平和と戦争の本質 | 阿波の梟のブログ







平和は、ローマ帝国の「パクス・ロマーナ(Pax Romana)」のように、強国が武力で地中海沿岸を平定したことを指します。シラーの言葉を借りれば、平和の裏側には戦争があります。世界史を紐解くと、ピース(peace)は武力による「平定」という日本語がふさわしいと考えられます。戦争のない状態を作り出すためには強力な軍隊が必要です。1928年の「パリ不戦条約」では国際紛争を解決するための手段としての戦争を侵略戦争と呼んでいますが、侵略戦争の厳密な定義は確定されていません。


国際政治において、平和を維持するためには時には小規模な戦争を敢行しなければならないこともあります。たとえば、外交的紛争において、自国が一方的に不当な扱いや経済封鎖を受ける場合、自国の安全と生存を守るための「防衛的(defensive)」な軍事行動の正当性があります。また、相手国が自国を侵略する準備を行っている証拠がある場合、「第一攻撃(first attack)」を受ける前に「予防的(preventive)」な軍事行動の正当性もあります。








The Essence of Peace and War: Treaties, Military Force, and National Independence


Some argue that the "V sign" is not a declaration of peace but rather signifies victory (Victory) due to the V shape. Here, we must correct the misunderstanding that "peace" (Peace) is the same as "victory" (Victory). This is because the origin of "peace" (Peace) is "pax," which means "pact." A pact originally confirmed the control of a weaker nation by a stronger one following victory in war. Therefore, peace cannot be considered anything other than the maintenance of the relationship between victory and defeat.

The Origin of Peace and Historical Background

Peace, like the Roman Empire's "Pax Romana," refers to the dominance of the Mediterranean coastal regions through military force by a powerful nation. Using Schiller's words, there is always war behind peace. Unraveling world history reveals that "peace" is appropriately translated into Japanese as "suppression by military force." To create a state without war, a powerful military is necessary. The 1928 "Kellogg-Briand Pact" refers to wars used to resolve international disputes as wars of aggression, but the precise definition of wars of aggression has not been determined.

Maintaining Peace and the Legitimacy of Military Force

In international politics, sometimes small-scale wars must be undertaken to maintain peace. For example, if a nation is subjected to unilateral unfair treatment or economic blockade in diplomatic disputes, there is legitimacy in taking "defensive" military action to protect national safety and survival. Additionally, if there is evidence that an adversary is preparing to invade, there is significant legitimacy in taking "preventive" military action before a "first attack" occurs.

Pax Americana and Japan's Position

In recent times, the United States has carried out invasions under the guise of maintaining world order, known as Pax Americana. Japan, having long been dominated by powerful nations, must start to assert itself both militarily and economically. Firstly, Japan should revise the constitution imposed by the United States and prepare to take defensive or preventive military actions to protect the lives and property of its citizens. Movements in China and the Korean Peninsula cannot be overlooked.


It is crucial to understand that peace is not simply a state without war but is maintained through the relationship between victory and defeat, as shown by historical and linguistic contexts. From Schiller's "Pax Romana" to the role of the United States in modern international politics, the presence of military force is essential to maintaining peace. Japan, as a member of the international community, should build an independent defense system and respond to the realities of international politics.


Albert Einstein once said, "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." However, to realize this mutual understanding, strengthening national independence and defense capabilities is essential. Learning from Schiller's words, Japan should build peace for a new era.

This essay aims to re-evaluate the relationship between peace and war and deeply consider the realities of international politics and Japan's position from an academic perspective. It is hoped that this essay provides readers with empathy and new insights.