柔軟な思考と創造力の重要性 | 阿波の梟のブログ





このような現象は、心理学者ノーム・チョムスキーが指摘した「思考の固定概念(fixed mindset)」にも通じます。新しい発想を阻むのは、しばしば自分自身の思考パターンであることを理解することが重要です。

もう一つの例として「ルーチンズの水瓶問題」を挙げます。21リットル入るA瓶、127リットル入るB瓶、3リットル入るC瓶を使って、100リットルの水を計る方法を問う問題です。答えは「B - A - 2C」となります。しかし、後半になると、もっと簡単に解ける問題でも同じような複雑な方法を使ってしまいます。これも固定された思考の構えの一例です。

精神科医の井上靖は「常識は思考の罠である」と述べました。彼の言葉は、私たちが無意識のうちに作り上げている「バカの壁(fool's wall)」、すなわち常識に囚われた思考を表しています。これに気づかない限り、我々は新しい発想を見つけることが難しくなります。

ナンセンス・クイズ(nonsense quiz)もこの点を強調します。「電線にスズメが5羽とまっています。1羽打ち落としたら何羽残りますか?」という問いに対して、答えは「1羽も残らない」です。音で全て逃げてしまうからです。この非生産的な思考の遊びは、心理的構えを壊すのに役立ちます。ドゥンカーが「思考の機能的固定(functional fixedness)」と呼んだこの現象は、現代社会においても重要な示唆を与えます。




The Importance of Flexible Thinking and Creativity

There is a "10 times quiz" that I once enjoyed with a friend. You say "Mirin, Mirin, Mirin..." ten times, and then ask, "What is the animal with a long nose?" Almost everyone answers "giraffe" instead of the correct answer, "elephant." This quiz exploits the tendency to stick to a particular thought pattern, demonstrating that new ideas require flexible thinking.

This phenomenon is akin to what the psychologist Noam Chomsky referred to as a "fixed mindset." Understanding that it is often our own thought patterns that hinder new ideas is crucial.

Another example is the "Luchins' water jar problem." Given a 21-liter jar (A), a 127-liter jar (B), and a 3-liter jar (C), the task is to measure out 100 liters of water. The solution is "B - A - 2C." However, in later stages, even when simpler solutions are available, people tend to stick to the same complex method. This is another example of fixed thinking patterns.

Psychiatrist Yasushi Inoue stated, "Common sense is a trap for thinking." His words highlight the "fool's wall," the mindset trap created by our own common sense. Recognizing this is essential for discovering new ideas.

Nonsense quizzes also emphasize this point. For instance, "Five sparrows are perched on a power line. If you shoot one, how many are left?" The answer is "none," because the sound scares them all away. Although seemingly unproductive, these exercises can help break down psychological barriers. Dunker referred to this phenomenon as "functional fixedness." This concept is also highly relevant in modern society.

Our society often feels stifled in many areas: economic stagnation, political deadlock, environmental issues, and more. In this era, breakthroughs are desperately needed. What is required is flexible thinking and creativity that go beyond existing frameworks.

Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Freedom is the ability to choose." We have the freedom to transcend our thought patterns and find new options. To achieve this, we must first destroy our fixed ideas and adopt new perspectives.

These examples and anecdotes help us understand the importance of flexible thinking and creativity. Breaking down fixed thinking patterns and generating new ideas is the intellectual challenge that holds the key to solving modern society's problems.