Hello Everyone,

I'm writing this at St. Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield, Wisconsin.

Koko's band, The Blues Machine, was on the tour van (rental) that was heading to Minnesota on early Saturday Morning.

The van has lost the control for some reason on the highway then crashed into the side open area after rolling a few times.

I was thrown out from the van and injured right hip and my face.

An ambulance rushed me to the local hospital for a emergency treatment then I was transfered to St. Josegh's Hospital by a hellicopter on Saturday around noon.

How lucky I am, even with the extremely serious accident, I had only

4 small broken bones around my left eye and a right hip dislocation ( no broken bones)

My hands and fingers are totally move normal!

I had a face surgery yesterday and it went reary well.
I'm fighting againt the pain right now but the Doctor Machergee told me that I'll be feeling fine and be able to go back home soon.

So many people are worring and caring about my injuries.
Thanks so much for your love , care and pray.

I'll be completely fine and play my guitar for you again soon

I love you very much and god bless you!
