幸福についての考察 | 阿波の梟のブログ














Considerations on Happiness

Happiness, like preferences, varies greatly among individuals, making it difficult to present a definitive concept of happiness. However, there seems to be a form of happiness rooted in certain aspects of human nature. Article 13 of the Japanese Constitution clearly states, "All citizens shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and other governmental affairs." This explicitly sets forth the basic policy regarding the right to pursue happiness.

Japan and South Korea are the only countries in the world whose constitutions guarantee the right to pursue happiness. The reason is that happiness is seen as too ambiguous to be legally defined. Nonetheless, happiness is of utmost concern to humans, and though it may appear diverse, common feelings of happiness can be broadly identified through various research approaches.

The three major theories of happiness are well-known: Hilty's "Philosophy of Happiness" (1891), Alain's "Propos sur le bonheur" (1925), and Russell's "The Conquest of Happiness." These works, while examining life itself, may lack focus and clarity. Understanding the essence of human nature is crucial to knowing what constitutes happiness for humans. To achieve this, one must understand the motivation behind a person's actions.

For example, proposing to someone because you love them is straightforward. However, summarizing the motivations for all actions can be expressed as "wanting to do something," "wanting to be something," or "desiring something." In other words, desire is the motive behind all human actions. Yet, ancient philosophers, sages from China, and saints from India questioned whether surrendering to human desires would truly lead to happiness.

Some thinkers believed that the feeling of pleasure when desires are satisfied is the motive behind actions. Others considered that more noble paths could also serve as motivations. If we consider that noble paths also lead to pleasure, then whether it be goodness or divine intentions, pleasure seems to be the ultimate motive for humans. Of course, money and wealth are prime examples of this pleasure. However, the pleasure associated with money can differ depending on whether money itself is the goal or it is a means to achieve something else.

Adam Smith, the father of economics, in his "Wealth of Nations," proposed a simple idea. He believed in the inherent goodness of human nature and that laissez-faire policies would naturally create a wealthy and happy society through an "invisible hand." In contrast, Hobbes, in "Leviathan," took a pessimistic view, stating that without state control, "every man is enemy to every man," and thus the state must manage people's happiness.

Rousseau, in "Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men," argued that human nature is fundamentally good, characterized by compassion (pitié). However, he noted that societal distortions unnaturally warp this nature, leading to inequality and unhappiness. This thought contributed to communist ideology, known for diminishing individual vitality.

Schiller succinctly concluded that unlike animals and plants, humans have the ability to think, allowing them to not only feel pleasure but also savor it intellectually. However, the happiness felt from current pleasures (such as love, money, and honor) is often tinged with anxiety about their impermanence. This leads to a mindset of "as long as I am happy now, nothing else matters."

In contrast, the "Sermon on the Mount" by Christ states that happiness can be found in poverty, hunger, sorrow, and being hated. This paradoxical view seems to suggest finding joy in one's fate.

In any case, the intellectual capacity of humans complicates the nature of happiness. Ultimately, achieving happiness requires deep thought and reflection.