無意識の発見とその発展 | 阿波の梟のブログ




世界で最初に「無意識」(unbewusstsein)を発見したのは、ドイツの哲学者フリードリヒ・シェリング(Friedrich Schelling)であると言われています。シェリングは、意識の裏側に潜む無意識の存在を哲学的に論じました。後に、ジークムント・フロイト(Sigmund Freud)がこの無意識の構造を前提とし、抑圧が神経症を引き起こすという理論を発展させ、精神分析学の基盤を築きました。

フロイト以前は、デカルト(René Descartes)の「我思う、ゆえに我あり」(Cogito, ergo sum)の思想により、意識と自我は同一視されていました。しかし、フロイトは無意識の存在を通じて人間の精神活動の深層に光を当て、心の動きを解明する新たな視点を提供しました。





「いじめ」や非行、犯罪といった行動を考える際、無意識や心の闇といった深層心理で捉えることが多いです。特に催眠状態、宗教的洗脳、薬物摂取などによって生じる「変性意識」(altered states of consciousness)も無意識の一部とされています。




フロイトは、無意識を理解するための重要な手段として夢分析を用いました。彼の精神分析理論は、人間の行動や心理的問題を深く理解するための強力なツールとなり、後にカール・ユング(Carl Jung)やアルフレッド・アドラー(Alfred Adler)といった学者たちによってさらに発展されました。


現代の心理学や脳科学においても、無意識の研究は重要なテーマです。例えば、ダニエル・カーネマン(Daniel Kahneman)の「ファスト&スロー」(Thinking, Fast and Slow)では、人間の思考過程が意識的な「システム1」と無意識的な「システム2」に分かれていると説明されています。無意識的なプロセスは、瞬間的な判断や直感的な反応に大きな影響を与えています。


人間は、理解できない行動や問題行動(いじめや犯罪)に直面すると、何か神秘的なもので説明をつけたくなる傾向があります。無意識、サブリミナル(subliminal)、心の闇(the dark side of the mind)といった理論は、曖昧なものを説明しようとする人間の心の働きから生じています。しかし、曖昧さに耐え、現実の行動を見据えることも、精神の健全さの証であることを理解する必要があります。



Discovery of the Unconscious and Its Development

It is said that Friedrich Schelling, a German philosopher, was the first to discover the concept of the "unconscious" (unbewusstsein). Schelling philosophically discussed the existence of the unconscious behind consciousness. Later, Sigmund Freud assumed the existence of this unconscious structure, developing a theory that repression within this structure leads to neurosis, thus laying the foundation for psychoanalysis.

Before Freud, René Descartes’ dictum "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am") led to the understanding that consciousness and the self were identical. However, Freud shed light on the deeper layers of human mental activity through the concept of the unconscious, offering a new perspective for understanding the workings of the mind.

The Development of Psychology and the Role of the Unconscious

In modern times, psychology deals with the processes within the mind (mental activities) and the behaviors (behavior) that manifest outwardly. "Consciousness" (consciousness) refers to the part of the mind's activity that is always perceived, such as thinking, remembering, hearing, and seeing. However, not all mental activities are conscious; the "unconscious" (unconscious) also plays a significant role in mental processes.

The unconscious part of the mind contains repressed desires and memories, which can influence behavior. Behaviors range from physiological actions such as eye movements and facial expressions to interpersonal actions such as conversations and attending school. Psychology covers a wide range of these behaviors and mental activities.

The Relationship Between the Unconscious and Behavior

When considering behaviors such as bullying, delinquency, and crime, deep psychological aspects like the unconscious and the dark side of the mind are often considered. Altered states of consciousness (altered states of consciousness) induced by hypnosis, religious indoctrination, or drug use are also viewed as part of the unconscious.

These studies suggest that human behavior is not merely the result of conscious choices but is also significantly influenced by unconscious motives and desires. However, not all behaviors are governed by the unconscious, and the concept of the unconscious itself is highly subjective and uncertain, often treated as a hypothesis.

Quotes and Notable Figures

"Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." - Sigmund Freud

Freud used dream analysis as a crucial method to understand the unconscious. His theory of psychoanalysis became a powerful tool for deeply understanding human behavior and psychological problems, later further developed by scholars like Carl Jung and Alfred Adler.

Modern Perspectives on Psychology and the Unconscious

In contemporary psychology and neuroscience, the study of the unconscious remains a vital topic. For instance, Daniel Kahneman’s "Thinking, Fast and Slow" explains that human thought processes are divided into the conscious "System 1" and the unconscious "System 2." Unconscious processes significantly influence instantaneous judgments and intuitive responses.

Understanding the Unconscious and Real-World Behavior

Humans tend to explain incomprehensible or problematic behaviors (like bullying or crime) using mystical concepts. Theories such as the unconscious, subliminal (subliminal), and the dark side of the mind stem from the human tendency to make sense of ambiguous phenomena. However, it is crucial to endure ambiguity and focus on actual behaviors, which is a sign of mental health.


The concept of the unconscious is a key to deeply understanding human psychology and behavior. From Freud’s psychoanalysis to modern psychology and neuroscience, research on the unconscious continues. These theories provide powerful tools for elucidating complex mental activities and understanding the motives and desires behind behavior. However, it is also essential not to overemphasize the unconscious and to remain focused on actual behaviors.