
- C.G.ユング「赤の書」
p. 150

If you do not know what divine madness is, suspend judgement and wait for the fruits. But know that there is a divine madness which is nothing other than the overpowering of the spirit of this time through the spirit of the depths.

- C.G. Jung, The Red Book
p. 150


Cap v.

次の夜 [1913 年 12 月 12 日]、空気は多くの声で満たされました。「落ちてます」という大きな声。この間、他の人は混乱して興奮して叫びました:「どこへ行くの?...」 この混乱に身を委ねるべきですか?私は震えました。恐るべき深淵です。私を偶然に、自分の闇の狂気に任せてほしいですか?

灰色の岩肌が見え、それに沿って深いところに沈んでいきます。私は立っています... 暗い洞窟の中にいます。影が私を襲います。私は恐怖に襲われていますが、入らなければならないことはわかっています。 [...] 洞窟は、金切り声の恐ろしい騒音でいっぱいです。……地下水の流れが聞こえる。


私はあなたに、私の魂よ、たとえあなたが私を狂気に導くとしても、あなたを信頼することを誓った。[...] 私は白い衣服であなたの深みに浄化され、泥棒のように急いで入り、できる限りのものをつかんで息を切らして逃げたい. あなたの不思議を見る準備ができているように、神の驚きを持続させてください。

この時代のキリスト教に狂気が欠けている限り、それには神聖な命が欠けています。古代人がイメージで私たちに教えたことに注意してください。狂気は神聖です。[...] それは疑いの余地がありません: 魂の世界に入ると、あなたは狂人のようになり、医者はあなたが病気であると考えるでしょう.

こうして私は狂気を克服した。神の狂気とは何かを知らなければ、判断を保留して結果を待ちましょう。しかし、深層の精神によるこの時代の精神の圧倒に他ならない神聖な狂気があることを知ってください。深淵の精霊がもはや沈静化できず、人に異言を話すように強要し、彼自身が深淵の精霊であると彼に信じ込ませたとき、病的な妄想について話してください。しかし、この時代の精神が人を離れず、表面だけを見て、深層の精神を否定し、時代の精神に身を任せることを強制するとき、病気の妄想についても話します. 今回の精神は不敬虔で、深淵の精神は不敬虔で、バランスは敬虔です。

しかし、神聖な酩酊と狂気が彼にやってくるとき、誰が恐怖に耐えることができますか? [...] 深層の精神があなたを捕らえると、あなたは残酷さを感じ、苦痛に叫びます.





しかし、私はあなたに尋ねます、いつ男性が強力な武器と血なまぐさい行為で兄弟に落ちるのですか? 自分の兄弟が自分自身であることを知らない場合、彼らはそうします。

時はまだ熟していない。しかし、この血の犠牲を通して、それは熟すはずです。[...] 男性が成熟するまで、恐ろしいことが起こらなければなりません。[...] したがって、更新が来ることができるように、これらの日に起こるすべてのこともそうでなければなりません。


Cap v.

In the following night [December 12 1913], the air was filled with many voices. A loud voice called, "I am falling." Other cried out confused and excited during this: "Where to?..." Should I entrust myself to this confusion? I shuddered. It is a dreadful deep. Do you want me to leave myself to chance, to the madness of my own darkness?

I see a gray rock face along which I sink into great depths. I stand... in a dark cave. Shadows sweep over me. I am seized by fear, but I know I must go in. [...] The cave is full of the frightful noise of shrieking voices. [...] I hear the flow of underground waters.

In the deepest reach of the stream shines a red sun, radiating through the dark water. There I see-- and a terror seizes me--- small serpents..., striving toward the depths, where the sun shines. A thousand serpents crowd around, veiling the sun. Deep night falls. A red stream of blood, thick red blood springs up, surging for a long time, then ebbing. I am seized by fear. What did I see?

I have sworn to you, my soul, to trust you even if you lead me through madness. [...] I want to go down cleansed into your depths with white garments and not rush in like some thief, seizing whatever I can and fleeing breathlessly. Let me persist in divine astonishment, so that I am ready to behold your wonders.

To the extent that the Christianity of this time lacks madness, it lacks divine life. Take note of what the ancients taught us in images: madness is divine. [...] It is unquestionable: if you enter into the world of the soul, you are like a madman, and a doctor would consider you to be sick.

This is how I overcame madness. If you do not know what divine madness is, suspend judgement and wait for the fruits. But know that there is a divine madness which is nothing other than the overpowering of the spirit of this time through the spirit of the depths. Speak then of sick delusion when the spirit of the depths can no longer stay down and forces a man to speak in tongues... and makes him believe that he himself is the spirit of the depths. But also speak of sick delusion when the spirit of this time does not leave a man and forces him to see only the surface, to deny the spirit of the depths and to take himself for the spirit of the times. The spirit of this time is ungodly, the spirit of the depths is ungodly, balance is godly.
Because I was caught up in the spirit of this time, precisely what happened to me on this night had to happen to me, namely that the spirit of the depths erupted with force, and swept away the spirit of this time with a powerful wave.

Thus can you differentiate sick and divine delusion. Whoever does the one and does without the other you may call sick since he is out of balance.
But who can withstand fear when the divine intoxication and madness comes to him? [...] If the spirit of the depths seizes you, you will feel the cruelty and cry out in torment.

You see in these days what the spirit of the depths bore.

Blood shone at me from the red light of the crystal, and when I picked it up to discover its mystery, there lay the horror uncovered before me: in the depths of what is to come lay murder. The blond hero lay slain.

Depths and surface should mix so that new life can develop.

I would not have been able to see what was to come if I could not have seen it in myself.

But I ask you, when do men fall on their brothers with mighty weapons and bloody acts? They do such if they do not know that their brother is themselves.

The time is still not ripe. But through this blood sacrifice, it should ripen. [...] Frightful things must happen until men grow ripe. [...] Hence all this that takes place in these days must also be, so that the renewal can come.