



『怪談』で有名なラフカディオ・ハーン(Lafcadio Hearn, 小泉八雲, 1850-1904)も蚊には苦しめられました。彼は昆虫が好きだったので、虫にまつわるエッセーなど書いていますが、その中に、"Mosquitoes" という作品があります。あまりに刺されるので、プーンという羽音を聞いただけで刺されたときの感覚が感じられる気がするそうです。しかも家の裏手にある寺の墓地が蚊の温床になっているとか。


I am persecuted by mosquitoes. There are several species in my neighborhood; but only one of them is a serious torment, — a tiny needly thing, all silver-speckled and silver-streaked. The puncture of it is sharp as an electric burn; and the mere hum of it has a lancinating quality of tone which foretells the quality of the pain about to come, — much in the same way that a particular smell suggests a particular taste. [中略] And I have discovered that it comes from the Buddhist cemetery, — a very old cemetery, — in the rear of my garden. (Lafcadio Hearn, "Mosquitoes," in Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, Charles E. Tuttle, 1997, pp.205-212)






And, considering the possibility of being doomed to the state of a Jiki-ketsu-gaki, I want to have my chance of being reborn in some bamboo flower-cup, or mizutamé, whence I might issue softly, singing my thin and pungent song, to bite some people that I know.

