アイデンティティは、ある人間の心理は別の人間の心理と似ている、同じ動機がどこでも起こる、私にとって心地よいものは明らかに他の人にとって楽しいに違いない、私が不道徳だと思うことは彼らにとっても不道徳であるに違いない、という素朴な思い込みの原因となっている。 、 等々。また、それは、自分自身の中で最も修正する必要があるものを他人の中で修正したいというほぼ普遍的な欲求にも関与しています。742.]

Identity is responsible for the naïve assumption that the psychology of one man is like that of another, that the same motives occur everywhere, that what is agreeable to me must obviously be pleasurable for others, that what I find immoral must also be immoral for them, and so on. It is also responsible for the almost universal desire to correct in others what most needs correcting in oneself.["Definitions," ibid., par. 742.]






I have experienced an interesting effect as I've journeyed on my individuation path:
 freedom from a rigid sense of identity. Some of us are more inclined to understand reality's illusion, myself included, so we tend towards more malleability even as we sit rigidly in our personas. Yet as I've moved towards authenticity, I've found I'm even more inclined to leave behind any rigid sense of identity, flowing day to day, opinion to opinion, based on information, thoughts, sensory experiences at the time without need for labels or categories. If anything, this has sped up my process of individuation as my ego and personas step aside from the helm. What interesting effects have you experienced through individuation?


- カール・R・ロジャース
[ アート - "Germination" by Caroline Jamhour ]さん


 “I feel I have become more adequate in letting myself be what I am. It becomes easier for me to accept myself as a decidedly imperfect person, who by no means functions at all times in the way in which I would like to function. This must seem to some like a very strange direction in which to move. It seems to me to have value because the curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I change.”
— Carl R. Rogers
[ Art • “Germination” by Caroline Jamhour ]



「人々に起こるこの奇妙な出来事があります...そしてそれは私たちが記録している限りはるか昔に記録されています...そしてそれは、彼らの通常の個性と個人的な感覚が、特別に説得力のある感覚として人々に伝わってきます アイデンティティは超越されています。」 〜アラン・ワッツ。

'There is this peculiar thing that happens to people...  and it's been recorded as far back in time as we have any recording at all...  and that is coming over people the peculiarly convincing sensation that their ordinary sense of individuality and personal identity is Transcended.'                                              ~ Alan Watts.

The word "Satori" is a Zen Buddhist word that means "momentary enlightenment." Satori is a small glimpse into your True Nature, or Consciousness itself; a moment when your ego completely dissolves.

「悟り」という言葉は禅宗の言葉で「瞬間的な悟り」を意味します。 サトリはあなたの真の性質、または意識そのものを少しだけ垣間見るものです。 自分の自我が完全に溶ける瞬間。


〜カール・ユング、レターズ Vol. II、508~509ページ

〜カール・ユング、レターズ Vol. II、508~509ページ


Unus Mundus 「一つの世界」



Everything could be said much more simply, but this simplicity is just what we ourselves and others lack with the result that it is more trouble for us to speak really simply than to speak in a rather complicated and roundabout way.
~ Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 508-509

Only numinous experiences retain their original simplicity or oneness which still gives us intimations of the Unus Mundus.
~ Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 508-509





そうなんです! 自分の絵への執着が消えていくことで、自分がただ存在することができるようになるのです。そして、多くの場合、プログラムとの関わりを気にしないようにします(笑)







自分自身にできるだけ正直になるために、私は古いギリシャの格言にしたがって、すべてを非常に注意深く書き留めた。"汝の持っているものをすべて与えよ、そうすれば汝は受け取る"。書いていると、しばしば独特の反応があり、それが自分を狂わせることもあった。私は徐々に、自分自身と邪魔者を区別することを学びました。感情的に低俗な、または平凡な何かが出てきたとき、私は自分自身に言うだろう、 "それは完全に私がいくつかの時間または他の方法でこのように考え、感じていることは事実であるが、私は今そのように考え、感じる必要はないです。こんな平凡な自分を永久に受け入れる必要はない、それは不必要な屈辱だ」と。肝心なことは、こうした無意識の内容を擬人化することで自分自身を区別し、同時に意識との関係性を持たせることである。それが、無意識の力を奪う技術である。それらは常にある程度の自律性、それ自身の別個のアイデンティティを持っているので、擬人化することはそれほど難しいことではありません。無意識の自律性は、自分自身を和解させるのに最も不快なものであるが、無意識がそのような形で現れるという事実そのものが、それを扱う最良の方法を与えてくれるのである。


 私は、硬直したアイデンティティから脱却する最も具体的な方法は、外界と関わるときに、「私は(説明的な言葉/カテゴリーなどを入力)です」と考えたり言ったりすることはほとんどない、と考えています。多くの人は、ユングさんの政党の例のように、関わるときに無意識にそうしているのです。彼らは会話に参加するときにアイデンティティの着用を 認識しないかもしれませんが、無意識のプログラムでは「私は...保守的/リベラル /進歩的」であり、その上に自分の信念体系を載せているのです。自分のアイデンティティと相反する有効な信念に直面したとき、彼らは 「私は」からの認知的不協和に苦しみ、それに応じて提示された信念を拒否す るだろう。十分な数の矛盾する信念を与えられると、いわゆるアイデンティティの危機 に陥る人もいるが、それでも彼らは「私はある」と言い、「でも...」と付け加え る。十分な時間が経つと、彼らのアイデンティティは新しい信念を統合し、新しい 一貫した「私は[記述子]です」を形成するようになるのです。


