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歴史の概念は、「史」(ふみ)に「歴」(あらわす)ことから始まります。古代中国において、「史」は元々「暦を作る人」を意味していました。英語の「ヒストリー」(history)は「彼の物語」(his story)という意味であり、キリストの物語が始まりです。歴史物語は、主観的な感じ方や特別な考え方で大きく客観性を欠いた表現になっています。この点から、マルクス・エンゲルスの唯物史観をはじめとする科学的史観からは、物語的ヒストリーが強く批判されることとなり、国家観において見解の相違が際立ってきます。



人間とその国家における事象がどのように変化したかを記録したり測定するには、「ナチュラル・タイム」(自然時間、natural time)と「ヒストリカル・タイム」(物語時間、historical time)があります。自然時間のほうが「クロニカル」(年代記、chronicle)であり、物語時間のほうが「ストーリー」(story)です。日本語で歴史といわれるものは、年代記と物語の二面を含むほうが好ましいでしょう。なぜならば、歴史に関する人間の意識の本質は、物語性のほうに強く求められるからです。

国民にとって、物語性があまりにも単純であったり虚構の度が過ぎたり、またその物語が後世に継承されることがあまりに少なすぎると、国民の「ヒストリカル・センス」(歴史感覚、historical sense)が乏しくなります。たとえば、アメリカ国民は建国以来230年以上の年代記を有しているが、歴史感覚に欠けた行動や思想が多く見られます。



This year marks the 1300th anniversary of the compilation of the Kojiki. The Kojiki was ordered by Emperor Tenmu and recited by Hieda no Are. It was written down and compiled by Ō no Yasumaro, drawing from the "Teiki" (Chronicles of the Emperors) and "Sendai Kuji" (Ancient Traditions). The original reading of Kojiki is "Furukotofumi," but it came to be known as "Kojiki" through its Chinese reading.

The "Teiki" and "Kuji" describe the events leading up to the emperors’ rule over Japan from the early 6th century or earlier. This work is based on oral traditions created by the nobility and aristocracy centered around the Yamato court. Many parts are influenced by Chinese historical texts, a reflection of advanced Chinese culture. In Japanese mythology, the term "Takamagahara" is used extensively only in "Norito" (ritual prayers) and the Kojiki.

The concept of history begins with "shi" (records) and "reki" (chronicles). In ancient China, "shi" originally referred to "those who create calendars." In English, "history" (his story) has its origins in the stories of Christ. Historical narratives often lack objectivity due to their subjective perspectives and special viewpoints. For this reason, narrative histories have been strongly criticized by scientific historiography, including the materialist view of history by Marx and Engels, leading to pronounced differences in national perspectives.

However, many nations have a "mythos" (myth) related to their founding, which is told in a different dimension from "logos" (logic). Works such as the Kojiki and Greek mythology are narrated as sacred myths. The birth of a nation and how it overcame crises are often told as mystical myths or ancient tales.

National crises represent moments where ideals and realities clash and conflict intensely, often requiring "decisions within contradictions." These explanations reach levels that can no longer be constructed with logical "logos."

To record and measure how events change in humans and their nations, we use "natural time" and "historical time." Natural time corresponds to "chronicles," while historical time aligns with "stories." The Japanese term for history encompasses both chronicles and narratives. This is because the essence of human consciousness regarding history strongly leans towards its narrative aspect.

If a nation’s narratives are too simplistic, overly fictional, or insufficiently transmitted to future generations, the nation's "historical sense" becomes impoverished. For instance, while the American people have over 230 years of chronological history since their founding, many actions and thoughts lack historical awareness.

Historical sense manifests in the ways people of a nation feel, think, act, and in their attitudes and ideologies. A well-balanced historical sense draws from tradition, maintaining a balance between ideals and realities. A nation with such balance is rich in historical sense.

Revisiting and re-evaluating the Kojiki’s philosophical and historical significance can enrich the historical sense of the Japanese people and provide deep insights. History is not merely a record of the past but offers lessons and guidance for contemporary society. Understanding history as a narrative deepens our comprehension and appreciation of its lessons.