The wildest conflict seen from a mountaintop looks like a storm in the valley. That does not rob the storm of its reality, but instead of being in it we are above it.

In the psychic sense, we are both valley and mountain.

C.G. Jung, Secret of the Golden Flower















Problems are not "solved", they are outgrown :

"I had always worked with the temperamental conviction that at bottom there are no insoluble problems, and experience justified me in so far as I have often seen patients simply outgrow a problem that had destroyed others.

This ‘outgrowing,’ as I formerly called it, proved on further investigation to be a new level of consciousness.

Some higher or wider interest appeared on the patient’s horizon, and through this broadening of his outlook the insoluble problem lost its urgency.

It was not solved logically in its own terms, but faded out when confronted with a new and stronger life urge.

It was not repressed and made unconscious, but merely appeared in a different light, and so really did become different.

What, on a lower level, had led to the wildest conflicts and to panicky outbursts of emotion, from the higher level of personality now looked like a storm in the valley seen from the mountain top.

This does not mean that the storm is robbed of its reality, but instead of being in it one is above it.

But since, in a psychic sense, we are both valley and mountain, it might seem a vain illusion to deem oneself beyond what is human.

One certainly does feel the affect and is shaken and tormented by it, yet at the same time one is aware of a higher consciousness looking on which prevents one from becoming identical with the affect, a consciousness which regards the affect as an object, and can say, ‘I know that I suffer.’
C.G. Jung, Jung on Active Imagination (selection from Secret of the Golden




ユング博士とロイ博士の往復書簡」『フロイトと精神分析』CW 4, par. 606


A New Perspective
Outer circumstances may remain the same, but a change takes place in the individual. This generally appears as a new attitude toward oneself and others; energy previously locked up in a state of indecision is released and once again it becomes possible to move forward.

At that point, it is as if you were to stand on a mountain top watching a raging storm below—the storm may go on, but you are outside of it, to some extent objective, no longer emotionally stressed. There is a sense of peace. This is not essentially different from the traditional Christian concept of grace—“the peace that passeth understanding”—except that it doesn’t come from a distant God; it wells up inside.

A Correspondence between Dr. Jung and Dr. Loÿ,” Freud and Psychoanalysis, CW 4, par. 606



""最も激しい葛藤を乗り越えれば、簡単には乱れない安心感と穏やかさが残る。価値ある永続的な結果を生み出すためには、まさにこのような激しい葛藤が必要なのです。" - C.G.ユング - CW 8, par 50

"“The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.” – C. G. Jung • CW 8, par 50

- カール・グスタフ・ユング

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”
― Carl Gustav Jung


私たちが識別できる限り、人間の存在の唯一の目的は、単なる存在の暗闇の中で光を燃やすことです。無意識が私たちに影響を与えるのと同じように、私たちの意識の増加が無意識に影響を与えるとさえ考えられるかもしれません。〜Carl Jung and Memories Dreams and Reflections。