Im experiencing some of my attachments to my identity is evaporating and its as if I don't care. It seems like i'm losing my religion 😃

yes! It is the attachment to the picture of myself that is dissipating, which in turn allows myself to just be. And a lot of times, I don't care to engage with the program lol

 are you able to explain which identities you are becoming free from? or is this just a 'feeling', something that feels good and that you're identifying with?

 it's parts of my personality I guess, shadowparts I have spotted and identified with and questioned, understood the origin and agendas, embraced honored and disidentified with.
Good protective cowards and scared addictive cowards

Identifying with a feeling of becoming free from identifying... ponder that.

If we're unable to pinpoint our liberations... what does that tell us?

If all we have is a philosophy about becoming liberated, then it's likely that the ego is still holding the reigns.

"As a result of my experiment I learned how helpful it can be, from the therapeutic point of view, to find the particular images which lie behind the emotions…
The essential thing is to differentiate oneself from these unconscious contents by personifying them, and at the same time to bring them into relationship with consciousness. That is the technique for stripping them of their power…
I took great care to try to understand every single image, every item of my psychic inventory, …and, above all, to realize them in actual life. That is what we usually neglect to do. We allow the images to rise up, and maybe we wonder about them, but that is all. We do not take the trouble to understand them, let alone draw ethical conclusions from them. This stopping-short conjures up the negative effects of the unconscious. ~CG Jung, MDR, pg. 177-192.

In order to be as honest as possible with myself, I wrote everything down very carefully, following the old Greek maxim: "Give away all that thou hast, then shalt thou receive." Often, as I was writing, I would have peculiar reactions that threw me off. Slowly I learned to distinguish between myself and the interruption. When something emotionally vulgar or banal came up, I would say to myself, "It is perfectly true that I have thought and felt this way at some time or other, but I don't have to think and feel that way now. I need not accept this banality of mine in perpetuity; that is an unnecessary humiliation”. The essential thing is to differentiate oneself from these unconscious contents by personifying them, and at the same time to bring them into relationship with consciousness. That is the technique for stripping them of their power. It is not too difficult to personify them, as they always possess a certain degree of autonomy, a separate identity of their own. Their autonomy is a most uncomfortable thing to reconcile oneself to, and yet the very fact that the unconscious presents itself in that way gives us the best means of handling it.
~CG Jung, MDR, Confrontation with the Unconscious, Pages 185-6.

Leaving behind the sense of identity in a general sense is an understandable feeling. I’m wondering if you’d care to elaborate on that a bit in a more concrete way of describing it? For instance, in what ways were you previously identifying with something that you have detached from? Jung spoke about how people who loose their identity to the Church are more open to the transcendent function. And how he was “unpolitical” meaning that he no longer identified with a political party. Many tell of how they loose their identity to materialism.

 I think the most concrete way to describe stepping away from a rigid identity is I rarely think or say "I am [enter descriptive word/category/ etc" when engaging with the external world. A lot of people do this unconsciously when they engage, as in your Jung example of political party. They might not recognize the donning of identity when they engage in conversation, but running in the unconscious program is an "I am... conservative/liberal/progressive," on which they hang their belief system. When confronted with a valid belief that is in contradiction to their identity, they will suffer cognitive dissonance from their "I am," and in response reject the presented belief. Some, when given enough contrary beliefs, might go into what we would call an identity crisis, but they still say "I am" before adding "but..." With enough time, their identity integrates the new beliefs, forming a new consistent "I am [descriptor]".

私は、自我の死を促進するニューエイジのプログラムには、はまりません。私は健康な自我を持っていて、外界をナビゲートし統合しています。期待される社会的プログラムに応じてペルソナを身につけるのと同じように、私はまだ存在していますが、他人や自分自身に「私は・・・」と答えることはほとんどありません。それは、日々、時には気づかないほど、時には一度に劇的に変化するからです(アメリカの主流文化から脱プログラムし始めた時のような)。新しい気づきがあり、鏡が認識され、影が統合され、プログラムを認識するたびに、「私は」少なくなり、ただ存在することが多くなり、意見や考えが流れ、新しい情報を学ぶにつれて変化していきます。ユングが "非政治的 "であったように、私も徐々に "非プログラム的 "になりつつあるというのが、私のとりとめのない思考の中で最も明確な点かもしれません。






ラモーナ・クリースピーズ あなたは何に対してフローしていますか?



