- cgユング、cw9、§179

The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word.
Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light.
On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes.
But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness.
There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.
— CGユング、CW9、§179


集合無意識の母型元型の心理的側面 パラグラフ179




* ユングは、分裂して自分自身を全体として表そうとする精神の部分に対して、複合体という名称を選びました。"複雑系理論のレビュー "を参照。CW 8.

DR. JUNG: それは、あなたが完全に立ち止まることを意味します。個性化とは逆に、葛藤を強く意識することを意味します。生きている限り、葛藤から救われることはない。そうでなければ、死ぬ前に死んでいることになる。そうでなければ死ぬ前に死んでしまう。取り除かれたように見えても、それは想像上のことです。生きていれば、葛藤は必ずある。絶対に必要なものだ。しかし、対立に打ち勝つか、対立に溺れるか、対立の片方に同化するか、それが問題なのです。個性化とは、混乱の中で自分の居場所を見つけることであり、葛藤の中に身を置き、葛藤の中にいながらその上にいることである」。
~C.G. ユング 個体化過程の夢のシンボル。1936年、メイン州ベイリー島で開催されたセミナー。



最も激しい対立は、もし克服されれば、簡単には乱されない安心感と落ち着きを残し、さもなければ、ほとんど癒されることのない壊れ方をする。逆に言えば、価値ある永続的な結果を生み出すためには、こうした激しい葛藤とその炎上が必要なのである。~カール・ユング、CW 8, Para 50


~J. クリシュナムルティ『生きることの解説』シリーズ1、第49章。


― CGユング、 人間と彼のシンボル

Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Paragraph 179

[because nobody gets anywhere who has no conflict: we need the conflict and the willingness to accept it. For conflict is the origin of our psychical energy – there can be no energy without it. We must have conflict, otherwise we don’t live.]

“Nietzsche’s sermon is ambiguous here; we don’t know whether he is preaching a belligerent attitude which shows itself in politics of states, or whether he preaches the individual conflict. If it is the latter, I must subscribe to it, because nobody gets anywhere who has no conflict: we need the conflict and the willingness to accept it. For conflict is the origin of our psychical energy – there can be no energy without it. We must have conflict, otherwise we don’t live.
We might assume here that Nietzsche hides in this paragraph the intuition of individuation. For conflict is absolutely indispensable for individuation. You cannon individuate as long as you are identical with your aims and activities because they are always only one aspect, and if you identify with only one aspect of yourself you are merely an autonomous function, an autonomous aspect of yourself. But if you accept the conflict between two or several aspects of personality, you have a chance to individuate, because you then need a center between the conflicting tendencies: then individuation makes sense. IF you are identical with only one aspect of yourself, you are naturally up against the unconscious, and then it looks as if your enemy were outside of yourself: at least you don't understand why you should be opposed from within because you only see that one tendency with which you are identical, and do not see the opposing tendencies. So you project your aspects into other people who then become your bête noire. They seem to be the cause of your defeat or your neurosis; one lies to accuse father and mother or a wrong education or enemies in order to excuse oneself for one's own defeat. You see, if Nietzsche really means the individual here, this is really good advice; but if he is haranguing a politically excited crowd, then it is cheap stuff--no good, bad filling of newspaper columns."
~CG Jung, Nietzsche's Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar given in 1934-1939, Volume 1, page 562.

* Jung chose the name complex for those parts of the psyche that split off and try to represent themselves as the whole. See “A review of the Complex Theory.” CW 8.

Question: Does complete individuation do away with conflicts?
DR. JUNG: That would mean you would come to a complete standstill. Individuation, on the contrary, means intense consciousness of conflict. You never will be saved from conflict as long as you live, otherwise you would be dead before you die. Conflict cannot be removed. If it seems to be removed, that is imaginary. Conflict must be, if one lives at all. It is absolutely indispensable. But the way you deal with it, that is the question – whether you are overcome by the conflict, whether you get drowned in it, whether you get identified with one or other side of the conflict. Individuation simply means you find your place amidst the turmoil; you keep yourself in the midst of the conflict; you are in the conflict yet above it."
~C.G. Jung. Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process. Seminar held at Bailey Island, Maine, 1936. p 35.

The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm which is not easily disturbed, or else a brokenness that can hardly be healed. Conversely, it is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed in order to produce valuable and lasting results. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 50

But there are conditions, as we learn from Zarathustra, where that old dragon really has to be disturbed, where we must have a lion to destroy old forms in order to give a new form to old instincts and a new protection against old dangers.
~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 900-902

Conflict is the very structure of the Self.
~J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living, Series 1, Chapter 49.


“The sad truth is that man's real life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites—day and night, birth and death, happiness and misery, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail against the other, that good will overcome evil, or joy defeat pain. Life is a battleground. It always has been and always will be; and if it were not so, existence would come to an end.”
― C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols



集合無意識の母型元型の心理的側面 パラグラフ179



〜CG Jung、Nietzsche's Zarathustra:1934-1939、Volume 1、page562で行われたセミナーのメモ。

*ユングは、分裂して全体として自分自身を表現しようとする精神の部分の名前の複合体を選びました。 「複雑な理論のレビュー」を参照してください。 CW8。

〜C.G。ユング。個性化プロセスの夢のシンボル。 1936年、メイン州ベイリー島で開催されたセミナー。p35。

最も激しい紛争は、克服された場合、簡単に邪魔されない安心感と落ち着きを残します。さもなければ、ほとんど癒されない壊れ目を残します。逆に、価値のある永続的な結果を生み出すために必要なのは、これらの激しい紛争とその大火だけです。 〜Carl Jung、CW 8、Para 50

〜Carl Jung、Zarathustraセミナー、900〜902ページ




「悲しい真実は、人間の現実の生活は、昼と夜、誕生と死、幸福と悲惨、善と悪の容赦のない反対の複合体で構成されているということです。 一方が他方に勝つか、善が悪を克服するか、喜びが痛みを打ち負かすかについてさえ、私たちは確信していません。 人生は戦場です。 これまでも、そしてこれからもそうです。 そうでなければ、存在は終わりを迎えるでしょう。」
― C.G. ユング、人間と彼のシンボル