1. 昔宿泊した安宿で、主人から「照明は点灯時に電気を食うから、一度つけたらつけっぱなしにしておいてくれ。」と言われて驚いたことがあった。記憶に残る迷発言であった。常識的に考えれば、照明に必要な電気代は使用時間に比例すると思う。確かに点灯時に大きな突入電流が生じるのかもしれないが、オンにするのにかかる時間はほんの一瞬なので、トータルで考えれば人がいない時はこまめに消した方が電気代は安く済むと思う。ただ、もしこれを実証しようとなると、かなりの時間と労力と測定機器が必要だろう。こういう偽科学と出会った時、因果関係を立証し嘘か否かを断定するのはかなり難しい。


2. シマエナガという鳥を、最初沖縄の人の名前によくある「島袋」と似ているので、沖縄の鳥かと思った。


1. When I stayed at a cheap hotel a long time ago, the host told me, ``Lights consume electricity when turned on, so once you turn them on, please leave them on.'' I was surprised. It was a memorable remark. Common sense suggests that the electricity cost for lighting is proportional to the amount of time it is used. A large inrush current may be generated when the lights are turned on, but turning them on is only a momentary event, so if you think about it in total, I think it would be cheaper to turn off the lights frequently when no one is around, which will reduce your electricity bill. However, if we were to prove this, it would require a considerable amount of time, effort, and measuring equipment. When you come across this kind of pseudoscience, it is quite difficult to determine whether it is a lie or not.
I can't even refute it based on my thoughts or impressions, and pseudoscience will continue to spread regardless of the facts. I don't think people who take trivia like this seriously will change their mind even if you present them with correct arguments, facts, and data. This is because people believe what they want to believe.
2. At first, I thought the bird Shimaenaga was an Okinawan bird because it looked similar to the Okinawan name ``Shimabukuro.''