CNN10 7/31 大打撃を受けたアメリカ経済 | 韓国語 英語トリリンガル♪楽習ブログ

韓国語 英語トリリンガル♪楽習ブログ

元フリーの英語・韓国語講師, 「なぞなぞ英語」編著者のブログです。最近はK-Pop のTWICE WEEEKLY STAYC aespa そして人気ユーチューバー歌手 J.Fla の応援ブログ的な性格が強くなってます 歌の歌詞やドラマの台詞、ジョーク、ことわざなどは必ず語学力アップに役立ちますよ!


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最初の1分58秒目まで聞いてください。 今のコロナ禍の中でアメリカの経済がどれくらいの打撃を受けたかを語る内容です。 速すぎると思ったら、YOUTUBEのスピード設定を変更して何度か聞いてみましょう。そして、



GDPGros Domestic Products 国内総生産 

recession  不景気 

between A and B  AとBの間の

Corona Virus pandemic コロナウイルスの世界的な流行

economic expansion  経済発展

job creation   雇用創出

checks  小切手

stimulus  刺激



どれだけ聞き取れましたか?次のような英文でした。 キーワードを赤で表示します。


1Friday is awesome A shrinking economy is nuts.

And its economic news that headlines today's edition of CNN 10.  I'm Carl Azuz from our remote studio outside the CNN Center.

2The U.S. Commerce Department says the American economy has set a new record and it's not a good one.  Between April and June of this year, the nation's Gross Domestic Product decreased by 9.5 percent and even though that's not as bad as many economists expected it would be, the GDP has never dropped that much that quickly.

3At the worst point of the great recession the financial crisis that hit between 2007 and 2009, America's greatest quarterly drop wasn't this dramatic.  What about the great depression which peaked in the early 1930s?  Experts say it's hard to compare the new drop to that event because quarterly GDP figures weren't being recorded yet.  


4The reason for the new decrease is the Corona Virus pandemic with business forced shut down and most of Americans under Stay-At-Home orders in the spring.  CNN reports that 20 million American jobs were lost.  This abruptly ended the longest economic expansion in American history.  


5The hopeful news was that in May and June the economy started to rebound as America reopened.  Adding millions of jobs in each of those months and setting records for job creation in each of those months.  And the July jobs which is due out next week is also expected to be a good one.

6But overall, the economy has not recovered what it lost earlier this year.  The federal government has set aside trillions of dollars to try to limit the damage.  This has come in the forms of loans to help companies extra benefits for people who lost their jobs, and checks sent out directly to many Americans.  Lawmakers are debating another package of these stimulus measures as we speak.




Friday is awesome 


A shrinking economy is nuts.


And it's economic news that headlines today's edition of CNN 10.  


ベルこの文は it is ... that  の強調構文と考えられます。


Economic news headlines today's edition of CNN 10. 


ここで headline は動詞です。
I'm Carl Azuz from our remote studio outside the CNN Center.


2The U.S. Commerce Department says the American economy has set a new record and it's not a good one.  


Between April and June of this year, the nation's Gross Domestic Product decreased by 9.5 percent and even though that's not as bad as many economists expected it would be, the GDP has never dropped that much that quickly.

3At the worst point of the great recession the financial crisis that hit between 2007 and 2009, America's greatest quarterly drop wasn't this dramatic.  


What about the great depression which peaked in the early 1930s?  


Experts say it's hard to compare the new drop to that event because quarterly GDP figures weren't being recorded yet.  



4The reason for the new decrease is the Corona Virus pandemic with business forced shut down and most of Americans under Stay-At-Home orders in the spring.  


CNN reports that 20 million American jobs were lost.  


This abruptly ended the longest economic expansion in American history.  



5The hopeful news was that in May and June the economy started to rebound as America reopened.


Adding millions of jobs in each of those months and setting records for job creation in each of those months.  


And the July jobs which is due out next week is also expected to be a good one.

6But overall, the economy has not recovered what it lost earlier this year.  


The federal government has set aside trillions of dollars to try to limit the damage.  


This has come in the forms of loans to help companies, extra benefits for people who lost their jobs, and checks sent out directly to many Americans.  


Lawmakers are debating another package of these stimulus measures as we speak.




