are the mass-man cannot see the world that exists outside their Box and so it doesn’t exist to them – won’t talk about things they can’t see. And they don’t realize how this not being able to speak of the issues of the mass-man qualifies them as the mass-man – and therefore qualifies them of the unconsciousness that is always associated with that position.
It’s a great step in the right direction to stop watching TV, etc...

3...Dynamically being exactly who you are!? 🙂 What's your idea, A?


It could be said that;
The Self = the “what”
The ego or small “s” self = the “who”
What – not who:
Self-realization (enlightenment):
“This subjective knowledge of the Self [is what is meant by]: "No one can know himself unless he knows what, and not who, he is, on what he depends, or whose he is (or to whom or what he belongs) and for what end he was made." This distinction . . . is crucial. . . . Not the subjective ego-consciousness of the psyche is meant, but the psyche itself as the unknown, unprejudiced object that still has to be investigated. "What" refers to the neutral self, the objective fact of totality, since the ego is on the one hand causally "dependent on" or "belongs to" it, and on the other hand is directed toward it as to a goal.”
~Carl Jung; CW 9ii, par. 252.

No man can truly know himself unless first he see and know ~what~ rather than who he is. To what end was he made, by whom & through whom?
~Gerhard Dorn, 1530-1584

We substitute our ignorance with gas; modern people are all gas bags inasmuch as they are ignorant of what they really are. ~CG Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 235

[233] 心理学的な発達の目標は、生物学的な発達と同様に、自己実現、すなわち個体化である。しかし、人間は自分自身を自我としてしか知らず、自己は全体として、神のイメージから説明することも区別することもできないので、自己実現は、宗教的あるいは形而上学的な用語で言えば、神の受肉に相当するのである。それは、キリストが神の子であることにすでに表れている。そして、個性化は英雄的で、しばしば悲劇的な仕事であり、すべての中で最も困難であるため、自我の情熱である苦しみを伴います。かつて私たちがそうだった普通の経験的な人間は、より大きな次元で自分を失い、空想上の意志の自由を奪われるという運命を背負わされているのです。いわば、自己が自分に加えた暴力に苦しんでいるのです。8 キリストの類似した受難は、世界の不公正と人間の暗黒のために神が受けた苦しみを意味する。人間の苦しみと神の苦しみは、補い合う効果を持つ相補性の関係を築きます。キリストの象徴を通して、人間は自分の苦しみの本当の意味を知ることができます。意識と無意識の統合の結果、彼の自我は「神」の領域に入り、そこで「神の苦しみ」に参加することになる。その苦しみの原因はどちらも同じである。すなわち「受肉」であり、人間レベルでは「個性化」として現れる。人間から生まれた神聖な英雄は、すでに殺人の危機にさらされ、頭を下げる場所もなく、その死は陰惨な悲劇となる。自己は単なる概念や論理的な仮定ではなく、精神的な現実であり、その一部だけが意識され、残りの部分は無意識の生活を包含し、したがって象徴の形をとる以外には考えられないのである。キリストの元型的な生活のドラマは、意識的な生活における出来事と、意識を超越した生活における出来事を、象徴的なイメージで描写しているのである。

 あ~OK!あなたは何ですか!🙂 つまり、ある時点では、リラックスして、自分らしくいるしかないのですね。常に改善すべき点があるという考え方は、少し反生活的な気がします...。(そして、これは「改善」という考えがかなり組み込まれているサジェから来たものです)






そうそう、私が占星術を知ったのは1998年のことで、びっくりするようなリーディングを受けて、まったく新しい世界が開けたんだ。それ以来、ずっと勉強しているんだ。それ以来、ずっと研究を続けています。年月が経つにつれて、トランジットや元型の経験が増え、友人がその経験をするのを見ると、果てしない満足感があります。私たちが取り組んでいること、癒しや拡大、変容、根本的な変化、表現、精神化、統合...など、現時点で起こっていることです。愛の占星術。自己認識のための素晴らしいツールです。私の旅/発見についてのページがあります...... https://www.lightcenterlove.com/learn-how-to-generate.../

