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人間の性質や能力は、学問修養(academic cultivation)の力で大きく変わり、「努力は裏切らない」(effort never betrays)の言葉通り、心がけ次第で人生も大きく変えられるのです。


人文科学(humanities)に比べ、自然科学(natural sciences)の進歩は目覚しいものがあります。現在では、人間の命まで電気的なものに置き換えられそうなところまで進歩しています。しかし、命そのものは、もっとも単純な生命でさえ、オパーリン(Oparin)以来、人間では決して作ることができていません。命はまさに天から与えられたもの「天命」(divine decree)であると言っても過言ではありません。

この命を知り、偉大な苦心と努力を積んだ者には、人間の生きる道が豊かに広がることになります。命は先天的に付与されるものですが、後天的修養(acquired cultivation)によって命はどのようにでも変えられるのです。命は硬直したものではなく、動くものである。「運」は「運ぶ」(carry)、「巡る」(circulate)、「動く」(move)という意味があり、「運命」は後天的なものと言えます。人間の幸不幸は、このように自分の命を知ることから始まります。


自分にどのような素質が与えられているかを深く知ることが「知命」(knowing one’s destiny)です。天命を知ることが「知命」であり、『論語』為政の「五十にして天命を知る」という言葉に由来します。孔子(Confucius)の厳しい教えです。

人は、自分の外にあることでも、活用したり、知ることは容易ではありません。まして、人に尽くすなどは簡単には思い至りません。さらに困難なのは、自分を知ること、「汝自身を知れ」(know thyself)という哲学的命題です。易者や占いに頼ったり、行き当たりばったりの暮らしでは理解できないものです。









スティーブ・ジョブズ(Steve Jobs)は、自らのビジョンと努力でAppleを立ち上げ、世界に革新をもたらしました。彼の成功は、宿命ではなく、後天的な努力と修養の結果であると言えます。彼の言葉「Stay hungry, stay foolish」は、自らの命を知り、それを最大限に発揮することの重要性を強調しています。


The Fallacy of Fatalism (The Errors of Superficial Divination)

There are times when we feel as if our fate (fate) has been determined before we were born. Fatalists assert the following fallacy, treating divination and religious rituals as absolute: "Everything in the world is predetermined by God." They claim that fate, which cannot be changed by human efforts, dictates our lives. This, however, is a significant error. Human life is not bound by an unchangeable fate but possesses individual power beyond what any fortune teller can explain.

Human nature and abilities can be greatly transformed through academic cultivation, and, as the saying goes, "effort never betrays." With determination, one's life can be profoundly changed.

Schiller's "Fate" (Life is Dynamic)

Compared to the humanities, the progress of the natural sciences has been remarkable. Advances have reached a point where even human life seems replaceable by electrical components. Yet, despite these advancements, even the simplest form of life, as described by Oparin, cannot be created by human hands. Life is indeed something bestowed by the heavens—a divine decree.

Those who understand this life and accumulate great effort and perseverance find that the path to human existence expands richly. Life is innately given, but it can be transformed through acquired cultivation. Life is not rigid but dynamic. The term "運" (un, meaning "carry," "circulate," or "move") signifies that destiny (運命, unmei) is something shaped by our actions. Human happiness and unhappiness begin with knowing one's own life.

Schiller's "Knowing One's Destiny" (Understanding Life)

To deeply understand the qualities one has been given is to know one's destiny (知命, chimei). Knowing one’s destiny means understanding the divine decree, as Confucius described in The Analects: "At fifty, I understood the decrees of heaven." This teaching by Confucius is rigorous.

Understanding external things, let alone serving others, is not easy. The most challenging task is self-understanding, encapsulated in the philosophical dictum "know thyself." Relying on fortune tellers or leading a life of chance makes this understanding impossible.

Confucius ultimately conveyed that without knowing the divine decree, one cannot be a true gentleman. Therefore, everyone must strive to understand their destiny.

Schiller's "Exerting One's Life" (Expressing Life)

Things exist independently and as part of a whole. The harmonious unity of "self" and "part" creates the existence known as "oneself." We should strive to understand ourselves and exhaust our potential.

In modern times, while claiming to know oneself, many indulge in egocentrism (me-ism). This self-indulgence leads to many of today's contradictions and wrongdoings.

There is also a problem in the lack of education and teachings that encourage knowing and establishing one’s life. Knowing the life of the soil, how plants and creatures thrive, and understanding the life given by water, we must learn to know and establish our own lives.

Quotes and Proposals

Schiller stated, "Life is dynamic," and Confucius taught, "At fifty, I understood the decrees of heaven." These words convey the important message that we should know our own life and maximize its potential. Rather than being trapped by fatalism, it is crucial to carve out our destiny through individual effort and cultivation.

Case Study

Steve Jobs, through his vision and effort, founded Apple and brought innovation to the world. His success was not due to fate but the result of his acquired effort and cultivation. His famous words, "Stay hungry, stay foolish," emphasize the importance of knowing one’s life and expressing it to the fullest.

Likewise, we should strive to understand ourselves and continue our efforts to create a new destiny that transcends fatalism.