Update:フィギュアスケーターからのメッセージ集 | elmomodays



プロフィールの写真にPray for Japanをいれてくれてる選手も。

$えるももの空想食堂KooSou ときどき空想雑貨店

Evgeni Plushenko(エフゲニー プルシェンコ)
Japan I love you! Hold on! I'm with you!!!

Jeffrey Buttle(ジェフリー バトル)
This is so frightening. My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with everyone in Japan.

$えるももの空想食堂KooSou ときどき空想雑貨店
Evan Lysacek(エヴァン ライサチェク)
Praying for all the people in Japan affected by the terrible tsunami. Please stay safe.

Jeremy Abbott (ジェレミー アボット)
Nothing I can say at this moment is significant, but my thoughts and love are with all of Japan. You're a great nation of amazing people <3
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Japan right now.

Rachael Flatt(レイチェル フラット)
My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Japan.

Adam Rippon(アダム リッポン)
I am thinking and praying for all of my friends and fans living in Japan today

Patrick Chan(パトリック チャン)
My thoughts are with the people in Japan, and the losses that have ocurred from this horrific natural disaster.

Tanith Belbin(タニス ベルビン)
Trying to absorb this tragedy. Heart and thoughts to Japan & those affected by the tsunami. Incredible country and ppl.

Johnny Weir(ジョニー ウィアー)
My heart and prayers are with Japan.
Very sick but going to church to pray for my friends, the families and people of Japan. We are with you!

Kiira Korpi(キーラ コルピ)
I send my prayers for everyone in Japan!! Please hold on and take care! <3 Hope I can still come for the world championships there..

So sad about the situation in Japan and the championships being cancelled.. :( I send my love and lots of strength for everyone there! <3

Joannie Rochette(ジョアニー ロシェット)
My thought and prayers are with Japan during this terrible time! It is such a beautiful place with wonderful warm people xoxo

Ashley Wagner(アシュリー ワグナー)
I hope everyone is okay out in Japan..stay safe guys:/

Caroline Zhang(キャロライン ジャン)
Praying for the people of Japan. Hope everyone is okay!

Pechalat & Bourzat(ペシェラ&ブルザ)
we are with our all heart with the japanese and our friends in Japan ;) take care, be strong...

Michal Brezina(ミハル ブジェジナ)
I cant watch it anymore... its all over the news and i'm just too sad to watch the disaster... :(

Todd Eldredge(トッド エルドリッジ)
Thoughts & prayers go out to everyone in Japan!

Kristi Yamaguchi(クリスティ ヤマグチ)
Sending my thoughts & prayers to those in Japan

$えるももの空想食堂KooSou ときどき空想雑貨店

Ryan Bradley(ライアン ブラッドレイ)
I'm stunned about the happenings in Japan. What a terrible situation. My thoughts are with them and their safety.

Maia Shibutani(マイア シブタニ)

Meryl Davis(メリル デイビス)
Praying for everyone in Japan

Tara Lipinski(タラ リピンスキー)
This is so sad. My heart and prayers go out to Japan and everyone affected by this tragedy.