 そしてもちろん、ユングは自分のクライアントに占星術を使っていました! 🙂。










3. 自我は水晶玉になるのかもしれません🔮最大限の意識の光で照らされ、元型を今まで以上にはっきりと見ることができるようになるのです。神秘的な意識


[233] The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation. But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God-image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms— amounts to God’s incarnation. That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God. And because individuation is an heroic and often tragic task, the most difficult of all, it involves suffering, a passion of the ego: the ordinary, empirical man we once were is burdened with the fate of losing himself in a greater dimension and being robbed of his fancied freedom of will. He suffers, so to speak, from the violence done to him by the self. 8 The analogous passion of Christ signifies God’s suffering on account of the injustice of the world and the darkness of man. The human and the divine suffering set up a relationship of complementarity with compensating effects. Through the Christ-symbol, man can get to know the real meaning of his suffering: he is on the way towards realizing his wholeness. As a result of the integration of conscious and unconscious, his ego enters the “divine” realm, where it participates in “God’s suffering.” The cause of the suffering is in both cases the same, namely “incarnation,” which on the human level appears as “individuation.” The divine hero born of man is already threatened with murder; he has nowhere to lay his head, and his death is a gruesome tragedy. The self is no mere concept or logical postulate; it is a psychic reality, only part of it conscious, while for the rest it embraces the life of the unconscious and is therefore inconceivable except in the form of symbols. The drama of the archetypal life of Christ describes in symbolic images the events in the conscious life—as well as in the life that transcends consciousness—of a man who has been transformed by his higher destiny.
~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 233.

 Ahhhh OK! WHAT you are! 🙂 I mean, at some point we have to just relax and just be ourselves, right? The idea that there is always something to improve seems to be anti-life a little.... (and this coming from a Sadge where the 'improvement' idea is pretty built-in)

 It’s one thing to find a healthy balance in all things… and then there’s the ego that likes to find reasons to not do the inner work. The work is never ending… so every break we justify to ourselves costs us in the long run.
Another way to look at this is to say; when am I not doing my inner work?
There’s lots of way to go about it.

True true.


I have actually found a tarot reader on you tube who is fairly “purist” rather than overlaying a commercially palatable and lucrative ego- derived interpretation on what is presented for each astrological sign. I have found that a great way to address and understand aspects of shadow as they present in real life, in here and now terms ( sorry that is a gestalt concept)

I think you mentioned you are a Sagittarius ( Sadie) I have a fascination for astrology and am finding the current general astrological readings chillingly accurate in my life currently as we head into Mercury retrograde.
… seemingly an interesting aside. What do others think?

Oh yeah, I discovered astrology back in 1998 when I had a mind-blowing reading and it just opened up a whole new world for me. I knew that I had to study it - so I've been studying it ever since! O the discoveries! It is endlessly satisfying as the years go by and one has more experience with the transits and archetypes and you see your friends go through theirs - it really helps to have friends that are interested and know the language and I do! Makes for really deep conversations and understandings of what the hell is reeeeeeally going on - what we're working with, what healing or expansion or transformation or radical change or expression or spiritualization or consolidation...etc...is happening at the moment. LOVE astrology. It's such an amazing tool for self-knowledge! I have a page about my journey/discovery.... https://www.lightcenterlove.com/learn-how-to-generate.../
Learn how to Generate and Interpret your own astrological birth chart

 and, of course, Jung used astrology with his clients! 🙂


 He definitely used astrology alongside his intuition and incredible intellect. What a combo!


3: to recognise our unconscious?(open the door?)


 I’d suggest that dealing with the shadow and anima/animus opens the door to the unconscious.
What do you think?




3. Maybe the ego becomes a crystal ball 🔮 lit with the greatest amount of conscious light that lets the archetypes be seen more clearly than ever. Mystic consciousness