ついでですから、SUNY Oswego の前身 Oswego Normal School(オスウィーゴ師範学校)で教えられたペスタロッチ主義の原理を挙げておきます(Ned Dearborn, The Oswego Movement in American Education, 1925/69, p.69)。

1. Begin with the senses.
2. Never tell a child what he can discover for himself.
3. Activity is a law of childhood. Train the child not merely to listen, but to do. Educate the hand.
4. Love of variety is a law of childhood -- change is rest.
5. Cultivate the faculties in their natural order. First, form the mind, then furnish it.
6. Reduce every subject to its elements, and present one difficulty at a time.
7. Proceed step by step. Be thorough. The measure of information is not what you can give, but what the child can receive.
8. Let every lesson have a definite point.
9. First develop the idea and then give the term. Cultivate language.
10. Proceed from the simple to the difficult, i.e., from the known to the unknown, from the particular to the general, from the concrete to the abstract.
11. Synthesis before analysis -- not the order of the subject, but the order of

ペスタロッチの「直観教授」のアメリカ版「オブジェクト・レッスン」の要点は、例えば (9) First develop the idea and then give the term. あたりに見られます。つまり、実際の体験や実物を見ることなしにことば(または概念)だけを教えるのではいけない、ということです。

オスウィーゴを中心に広まった「オブジェクト・レッスン」は教授方法として形式化してしまって、ペスタロッチが重視した理念的部分 ―― 教授が可能になるための大前提である家庭的な雰囲気や環境の重視(先日ご紹介した Jane Roland Martin などが重視している点です)―― が抜け落ちてしまっているという批判もあるのですが、オスウィーゴ師範学校の歴史を書いた Dorothy Rogers などは、オスウィーゴ版ペスタロッチ主義には確かにシェルドンの手による修正もあるが、"domesticity and maternalism" の雰囲気が大切にされていたことを示唆しています(Dorothy Rogers, Oswego: Fountainhead of Teacher Education, 1961, p.19;このページからだとはっきりとは分かりませんが、先に挙げたDearborn の以下の記述などを見ると、もっとはっきり分かります)。

"His [Sheldon's] home was always open to his students and many a tender memory was formed of the pleasurable time spent at his fireside and on the lake front at Shady Shore. The delightful spirit of Dr. Sheldon's home, extended to the student body, was but another means of expressing his philosophy of life and was truly Pestalozzian. To let education proceed in an atmosphere of domesticity was a declared principle of Dr. Sheldon and of the famous Swiss schoolmaster whose educational theories inspired him." (Dearborn, p.35).
