維新の本質とその誤解 | 阿波の梟のブログ
















The Essence and Misunderstanding of "Ishin"

The term "Ishin" is derived from a passage in the ancient Chinese text The Book of Songs (Shijing): “国雖旧那其命維新” (“Although the nation is old, its mandate is renewed”). This phrase gained prominence in 1830 when Fujita Toko of the Mito Domain used it to express his commitment to domain reform. The underlying idea is that while the nation's form may be ancient, its essence must constantly be renewed.

The Etymology and Original Meaning of "Ishin"

To understand the true meaning of "Ishin," we must first consider the character "維" (i). This character means "to maintain" or "to connect," symbolizing threads bound together. Therefore, "Ishin" signifies not the destruction of the old system as seen in reforms or revolutions but rather the preservation and renewal of the past and present. This embodies the spirit of "Onkochishin" (温故知新), meaning to learn new things by reviewing the old.

Historical Context and Misinterpretations of Ishin

During the Meiji Restoration and the Showa Restoration, the focus on breaking away from the past led to significant errors. In the Meiji Restoration, the rapid push for Westernization often neglected traditional values and systems, causing confusion in certain societal segments. Similarly, the Showa Restoration, with its swift militarization and rise in nationalism, brought about tragic outcomes. These examples highlight the dangers of forgetting past lessons.

Wisdom from Chinese Classics and Ishin

Chinese classics emphasize the balance between inheritance and innovation. For instance, Confucius in the Analects states, "温故而知新" (reviewing the old to understand the new). This teaches the importance of re-examining past knowledge to gain new insights. Additionally, the I Ching (Book of Changes) mentions "革故鼎新" (revise the old and establish the new), underscoring the significance of innovating based on past knowledge. These teachings indicate that the concept of "Ishin" is not about pursuing newness alone but building on the wisdom and experiences of the past.

Comparison with the English "Restoration"

The English term "restoration" also implies restoring past values, aligning with the original spirit of "Ishin." The prefix "re-" means "again," emphasizing the importance of re-evaluating and building on past wisdom to create something new. Both "Ishin" and "restoration" caution against the dangers of ignoring historical lessons.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Modern reform movements, such as Ishin no Kai, should be wary of radical changes that disregard historical wisdom, as this can lead to significant miscalculations. True "Ishin" involves looking back at history and leveraging past lessons to forge a future path. Reforms should not only focus on rapid change but also on respecting past values and using them as a foundation for new developments.

Historian Arnold J. Toynbee remarked, "The survival of a civilization depends on its capacity to adapt." This underscores that true reform lies in learning from the past and adapting those lessons to future needs. By understanding the essence of "Ishin" and blending historical wisdom with contemporary requirements, we can achieve sustainable transformation.