この絵は、素晴らしいアーティスト、Caroline Jamhourによるものです! この絵は、素晴らしいアーティストCaroline Jamhourによるものです!彼女は素晴らしいです

個性化のプロセス ...... 好き/嫌い


I do not fall into new age programs that promote ego death. I have a healthy ego that navigates and integrates the external world for me, just as I still have personas donned depending on the expected social program, so i still am but I rarely respond "I am..." to others or myself because that changes day to day, sometimes imperceptibly and sometimes drastically at once (like when I began deprogramming from mainstream American culture). With each new awareness, mirror recognized, shadow integrated, and recognition of a program, "I am" less and just existing more, with opinions and thoughts flowing and changing as new information is learned. Maybe the clearest point in my rambling jumble of thoughts is that I am slowly becoming "unprogrammed" just as Jung was "unpolitical."

 Yes, I still hear your broad generalizations… I’m looking for specific examples of ways that you have dissolved the identity to ...what?
When you say; “freedom from a rigid sense of identity.”… I’m still left wondering precisely what you became free of?

In other words, if we only hold this as a philosophy – that we’re free from a sense of identity – what good does it do us if we are unable to explain our liberation in a realistic manner? Jung was all about empirically being able to show his work and not as a theory.



 I think the key piece is I haven't dissolved the identity; rather, my identity is no longer a rigid and fixed entity. I now change my opinions, at times rapidly, based on absorbing information. A great example of this is my approach into anti-racism. A previous me would have stood by my individualism, that while yes WS still exists, it doesn't exist in me. This is a privelage, and my identity would have fought for existence as an individual. Now I listen. If I feel the urge to argue, I sit down with myself and ask why is this uncomfortable? Why do I want to argue against this perspective that someone else is living? In this process of individuation and deprogramming, I've become faster at consciously processing cognitive dissonance and adjusting my world view based on new information. This doesn't mean I'm not v me, that I don't have an identity. As mentioned in the OP, I find my identity is no longer rigid, that I am not attached to an idea of who I was yesterday or last year or have thoughts as to who I should be tomorrow. I am just existing as I am today.

I am just now encountering this myself. It came into my awareness yesterday as I recognized a change in how I choose to respond or engage with things, or not at all. I am starting to love being in flow.

Ramona Kleespies What are you in flow with?

 With everything that occurs though out my day. I don't find myself as reactive to things as they occur. And I can engage easier and feeling more connected.

I’m more easy going now. I’ve worked through a lot of darkness and just about a month ago began to fully accept and love myself. It is so freeing and beautiful!

This painting is by the amazing artist Caroline Jamhour! She is wonderful!

process of individuation . . . like / dislike
moral sentiments
fruit of the spirit / absolute consitutional values





ユング心理学辞典p116 (創元社)アンドリューサミュエルズ著



ユング心理学辞典p63 自我


ユング心理学辞典p21 英雄

        p23 聖ゲルぎオスの竜からの王女の救出









何を - 誰ではなく(誰かではなくー何を)
この自己の主観的な知識は、[これが意味するところである]。「自分が誰であるかではなく、何であるか、何に依存しているか、誰のものか(あるいは誰に、何に属しているか)、何のために作られたかを知らなければ、誰も自分自身を知ることはできない」。この区別は......極めて重要である。. . . 精神の主観的な自我意識ではなく、依然として調査されなければならない未知の、偏見のない対象としての精神そのものを意味しているのである。「自我は一方ではそれに因果的に「依存」し、他方では目標に向かうようにそれに向けられているので、「何」は中立的な自己、全体性の客観的事実を指している。
~カール・ユング;CW 9/2, par. 252.

~ゲルハルト・ドーン 1530-1584



What – not who:
This subjective knowledge of the Self [is what is meant by]: "No one can know himself unless he knows what, and not who, he is, on what he depends, or whose he is (or to whom or what he belongs) and for what end he was made." This distinction . . . is crucial. . . . Not the subjective ego-consciousness of the psyche is meant, but the psyche itself as the unknown, unprejudiced object that still has to be investigated. "What" refers to the neutral self, the objective fact of totality, since the ego is on the one hand causally "dependent on" or "belongs to" it, and on the other hand is directed toward it as to a goal.
~Carl Jung; CW 9/2, par. 252.

No man can truly know himself unless first he see and know ~what~ rather than who he is. To what end was he made, by whom & through whom?
~Gerhard Dorn, 1530-1584

We substitute our ignorance with gas; modern people are all gas bags inasmuch as they are ignorant of what they really are. ~CG Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 235








"We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us." 
~ Jean-Paul Sartre

"Be that self which one truly is." 
~ Soren Kierkegaard


It is the individual's task to differentiate himself from all the others and stand on his own feet. All collective identities . . . interfere with the fulfillment of this task. Such collective identities are crutches for the lame, shields for the timid, beds for the lazy, nurseries for the irresponsible. . . .ーCarl Jung


 3:13 モーセは神に尋ねた。「わたしは、今、イスラエルの人々のところへ参ります。彼らに、『あなたたちの先祖の神が、わたしをここに遣わされたのです』と言えば、彼らは、『その名は一体何か』と問うにちがいありません。彼らに何と答えるべきでしょうか。」
 3:14 神はモーセに、「わたしはある。わたしはあるという者だ」と言われ、また、「イスラエルの人々にこう言うがよい。『わたしはある』という方がわたしをあなたたちに遣わされたのだと。」