「一源三流、血と汗と涙を正しく流せ」 | 阿波の梟のブログ






第一の流れは「国(公)のために血を流せ」ということです(Bleed for the nation)。 第二の流れは「己のために清き汗を流せ」ということです(Sweat for yourself)。 第三の流れは「人のために美しき涙を流せ」ということです(Shed beautiful tears for others)。

この理念は、歴史上の偉大な人物とも共鳴しています。第二次世界大戦中に、英国のウィンストン・チャーチル(Winston Churchill)は有名な演説で「Blood, sweat, and tears(血の出るような努力)」を訴えました。

過去を振り返ると、同時多発テロの際、日本政府は130億ドルもの戦費を提供しましたが、当時のアーミテージ国務副長官から「Show the flag(旗を掲げろ)」と言われたことがトラウマとなりました。その後、2004年には「Boots on the ground(地上部隊を派遣しろ)」という要請に応じ、人的支援として地上部隊を派遣しました。そして最近では「Be bleeding(血を流せ)」と言われるようになっています。


私たちは、日本人の魂や誇りを汚すことなく(Braw blood)、教育や政治的決断を下す責任があります。上村司令の言葉を胸に刻み、誠の心を源として、国のため、己のため、人のために血と汗と涙を流すことを忘れてはなりません。


When Commander Arashi Kamimura of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's Yokosuka Education Corps retired, he left behind words that resonated deeply:

"Ichigen Sanryū, let blood, sweat, and tears flow rightly."

The meaning of this phrase is as follows: One source is the "heart of sincerity," and from this source, three streams flow.

The first stream is "bleed for the nation" (国のために血を流せ). The second stream is "sweat for yourself" (己のために清き汗を流せ). The third stream is "shed beautiful tears for others" (人のために美しき涙を流せ).

This philosophy echoes the sentiments expressed by great figures in history. During World War II, Winston Churchill famously called for "blood, sweat, and tears," urging immense effort and sacrifice.

Looking back, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Japanese government provided $13 billion in war expenses, yet then Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told Japan to "show the flag." This led to a trauma that, in 2004, saw Japan responding to the call for "boots on the ground" by dispatching ground troops. Recently, the demand has been for Japan to "be bleeding," to show even greater commitment.

In the "Seamanlike" teachings introduced by Commander Kamimura in the "Code of Conduct for Naval Officers," there is a strong emphasis on maintaining dignity and honor, without losing face or tarnishing reputation. This traditional spirit, cultivated over the 73-year history of the navy, remains a timeless principle relevant to modern Japan.

We bear the responsibility of making educational and political decisions that do not tarnish the soul or pride of the Japanese people (braw blood). Engraving Commander Kamimura’s words in our hearts, we must remember to let blood, sweat, and tears flow from the heart of sincerity for the nation, for ourselves, and for others.

May these words serve as a guiding principle for the young people who will lead Japan into the future.