無意識の発見とその意義 | 阿波の梟のブログ




世界で最初に「無意識」(unbewusstsein)の概念を提唱したのは、ドイツの哲学者フリードリヒ・シェーリング(Friedrich Schelling)であると言われています。彼の思想は、後にジーグムント・フロイト(Sigmund Freud)によって大きく発展されました。フロイトは、無意識の構造が人間の心に存在し、その中に抑圧(repression)が蓄積されることで神経症(neurosis)を引き起こすと考え、この理論に基づいて治療法を構築しました。

それ以前の哲学では、ルネ・デカルト(René Descartes)の「我思う、ゆえに我あり」(Cogito, ergo sum)という命題が支配的であり、意識と自我(ego)は同一視されていました。しかし、フロイトの理論は、人間の心理をより複雑で深遠なものとして捉え直す契機となりました。


現代の心理学は、心の内部過程(mental processes)と、それに基づく行動(behavior)を扱う学問です。「意識」(conscious)は、思考、記憶、知覚などの心の働きであり、常に知覚される心の側面です。しかし、心の働きは常に意識されているわけではなく、「無意識」(unconscious)の部分も存在します。この無意識が行動にどのように影響するかを理解することは、心理学の重要な課題です。



行動の一つである「いじめ」や犯罪行動を理解する際には、無意識や心の闇といった深層心理の観点から捉えることが多いです。特に、催眠状態、宗教的洗脳、薬物摂取による「変性意識」(altered states of consciousness)も無意識の一部と考えられます。








The Discovery and Significance of the Unconscious

It is said that the concept of the "unconscious" (unbewusstsein) was first proposed by the German philosopher Friedrich Schelling. This idea was later significantly developed by Sigmund Freud, who posited that the structure of the unconscious exists within the human mind. Freud theorized that repression accumulated within this structure leads to neurosis, and he built his treatment methods on this theory.

Prior to this, the dominant philosophy was René Descartes' assertion "I think, therefore I am" (Cogito, ergo sum), which equated consciousness with the self. However, Freud's theories offered a more complex and profound understanding of human psychology.

Modern Understanding of Psychology

Modern psychology is a discipline that deals with internal mental processes and the behaviors that manifest externally. "Consciousness" (conscious) involves mental activities such as thinking, remembering, perceiving, and listening—functions of the mind that are always perceived. However, not all mental activities are conscious; there are also unconscious parts of the mind. Understanding how these unconscious aspects influence behavior is a crucial task for psychology.

For example, behaviors range from physiological actions like eye movements and facial expressions to social interactions such as conversations and attending school. The scope of psychology is vast, encompassing everyday behaviors to deviant actions like bullying, delinquency, and crime.

The Relationship Between the Unconscious and Behavior

When considering behaviors such as bullying and criminal actions, they are often understood from the perspective of the unconscious and the deeper layers of the psyche. Altered states of consciousness, such as those induced by hypnosis, religious indoctrination, or drug use, are also considered part of the unconscious.

However, despite these theories, we must not overlook that delinquency and crime are unequivocally "behaviors." People do not always consciously recognize their mental activities, nor are they always aware of all their motivations. While positing the unconscious as an explanatory principle has significantly advanced our understanding of human behavior, it is an overreach to believe that all behavior is controlled by the unconscious and that all desires and motivations surpass conscious reality.

Practical Examples and Application of Theory

For example, when a boy engages in bullying at school, his motivations may not be fully conscious. Factors such as family environment, past trauma, and social pressures might unconsciously influence his behavior. Similarly, when someone commits a crime, unconscious desires and repressions might be at play.

However, it is crucial to remember that the unconscious is still a hypothesis—subjective and filled with uncertainties. While it is important to use the concept of the unconscious to explain behavior, concrete evidence and empirical approaches are ultimately necessary.


When confronted with incomprehensible behaviors or problematic actions, humans have a tendency to explain them through mysterious concepts like the unconscious or the dark side of the mind. Yet, enduring ambiguity and focusing on actual behavior are also vital for maintaining mental health. While research into the unconscious provides important insights into human understanding, maintaining an empirical perspective is essential.

Psychology, as a discipline that comprehensively addresses the mind and behavior, promotes our understanding of ourselves and others. The study of the unconscious plays a crucial role in this, serving as an essential tool for unraveling the complexities of human mental processes.