時の歩みは三重である | 阿波の梟のブログ






信号で停止させられるとき、たった1分でも非常に長く感じて苛々するのは、それが無意味な時間(meaningless time)であるからです。こうした時間の感じ方の違いは、古代ギリシャ語における二つの時の概念、クロノス(Chronos)とカイロス(Kairos)に見ることができます。クロノスは時計メーカーのブランド名としても知られていますが、これは時計の針が刻む量的な時間を指します。一方、カイロスは、一回限りの、瞬間の質的時間を表します。




The German poet Schiller once expressed the following:

"The progression of time is threefold. The future approaches hesitantly, the present swiftly flies like an arrow, and the past stands eternally still."

These words are deeply insightful. Time is not merely a scientific concept but something felt within the human heart. Even within the span of a single minute, our perception of time can vary greatly depending on circumstances. For instance, when waiting for a beloved person, time often seems to drag slowly, while in their company, it passes in the blink of an eye.

The frustration of feeling time drag on endlessly at a stoplight stems from its sense of being meaningless time. This disparity in the perception of time is reflected in the ancient Greek concepts of Chronos and Kairos. Chronos, known also as a brand of watches, represents the quantitative time measured by the ticking of the clock. Conversely, Kairos symbolizes a one-time, qualitative moment.

For humans, there exists a significant "time" distinct from the physical passage of time, known as Kairos. Kairos is the decisive moment that shapes our lives and varies in meaning depending on one's mental state, resembling psychological time. For example, the passing of the arrows of love in our youthful days leaves us with nothing but bittersweet regrets, as those moments never return.

While the future holds hope, beyond a certain age, one may feel overwhelmed by the energy of time. These reflections on time urge us to cherish the Kairos moments in our lives, as they serve as opportunities for growth and self-transcendence. By consciously embracing these moments, we can experience the richness of life's passage.

Time marches forward irreversibly, and no matter how much we desire it, we cannot return to the past. Yet, simultaneously, the future stretches out before us with infinite possibilities. How we choose to live in the present moment shapes the future. Keeping Schiller's insights in mind and being mindful of both Chronos and Kairos, let us cherish our time and make the most of every moment.