何度かご紹介した、イギリスの哲学者メアリー・ウォーノック(Helen Mary Warnock, 1924-2019)は倫理学や教育学に強い関心を持ち、これらの分野での著作も多数あります。その中で、一貫して鍵概念となっているのが想像力(imagination)です。


もちろん、思想史的な基礎、例えば、ヒューム、カント、ワーズワース、サルトルの想像力論を踏まえて述べているのですが、彼女によると、想像力は基本的には事実と異なる(what is not the case; what is not:下の引用で、下線を引いたところをご覧ください)ことを感じたり考えたりする力です。それなので、「作り話」(fictions)や「空想」(fancies)を紡ぐものにすぎないと考えられがちです。しかし逆に、だからこそ想像力は、(現実とともに)可能なこと、(表面的であったり明らかであったりすることとともにその)根底にあることを見てとったり考えたりする力でもあるのです。想像力がなければそもそも現実世界や目の前の出来事の知覚すらできないのかもしれませんが、想像力こそ現実にとらわれず、現在だけでなく過去から未来まで考えることのできる、人間性の本質であると言えます。想像する能力があるからこそ、私たちは計画をたて、夢想し、実験すること、未来を思い描くことができます。それは、人間の自由の源泉なのです。(この辺りは、サルトルの想像力論にかなり依拠しています。)






   The nature of the imagination is to concern itself with what is not the case. This is why it has sometimes seemed a frivolous human attribute, concerned with nothing but fictions and fancies, not contributing to the understanding of the real world. But to judge it thus would be totally mistaken. For, while it is true that the imagination deals in what is not, this very point can be put in another way: that it deals with the possible as well as the actual, the underlying as well as the superficial or the obvious. A person wholly without imagination, if such a person could exist, would be totally bound by the constraints of immediate experience. He would see no other way of interpreting his experience except that way in which it first presented itself. For a person with literally no imagination, a picture could not even be interpreted as a picture of something. It would simply be a number of colours and shapes on a two-dimensional ground. And if this person were taught to see the picture as representing something other than itself, it would still suggest nothing further to him. For such a hypothetical person, moreover, there would be no past and no future, no speculation, no anticipation -- nothing but a blank present. When we say that the imagination deals with what is not, we mean that it is by means of this faculty that we think of things in their absence. And if we can do that, we can also think of them as they are not, or not yet, but might be. We can plan, we can daydream, we can experiment; we can devise a future  which is unlike the past, unlike anything that has ever been done or made or said before. And this, of course, is freedom. It is also the source of all the deepest and perhaps most mysterious of our pleasures.

   The characteristic imaginative pleasure is that which makes us feel that there exists an infinity of possibilities. We feel that we shall never come to an end of that which we are interested in. The opposite of this pleasure is boredom, or ennui.   ("Education for Pleasure," pp.153-4, in The Uses of Philosophy, Blackwell, 1992)


ウォーノックには『想像力』(Imagination, 1976)という著書があるのですが、上の(別の本からの)引用は、彼女の想像力概念の意味と意義が簡潔に述べられていてわかりやすいです。私たちが人間らしい生を送るにあたって、いかに想像力が重要な働きをしているかが凝縮して書かれていると思います。したがって、ウォーノックによると、教育とは、単に実用的・実利的な知識や技能を習得するだけでなく、人間らしい生き方ができるように、想像力を触発し、育む営みであるべきです。私も同感です。