About JongHyun ①(for English) | WITH A SMILE☆~嵐とCNBLUE~


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Hello, for BOICE friends of the world.

This is an English translation of a sentence I wrote about leaving Junghyun as a Japanese.

After all, Yonghwa Fan’s writing, so his information may be wrong ._ (._.) _

And English is not good. I'm sorry.


First, Jonghyun.

You didn't know the Greatness of Your Value.

The songs that I think are good to listen to the CD were mostly songs made by Jonghyun.

Heart Song/Footsteps
With your eyes
I can't believe
Drunken Night

You know....ショボーン

Maybe......I think he didn't it understand.
It ’s clumsy if you ’re talking about it, and if you ’re bad, you ’ll be casual
You might have thought that it would be enough if you had money.

But even a little musically,
『better than Yonghwa's song』
『 It ’s also valid in the world, 』
and people from the company(FNC) said... (secretly to Yonghwaキョロキョロ).

I wanted to create an environment where I could immerse myself in music.

No one can call a famous musician(World class) in Korea?

It can be used for music programs or in a variety program or drama to be counted in the ranking.
I have to contribute to the TV.

So it ’s a martyrdom.

Respect the older

... I hear that Grandpa and Grandma have channel rights (I'm not sure now).

If you're aiming for those people, you can't immerse yourself in music.

Even musicians have to eat for life. 
But you can't earn just the music you really want to do.

However, I think if there is a person on the side who gives me a good opinion and praise about my music.
(Maybe Yonghwa warned me many times, but I think it's different from giving up the same member preaching, resonating)

The fault of others is not good ...
He is talented.
I would like to write it even better by acknowledging it! 
I had to have a high sense of improvement and awareness ...
I don't think this would happen if he knew his value.

If He knew this and it happened,
I say, 『you are stupid!JongHyun!』えーん