ユングは、人々は沈黙を心から恐れていると考えていました。「死のような沈黙」という表現が示すように、口笛、ハミング、囁き声、咳払いがこれほど多く、社会生活の中心が恐ろしいカクテルパーティーであり、ユングはこの制度を嫌っていました35 。人々が抱く本当の恐怖は、沈黙すれば深淵から何が出てくるか、それまで騒音で抑えられていたあらゆる物事が湧き上がってくるのではないか、といったものでした。

For Jung, noise was the degenerative symptom of urban civilization, compounded by the nerve-shattering din of technical gadgetry. What made the problem of noise even worse was its use as apotropaic magic. The more frightened people became by the nuclear arms race, the alarming pollution of water supplies, the steady increase of radioactivity and the sombre threat of overpopulation which further tempted world leaders to use the Bomb, the more their unconscious fear was reproduced at conscious level as a love of noise, which stops the fear from being heard. Noise was welcome because it drowned inner instinctive warnings of global catastrophe; like crowds, it gives the individual a feeling of security and wards off painful reflections; it scatters our anxious dreams, assures us we are all in the same boat, and enhances the idea that if we make such a racket nobody will dare to attack us.
Jung thought that people genuinely feared silence – the very expression 'deathly silence' was a giveaway – which was why there was so much whistling, humming, whispering and coughing and why the centre of social life was the dreaded cocktail party, an institution Jung loathed.35 The real fear people entertained was what might come up from the depths if there was silence – all those things previously held at bay by noise.