マイクロチューブルの量子バイブレーション | 阿波の梟のブログ



マイクロチューブルの量子バイブレーションについての理論は、意識の科学における重要な仮説の一つです。この理論は、ペンローズ=ハメロフ仮説(Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis)として知られており、数学者のロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose)と麻酔科医のスチュワート・ハメロフ(Stuart Hameroff)によって提唱されました。





量子バイブレーション(Quantum Vibrations)


  • 量子コヒーレンス(Quantum Coherence): マイクロチューブル内で量子コヒーレンスが維持されることで、ニューロン間の情報処理が高速かつ効率的に行われる。
  • 量子デコヒーレンス(Quantum Decoherence): このプロセスが意識の主観的な経験を引き起こすトリガーとなる。


  • ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose): 英国の数学者、理論物理学者であり、一般相対性理論や宇宙論、人工知能の限界に関する著作で知られています。彼は意識を説明するためには量子力学が必要であると主張しています。
  • スチュワート・ハメロフ(Stuart Hameroff): アメリカの麻酔科医であり、意識研究の分野で多くの業績があります。彼はマイクロチューブルの研究を通じて、意識の物理的基盤を解明しようとしています。



  • 実証性の問題: マイクロチューブル内での量子コヒーレンスが実際に意識を生成するかどうかを実験的に証明するのが難しい。
  • 生物物理学的な制約: 生体内で量子コヒーレンスを維持するのは難しいとされている。




The theory of quantum vibrations in microtubules is a significant hypothesis in the science of consciousness. Known as the Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis, it was proposed by mathematician Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff.

Background of the Penrose-Hameroff Hypothesis

This hypothesis asserts that consciousness is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Specifically, it suggests that microtubules, tiny structures within neurons, generate consciousness through quantum vibrations.

What are Microtubules?

Microtubules are tubular proteins that make up the cytoskeleton of cells, playing a crucial role in maintaining cell shape and transporting substances. They are also vital in neurons, being involved in synaptic transmission.

Quantum Vibrations

Penrose and Hameroff proposed that microtubules exhibit quantum-level vibrations, which form the basis of consciousness. Quantum vibrations are believed to contribute to consciousness in the following ways:

  • Quantum Coherence: The maintenance of quantum coherence within microtubules allows for fast and efficient information processing between neurons.
  • Quantum Decoherence: This process is thought to trigger the subjective experience of consciousness.


  • Roger Penrose: A British mathematician and theoretical physicist known for his work in general relativity, cosmology, and the limits of artificial intelligence. He argues that quantum mechanics is necessary to explain consciousness.
  • Stuart Hameroff: An American anesthesiologist with significant contributions to the field of consciousness research. He seeks to elucidate the physical basis of consciousness through the study of microtubules.

Evaluation and Debate

The Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis has faced significant criticism from many scientists. Major points of criticism include:

  • Testability: It is challenging to experimentally prove that quantum coherence within microtubules generates consciousness.
  • Biophysical Constraints: Maintaining quantum coherence in biological systems is considered difficult.

However, some researchers are intrigued by this hypothesis and continue to investigate it. The science of consciousness remains shrouded in mystery, and this hypothesis represents an important approach towards understanding it.


The Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis on quantum vibrations in microtubules is an innovative theory aimed at understanding the nature of consciousness. It suggests that consciousness might be more than just a biological process and could be based on principles of quantum mechanics. Despite the criticism, this challenging perspective sparks significant discussion in the field of consciousness research.