Questions about Chanoyu Part Ⅳ  Right or Left? | 渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室、松濤庵のブログ。季節に合わせた本格的なお道具を使用して稽古いたします。男性、お年を召した方、全くの未経験者も歓迎いたします。

After 2 months of self-restraint, Shotoan has finally resumed class from beg. of June.   We do hygiene control, use online reservation system and do complete private lesson in order to avoide crowding and concentration of stdudents.  We also use disposal towel and disposal chakin for each person, and carry out alcohol disinfection of tea utensils and tea rooms as much as possible.  Serve sweets individually and ask to drink tea only prepared by oneself.  As only a teacher and a student are in a room, it might be lonesome, but safety and security of students are most important and must be prioritized.  When COVID-19 has ceased, we would like to gradually return to normal style.   We cannot do Kagetsu lessons for the time being.  Instead of them, we would like to teach by person in detail, with one-on-one lesson.


Spotted bell flower


Meanwhile, today's question is "Right or Left?"

During tea making procedures, host/hostess may confuse from which foot, he or she should stand up or sit down or cross the edging of tatami.  It is difficult and troublesome to memorize them for beginners.  However, there are rules which foot is first, and also there are rules from which hand to hold tea utensils.  It is nice to learn all of them by body, but it usually takes time.    As for right foot or left foot, there is a rule to enter room from right food and leave from left  foot.;  the foot of the side towards guests is first as inside of kimono of host/hostess is not visible and his/her standing posture looks beautiful for guests.  When you wonder which foot comes first, you just judge in which side your guest is sitting, and then you will notice which foot is first.  As for right hand or left hand is first to carry tea utensil, basically dominant hand; right hand is first, but it depends on the location of the utensils, and there are some exceptional cases.    When you are guests, and sit with your hands resting together on your lap, the right hand covers the left hand, as right hand is usually dominant hand, and you can react immediately when your right hand is on the left hand.   


Dayflower (Tsuyukusa)


It is said that those rules were set by Urasenke11th Grand Tea Master, Gengen-sai.   As I  have a short and poor memory, I always memorize various tea making procedures with reasons at first,  Of course, there are some exceptional cases, but they are not so many.  If you memorize exceptional cases with body, the procedures will be easy to memorize.  


White dianthus and spotted bell flower


For a while, it might be difficult ot have and/or attend tea gatherings.  The other day, I saw a video message of Grand tea master, Zabosai- Oiemoto.  He recommended "Kakufukudate"; not to share a bowl of thick tea as before,, but to prepare a bowl of  thick tea per person.  He said that during the time of 13th Grand tea master Enno-sai, infectious disease was spreding like today, and he introduced "Kakufukudate".  He also said various ideas are needed to be with Corona. Even there is no tea gatherings for the moment, I would like to do all preparations of tea room before the lesson, like before tea gatherings, and would like to heartly welcome each student.