宮床つむぎ ③ 庭の石積み masonry | 寺子屋 つむぎ

寺子屋 つむぎ

     今日も お寺や、神社や、公園に!
        秋には 里芋で 幻の 「おくづかけ」

           Variety is the spice of our life.




The neatly stacked stone wall, each stone meticulously placed, stand as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The Great Wall of China, spanning thousands of miles to deter the invasion of northern nomadic tribes, is constructed by filling gaps between stones with a mortar-like adhesive. The stone walls of Machu Picchu, an aerial city prone to frequent earthquakes and heavy rainfall, exhibit meticulously arranged stones, so tightly packed that not even a razor blade can pass through. Japanese castle walls firmly interlock largely unprocessed natural stones, reinforcing the stonework with the weight of the stones themselves. Though the gaps in the seemingly unstable stones enhance drainage. Everyone marvels at the craftsmanship that utilizes these gaps.





In the garden of Miyatoko, numerous precious stones have been carefully placed.  Akita’s Komachi stones form the path’s cobblestones, while the sturdy Inai stones, survivors of a major earthquake, are laid out in a patterned arrangement for ease of walking, embodying the sensitivity and kindness of the Niwashi.  










The rugged stone walls at the base of the mountain are robustly finished, featuring uneven Chokai stones, resembling a natural cascade. Over time, the shrubs atop the stone walls intricately weave their fine roots around the back of the masonry, growing into a stable stone wall impervious to earthquake and heavy rains. The craftsmanship in the stone masonry shines through, calming the heart of those strolling along the moss-covered path who gently clasps their hands in prayer to Ojizosama.