Chado & Shodo (The way of tea & Calligraphy) | 渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室、松濤庵のブログ。季節に合わせた本格的なお道具を使用して稽古いたします。男性、お年を召した方、全くの未経験者も歓迎いたします。

I really do not like my poor hand-writing, and so I started to learn Calligraphy at Ueno on Friday evening from last November.  In Chado, there are a lot of opportunites to do hand-writing with a brush and sumi (chinese ink) ; writing my own names on guest books at tea gatherings and tea lessons, writing a poem on a Tanzaku (paper strip), and writing a record on Hosho (Japanese paper) in Shichijishiki(seven excercises). 


After receiving basic lessons, I started to learn Kana characters writing on Jyofuku-shi (a long and big paper)  with knees.  By that, I learned that I must write charancters not with my hand, but with my body. For calligraphy, body-core is very important, like Chado.   During the lessons, I concentrate to write the characters, and gradually I feel that the brush moves as I want.  I really enjoy writing the characters with brush.  All other students are quiete and concentrating like me.  I am always inspired by them.  



In these days, when I see hanging scrolls in the tea room, I view them with additional and different view points such as ; in which character, the ink was added?  how the repeated characters were varied, differentiated? , and what is the original chinese character for that kana character ?  It is a new fun for me in the tea gathering.   By the way, there are various types of hanging scrolls such as ; Bokuseki (calligraphy), Kohitsugire (antient calligraphy fragment), Shosoku (letter) and Gasan (complimentary words accompanying a painting).


In Chado, Bokuseki, usuallly Zen-words, written by Zen-buddist and/or grand-tea-masters are most appreciated.  In an alcove of the main tea room, a calligraphy is hanging.  Each of the guests make a formal bow in front of that, in order to show our respect to that buddist/grand-tea-master.  It is a joy for guests to guess why the host selected that calligraphy, and what is the theme of today's tea gathering. 



The cherry blossoms along Meguro river and at Shoto-Park, started to bloom.  I hope that they slowly bloom, and also slowly fall.