生命の起源に関する提言 | 阿波の梟のブログ



フレッド・ホイル(Fred Hoyle)は、イギリスの著名な天文学者・宇宙物理学者であり、宇宙における生命の起源とその確率について独自の視点を持っていました。彼の提言は、従来の科学的な見解とは異なる点が多く、しばしば論争を引き起こしました。


フレッド・ホイルは、1915年にイギリスで生まれ、ケンブリッジ大学で学びました。彼はビッグバン理論(Big Bang Theory)に対抗する定常宇宙論(Steady State Theory)の提唱者としても知られています。ホイルの研究は広範囲にわたり、核合成、星の進化、そして生命の起源に関する理論など、多岐にわたるテーマを扱いました。


ホイルは、地球上の生命が宇宙からもたらされた可能性が高いと考えました。彼の最も有名な提言の一つは「パンスペルミア仮説(Panspermia Hypothesis)」であり、これは生命の種が宇宙を旅して地球に到達したという考えです。彼は、生命の複雑さとその誕生の確率を計算し、偶然に地球上で生命が誕生する確率が非常に低いと主張しました。



("The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.")






Fred Hoyle was a renowned British astronomer and astrophysicist with unique perspectives on the origins of life in the universe, often sparking controversy with his unconventional views.

Fred Hoyle's Background

Fred Hoyle, born in 1915 in England, studied at Cambridge University. He was known for advocating the Steady State Theory, which opposed the Big Bang Theory. Hoyle's research covered a wide range of topics, including nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution, and theories on the origin of life.

Theories on the Origin of Life

Hoyle suggested that life on Earth might have originated from outer space. One of his most famous propositions is the "Panspermia Hypothesis," which posits that the seeds of life traveled through space and reached Earth. He argued that the probability of life arising by chance on Earth was exceedingly low.

Famous Quote

A notable quote by Fred Hoyle reflecting his thoughts on the origin of life is:

"The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein."

Detailed Explanation

Hoyle believed that the complexity of life made its accidental emergence highly improbable. His calculations suggested that the correct sequence of amino acids forming a functional protein by random chance was extremely unlikely. This led him to propose an alternative approach to explaining the origin of life.

His Panspermia Hypothesis suggests that life’s seeds traveled on comets or meteorites through space and eventually reached Earth. This idea faced much criticism from mainstream scientists of his time, but Hoyle consistently supported his theory.


Fred Hoyle's propositions on the origin of life challenged conventional scientific views, providing a unique perspective that sparked significant debate. His ideas encouraged a reconsideration of the probabilities involved in the emergence of life and explored the possibility of life on a cosmic scale. Hoyle’s famous quote succinctly captures the essence of his arguments, showcasing his distinctive viewpoint and his willingness to challenge established scientific norms.