内発的動機付けの重要性 | 阿波の梟のブログ












  1. 選択肢の提供: 学習活動や課題において、生徒に選択肢を与えることで、彼らの自己決定を促進します。例えば、研究テーマやプロジェクトの選択肢を提示し、生徒が興味や関心を持つものを選ぶようにします。

  2. 肯定的なフィードバック: 生徒の努力や成果を積極的に評価し、肯定的なフィードバックを与えることで、彼らの自己効力感を高めます。自己効力感が高まると、生徒はより自信を持って取り組むことができます。

  3. 関連性の強調: 学習内容や活動が生徒の興味や関心に合致していることを強調し、彼らの内発的な動機付けを促します。関連性の高いテーマや実践的な活動は、生徒の学習意欲を高める効果があります。

  4. 協働学習: 生徒同士や教師と生徒との協働学習を通じて、自己決定の機会を提供します。協働学習によって、生徒は自分の考えを発展させるだけでなく、他者との関係を通じて自己決定のプロセスを学ぶことができます。


Self-Determination Theory and Education: The Importance of Intrinsic Motivation

According to Franz Merkl's criticism of Bismarck in the 1880s, "candy" symbolizes benefits, while "whip" represents violence or coercion. Generally, it is hypothesized that to motivate people, desirable behaviors should be rewarded, while undesirable behaviors should be punished. Based on this, models of behavior change, such as teaching machines and behavior therapy, have been developed.

However, recent research has reported cases where external motivation, such as rewards or punishments, is not necessarily required for human motivation. In fact, external rewards can even undermine motivation.

For example, when children were rewarded for playing an interesting game, their motivation for the game actually decreased. Introducing external incentives into games where joy is found in voluntary actions resulted in a loss of interest.

In contrast, intrinsic motivation, where individuals choose actions themselves and have the freedom of choice, leads to high motivation. According to self-determination theory, such behavior is rooted in the fundamental human need for "self-determination."

Edward Deci and Richard Ryan referred to the ability to self-determine and work on things independently as "competence." They called the pleasant emotional experiences associated with it "efficacy." It is believed that enhancing self-efficacy leads to the development of confidence, motivation, and interest.

Application of Self-Determination Theory in Education

Self-determination theory has significant implications in educational settings. Teachers and educators should strive to promote students' intrinsic motivation and foster their self-determination. Here are some specific methods:

  1. Providing Choices: By offering students choices in learning activities or assignments, their self-determination is promoted. For example, presenting options for research topics or projects allows students to choose what interests them.

  2. Positive Feedback: Providing positive feedback on students' efforts and achievements enhances their self-efficacy. When self-efficacy is high, students can approach tasks with greater confidence.

  3. Emphasizing Relevance: Emphasizing the relevance of learning content or activities to students' interests and concerns encourages their intrinsic motivation. Topics and activities that are relevant to students are more likely to increase their motivation to learn.

  4. Collaborative Learning: Providing opportunities for collaborative learning among students and between teachers and students offers chances for self-determination. Through collaborative learning, students not only develop their own ideas but also learn about the self-determination process through relationships with others.

Using these methods to promote students' intrinsic motivation and foster their self-determination is a crucial means of achieving more effective education.


Self-determination theory offers valuable insights into how motivation works and how it can be fostered in educational settings. By understanding and applying the principles of self-determination, educators can create learning environments that promote students' autonomy, competence, and relatedness, leading to greater motivation, engagement, and achievement.