Observation of 2 hair FU | AGA 薄毛・抜け毛 なら自毛植毛 専門医 長井正寿 アメリカ毛髪学会専門医

AGA 薄毛・抜け毛 なら自毛植毛 専門医 長井正寿 アメリカ毛髪学会専門医


Hi colleagues, 


We can have a lot of patients from the article of the magazine "Friday".

We appreciate that.


If you are intereseted in , check "Frideay degital version July 6th 2018" 


Today  is the bigining of April, yes we have surgery also!


If you are thinking of hair surgery, please contact and ask us.


I appreciate your kind crick of under blue tag!

にほんブログ村 健康ブログ 植毛・自毛植毛へ 


Beautiful facet


Today I will show you the cutting edge of the donor tissue by the FUSS: Follicular unit strip surgery.


To collect so as not to cut the hair roots is one of the two important elements by the FUSS,

there are unexpected benefits of doing so.


It means that the hair on the scalp-edge side where I made incision is also left intact.


Although there are various efforts and devices for that, this is one of them.


In the extreme case, I will make a zig zag line, not straightening the line at the time of incision.


Why? Because the hair does not grow in line,


This is because hair root cuts occur when you make a straight incision.


This effort is worthwhile, hair root cutting rate is less than 1%, and collection rate is over 99%.

The same goes for the scalp side.



For those who visit us for planting operation, I will explain in detail!

On the other hand, I never do what wew do not want to be received by myself or to a friend.


As before, I will tell you important things not only for patients but also for those in the same field.


In "Team Nagai", we will always offer things that would be able to encourage my family and friends with confidence,

 I will further enhance this.

This is racial regardless of race.



Results and reducing pain of procedure are the 2 most important things in surgery.


Just like a wonderful sports commentator is not a leading athlete,

Please check “the before and after images rather than only the wording without result ”.

This is a blog of a woman who took a break from operation


In addition, this is a blog of those who received an operation at our hospital by ourselves. https://wakahagekaizen.com/


From the patient's point of view, it explains not only our clinic but also the good and bad points of others

I appreciate the courageous update.




Please also support here.




Oral examiner of American bord of hair restoration surgery

ARTAS international instructor  
Masahisa Nagai




   Body hair extraction 



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