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The Origin of the Universe

How can we unravel the origin of the universe, which no one has ever seen?

13.8 billion years ago, the universe was born from a tiny clump of energy smaller than a point. From there, matter, Earth, and life emerged, leading to our existence. However, if we calmly think about it, one might wonder how we can unravel the "origin of the universe," which no one has ever seen.

In this series, we will guide you through the great mysteries of the universe, based on "The Origin of the Universe and Matter," thoroughly explained from basics to the cutting edge by leading researchers.

This article is an excerpt and re-edited from "Understanding the 'Invisible World': The Origin of the Universe and Matter" edited by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization's Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (Blue Backs).

Dark Energy, Which Accounts for 70% of the Universe

As stated in the previous article, observations suggest that dark energy or the cosmological constant currently makes up about 70% of the universe. This abundance of dark energy, similar to inflation, is causing the accelerated expansion of the universe we see today.

Observing light from Type Ia supernovae explosions reveals that the rate of acceleration has been increasing the closer we get to the present age of the universe, compared to when the universe was between one-third to one-half its current size. Type Ia supernovae occur when a white dwarf, one possible final stage of a star, accumulates gas and explodes upon exceeding a critical mass. The discovery of the universe's accelerating expansion, published simultaneously in 1998, earned Dr. Saul Perlmutter and his team in the U.S., and Dr. Brian Schmidt and Dr. Adam Riess and their team in Australia and the U.S., the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.

The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe Revisited

If we assume dark energy is truly a constant, it means that it was an incredibly small amount in the early universe. It is believed that some physical process planted this tiny seed at the beginning of the universe. It is also expected that in the near future, dark energy will comprise 100% of the universe's energy and become completely dominant. However, the origin of this smallness cannot be explained by modern physics. It remains unresolved, indicating the need for the discovery of new physical theories. In the last section of this chapter, we will discuss the anthropic principle as a non-scientific solution, which posits that the existence of humans might determine the nature of the universe.

The energy scale of dark energy is about 0.002 eV, which is the lowest energy state vacuum. Current physics cannot explain this energy scale. The standard model of particle physics does not know of any phase transition occurring at this 0.002 eV scale.

What is Dark Energy?

In particle physics terms, the cosmological constant is thought to be an unknown scalar field settled at the bottom of its potential energy. The exact nature of this scalar field, hypothesized as "φ," remains completely unknown. Its potential energy density scale is about 0.002 eV.

If we introduce a wider concept where dark energy is not a perfect constant but changes gradually, the cosmological constant becomes part of the broader concept of dark energy. This interpretation is not ruled out by observations.

The Future of the Universe

If we assume dark energy's energy density remains nearly constant, the future of the universe can be predicted as follows:

  • Approximately 4 billion years later, our galaxy will merge with the Andromeda Galaxy to form a giant galaxy called "Milkomeda."
  • About 5 billion years from now, the sun will die, potentially engulfing the Earth.
  • Around 1.4 trillion years in the future, Milkomeda will become a lone galaxy due to accelerated expansion.
  • About 1 trillion years later, all stars will have burned out.
  • Roughly 10^34 years from now, protons will decay into positrons and other particles according to grand unified theory predictions, meaning no more ordinary matter will exist.
  • Around 10^83 years from now, supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies will evaporate, leaving the universe devoid of celestial bodies.

Some researchers propose an even more exotic model where dark energy increases over time, causing a "Big Rip" where all celestial bodies are torn apart.

The Remaining Big Problem

The dark energy problem, particularly its energy scale of approximately 0.002 eV, is an issue that current physics cannot explain. This extremely small value requires precise tuning, and if it were about a thousand times larger, the universe would have expanded too quickly for galaxies or Earth to form.

One philosophical approach to this problem is the anthropic principle, applying René Descartes' "I think, therefore I am" to cosmology, suggesting that the universe's laws are as they are because humans exist to question them.

Adopting the multiverse theory, our universe might be just one among a vast number of universes, each with different physical laws. If so, only in those universes where conditions allow for the emergence of humans would such questions arise.


Currently, there seems to be no other way to resolve the dark energy problem scientifically, except by applying the anthropic principle. However, the introduction of new physical laws would mark a true victory for science, potentially solving this profound issue.