時計細胞(clock cell) | 阿波の梟のブログ



時計細胞(とけいさいぼう、clock cell)は、生物の体内に存在し、生体リズム(サーカディアンリズム、概日リズム)を制御する役割を持つ細胞です。これらの細胞は、約24時間周期での活動を繰り返し、体内時計を維持しています。



  1. ペースメーカー: 時計細胞が存在する中枢の一部で、哺乳類では視交叉上核(SCN)がその役割を果たします。
  2. 時計遺伝子: 時計細胞内に存在する遺伝子で、これらの遺伝子が周期的に発現し、細胞の活動リズムを生成します。主要な時計遺伝子としては、Per1, Per2, Cry1, Cry2, Clock, Bmal1などがあります。
  3. 出力経路: 体内時計からの情報を他の臓器や組織に伝える経路で、これにより生体リズムが全身に影響を及ぼします。



  • ジェフリー・C・ホール(Jeffrey C. Hall)、マイケル・ロスバッシュ(Michael Rosbash)、マイケル・W・ヤング(Michael W. Young): これらの科学者たちはショウジョウバエを用いて時計遺伝子の役割を明らかにし、この研究により2017年にノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞しました。
  • ロナルド・コンブ(Ronald Konopka)とシーモア・ベンザー(Seymour Benzer): 1971年にショウジョウバエの突然変異体を用いて最初に概日時計遺伝子を発見しました。



  1. 睡眠リズムの調整: 時計細胞は睡眠と覚醒の周期を制御し、適切な睡眠パターンを維持します。
  2. ホルモン分泌の調整: メラトニンやコルチゾールなどのホルモンの分泌を調整し、代謝や免疫機能をサポートします。
  3. 代謝リズムの維持: 食事のタイミングや消化吸収のリズムを調整し、エネルギーの効率的な利用を可能にします。
  4. 行動リズムの調整: 活動時間や休息時間のリズムを調整し、適応的な行動を促進します。





Clock cells are cells within organisms that play a critical role in regulating circadian rhythms, the natural 24-hour cycle that governs various physiological and behavioral processes. These cells help maintain the body's internal clock.


The fundamental theory behind clock cells revolves around the mechanisms that regulate biological time. The internal clock is primarily composed of the following elements:

  1. Pacemaker: This is a central part where clock cells are located, with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) serving this role in mammals.
  2. Clock Genes: These genes exist within clock cells and exhibit cyclical expression patterns, creating the rhythm of cellular activities. Key clock genes include Per1, Per2, Cry1, Cry2, Clock, and Bmal1.
  3. Output Pathways: These pathways transmit information from the internal clock to other organs and tissues, ensuring that the circadian rhythm influences the entire body.

Discoverers and History

The study of clock cells has a long history, with several significant discoveries contributing to our current understanding. Notably, the following researchers have made substantial contributions:

  • Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young: These scientists used fruit flies to elucidate the roles of clock genes, a discovery for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2017.
  • Ronald Konopka and Seymour Benzer: In 1971, they discovered the first circadian clock gene using mutant fruit flies.

Functions and Importance

Clock cells and the internal clock play essential roles in the health and survival of organisms:

  1. Regulation of Sleep Rhythms: Clock cells control the sleep-wake cycle, maintaining proper sleep patterns.
  2. Hormone Secretion Regulation: They regulate the secretion of hormones such as melatonin and cortisol, supporting metabolism and immune function.
  3. Maintenance of Metabolic Rhythms: Clock cells adjust meal timing and digestive rhythms, enabling efficient energy use.
  4. Behavioral Rhythm Adjustment: They regulate activity and rest periods, promoting adaptive behaviors.

Recent Research

Recent studies have shown that abnormalities in clock cells and the internal clock are linked to numerous health issues. Disruptions in circadian rhythms can increase the risk of sleep disorders, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, and depression. Consequently, there is ongoing research into methods and treatments to maintain a healthy internal clock.


Research on clock cells is vital for enhancing health and quality of life. Understanding the mechanisms of the internal clock and discovering ways to regulate it can lead to the prevention and treatment of many health problems.